"Sauvignon Blanc 2" starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Tan Jianci and others has been screened for its finale ahead of schedule, and the complicated and sadistic emotional entanglement between Xiaoyao and several male protagonists has also come to a complete end. There are

Starring Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Tan Jianci and others, " Sauvignon Blanc 2" has been screened in advance for its finale, and the complex and sadistic emotional entanglements between Xiaoyao and several male protagonists have also been revealed. To put an end to it. There are those who are happy, there are those who are regretful, those who eat Yaojing are all happy, and those who eat Yaoliu are both heart and soul.

Although Tu Shanjing is still the official partner according to the original version, the last few episodes are still very different from the novel. Especially Xuanxuan's line is simply a magical transformation.

In the novel, Xuanxuan united with Tu Shanhou to secretly kill Tu Shanjing. However, the drama version changed the murderer to Chen Rong Xinyue, while Xuanxuan only admitted to killing Tu Shanjing in a fantasy.

So in the play, we saw the same famous scene where Xiaoyao and Xuanxuan were in a confrontation and went crazy. Xiaoyao stabbed Xuanxuan with a knife. Others were worried that Xuanxuan would be injured, so they pulled away and imprisoned Xiaoyao on Xiaoyueding. Xiaoyao opened the chains that bound her and asked Xuanxuan to come to the Phoenix Forest. The two recalled the past together and asked Xuanxuan to eat poisonous phoenix flowers with her to die. In the end, Xiaoyao still couldn't do it and did not poison Xuanxuan, but just used anesthetic. Xiaoyao was poisoned and died in Xuanxuan's arms. Xuanxuan was heartbroken.

The sad atmosphere is exaggerated to the extreme. However, this all exists in an illusion. It is the test of Xuanxuan by King Xi Yan. It turns out that Xuanxuan did not kill Tu Shanjing, nor did he go crazy, and Xiaoyao did not die. I have to say, these adaptations are a bit outrageous. It gives people a sense of déjà vu as if something big happened but turned out to be just a dream. When you wake up from the dream, everything becomes ordinary.

The drama version of Xuanxuan was completely cleared. He did not kill Tu Shanjing and did not break up with Xiaoyao. After Tu Shanjing's death, Xiaoyao was sad for a while but regained her composure and focused on compiling medical books. Tu Shanjing's sense of existence was weakened.

When Xuanxuan saw how sad Xiaoyao was without Tu Shanjing in the fantasy world, he decided not to hurt her anymore and respect all decisions made to support her. This period of unrequited love has ended, and the two still have a deep love for each other as brother and sister.

The murderer of Tu Shanjing was passed on to Chenrong Xinyue, so the crazy person became her. Every character in the play said that she was crazy and jealous of Xiaoyao, so she planned to assassinate Xiaoyao, but she was killed. Tu Shanjing. Later, it was said that Xiaoyao was a disaster star, and both Fangfengbei and Tushanjing died because of Xiaoyao.

In the original work, Chen Rong Xinyue’s two assassinations of Xiao Yao were also changed very differently, resulting in the key character Left Ear not appearing until the finale. Zuo Er appeared in "Sauvignon Blanc 1", and Xiang Liu encouraged him in the Coliseum with Xiao Yao as Feng Bei. Zuo Er persisted in the Colosseum for forty years, and finally regained his freedom because of their encouragement.

Zuoer thanked Xiaoyao and Fangfengbei from the bottom of his heart. Chenrong Xinyue wanted to get rid of Xiaoyao. On the day Xiaoyao wore her wedding dress and completed the wedding alone, she hired killers to lure Xiaoyao to the sea. Zuo Er was one of the killers. Zuo Er always remembered the kindness between Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu, and later became Xiao Yao's bodyguard. Chen Rong Xinyue attempted to kill Xiao Yao for the second time, but luckily Zuo Er appeared in time to save Xiao Yao. It's a pity that such an important character didn't appear in the second season.

It was also because Chen Rong Xinyue killed Tu Shanjing that Chishui Fenglong took the initiative to ask for a battle to fight against Chen Rong's army, hoping to intercede for his sister in the future and save her identity and life. In the

novel, Chishui Toyotaka died on the battlefield, but in the drama version, he was shot by Xiang Liu to save Cang Xuan and died blocking the sword. The ending was a bit perfunctory. Before he died, he pleaded for Chen Rong Xinyue, and also revealed that Tu Shanjing was the one who supported Xuanxuan and was the military advisor behind him all these years.

Because of Fenglong's death, Xiaoyao also completely broke with Xiangliu and shot him with the swordsmanship that Xiangliu taught her. In order to understand the lover's poison, Xiang Liu deliberately provoked Xiao Yao and drained her of her blood. The actual purpose was to refine the antidote and keep her safe.

Xiang Liu chose to kill his lover Gu in exchange for his life, and continued on the battlefield after losing two lives. Even if he fights to the end, he will never surrender. It is very tragic to be pierced by thousands of arrows.

Xuanxuan unified the world and became the only king of the wilderness. Tu Shanjing fell into the sea and was rescued by Xiang Liu. After returning, he married Xiaoyao and lived a happy life in seclusion.

So, are you satisfied with this ending?

Wen/Yujun falls into the stars (pictures come from the Internet, please contact us for deletion)

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