When I saw the video of Qu Ying and Hu Bing today, I was shocked to realize that these two are the first couples in domestic entertainment that I have ever admired. At that time, there was no such term as CP, and the popular name was screen couple. Qu Ying and Hu Bing acted

I saw the video of Qu Ying and Hu Bing today, and I was shocked to realize that these two are the first pair of CPs in domestic entertainment that I have ever admired.

At that time, there was no such thing as cp. The popular name was screen couple. Qu Ying and Hu Bing acted in "True Confession", which is considered to be the best in the field of domestic entertainment idol dramas. The TV series received good ratings and was later followed by a sequel, "True Farewell." In addition, the two have a very good relationship in private, and the public thinks that they must be a couple - but it turns out they are not.

But real lovers are not as stable as real friends. Qu Ying and her ex-boyfriends - Li Yapeng and Zhang Yadong have probably stopped communicating with each other. Instead, they have remained friends with Hu Bing for 34 years. Any relationship that lasts for 34 years without turning against each other is considered a good relationship. Whether they are a couple or not, and whether they are really together, doesn't seem to matter that much.

They call each other "old friends" and "family". In short, they are not romantic partners. When a person reaches a certain age, love in the narrow sense does not seem to be that important. Having friends and family is more stable. They can speak out affectionate confessions without restraint and make people believe that they are true.

There are several pairs of such friends in the entertainment industry, such as Zhou Xun and Chen Kun. These two are so good that their reputations are tied together. Some time ago, Zhou Xun was ridiculed as "Da Ru" because of his performance in "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace", and Chen Kun's "Tian Sheng Chang Ge" was immediately taken out - who said this is not A kind of friend-like "two kinds of people can't sleep under the same bed"?

Their friendship is not the highlight of each other's lives, but it is always the main theme. Zhou Xun loves to fall in love. From Li Yapeng to Gao Shengyuan, who later got married, her love is the most talked about. In the end, none of these loves came to fruition. Instead, Chen Kun has always been by her side.

The same goes for Chen Kun. There was a time when the most popular person in his friend list was "Little Swallow", but you are like this. Everyone knows that if Chen Kun has only one good friend, then this person must be Zhou Xun. Even when doing the walking power project, Chen Kun had to pull Zhou Xun along.

Later I heard a word called "direct friends". A person can have many friends and be nice to all of them, but there can only be one "direct friend". When I learned about this term, "direct friend" was used to describe Xie Na and He Jiong. My first reaction was - this description is too accurate.

For a decent person like He Jiong, probably everyone he has come into contact with in the entertainment industry can become friends, and we all know that he must have friends all over the world. But if you were asked to name He Jiong's number one friend right away, the name that would definitely come to your mind would be Xie Na.

He Jiong is very good to Xie Na, so much so that many people speculate that he must have something in Xie Na's hands. He said that he and Xie Na will always be friends. At work, he will help Xie Na smooth things over, control her state, and take her on the show together; in life, when Xie Na gives birth to a child, He Jiong will put down work to accompany her; Xie Na also said that she I never settled a bill with He Jiong.

From a secular perspective, He Jiong must have no shortage of friends. If the criteria for becoming his "real friend" are excellence and thoughtfulness, then he can definitely find someone more suitable than Xie Na. However, if this "direct friend" is to be accumulated over a long period of time, then Xie Na is indeed a friend that He Jiong personally cultivated during his long acting career.

We think Xie Na’s abilities are mediocre, but He Jiong already knew Xie Na’s problems. In 2004, he participated in a program hosted by Xie Na as a singer and appeared as a guest. He immediately teased Xie Na for being "crazy" on stage. From very early on, it was He Jiong's muscle memory to control the scene for Xie Na.

Later, some netizens discussed why He Jiong was so nice to him, and the most common guess was "protection". This kind of protection does not involve feelings between men and women, but is more like a brother's protection of his sister.He Jiong is very capable, so he is used to taking care of others. Some people say that he just likes to control the field, so he always has some "idiots" around him - Xie Na is his direct descendant.

It’s a bit funny to say this, but it’s basically the same as what I call a direct friend. It is a very happy thing for people to have direct friends, because direct friends allow us to be ourselves without being defensive.

If we want to be children, our close friends can protect us like our parents; if we want to relax, our close friends can become the funniest atmosphere group. From this perspective, Teacher He, who is used to various operations in the entertainment industry, may prefer Xie Na's carefree character.

Direct friends can satisfy our deepest intimacy needs. As I write this, I think of Yang Zi and Qiao Xin. Qiao Xin said that she would check every interview with Yang Zi to make sure that the good friends she mentioned were all hers. Later, when she learned about Qiao Xin's scandal, she was probably like a little girl in her heart. She had to constantly confirm that she was loved and be firm. Being chosen, she must repeatedly confirm that she is the proof of love in friendship, and Yang Zi will indeed respond to her in this way.

People who have direct friends will have peace of mind no matter what situation they encounter. Having such a friendship is something to be envied whether you are in the entertainment industry or not.