Recently, a Sichuan girl named Cheese (pseudonym) was washed away by the sea at a beach in Shizuoka Prefecture on the east coast of Japan's Izu Peninsula. She could not swim and only relied on a swimming ring to float on the sea to survive. Nearly 40 hours later, she was finally

Recently, a Sichuan girl cheese (pseudonym) was washed away by the sea at a beach in Shizuoka Prefecture on the east coast of Japan's Izu Peninsula. She could not swim and only relied on a swimming ring to float on the sea to survive. Nearly 40 hours later, she was finally rescued by a passing ship. When

was floating on the sea, during the day, there were seabirds hovering eagerly in the sky, and there were dangerous creatures that might appear in the water at any time; at night, she was surrounded by a bone-deep cold, and waves four to five meters high often came crashing over her.

She told the CCTV reporter about this thrilling "journey". She said that she was very grateful to herself for persevering in the face of adversity, and hoped that this story could bring confidence and courage to more people.

"Drifting on the sea for a day and two nights, what I felt most was not loneliness and fear. Instead, the images of my mother cooking and being accompanied by friends played repeatedly in my mind. I think it was these ordinary images that gave me strength."

She holds on to hope every minute, every second

🕖July 8, 19:00

"Being washed away is a matter of seconds"

Cheese is a junior student, and this time she comes to Japan. A trip abroad was the first time she saw the sea.

Since she grew up inland, seeing the sea has become the focus of her travels. At around 6 o'clock in the evening on the 8th, in order to cool off the heat, she and her friends decided to go to Shirahama Ohama Beach in Shizuoka Prefecture. According to the plan, this is their last stop in Shizuoka Prefecture.

At that time, many people were playing at the beach. Cheese and his friends also went into the water with rented swimming rings and surfboards. At first, they played where their feet could touch the sand, and then slowly moved deeper. When the water reached their upper arms, the two relied on swimming rings to float, stretched their feet to their respective surfboards, and floated for a distance while lying down.

This move made them lose their awareness of the depth of the water. When the two decided to go back, they unexpectedly discovered that their feet could no longer touch the beach.

Cheese relied on the swimming ring to swim hard to the shore. At first, she could feel herself getting closer and closer to the shore. Halfway through, her friend who was behind her gradually overtook her and called her to go faster. She responded to her friend: "I'll be here soon."

Cheese swam for a while, looked up and found that her friend had already landed. It was at that moment that she suddenly realized that she seemed to be swimming farther and farther away. Looking back later, she felt that she had probably encountered a rip current, "everything happened too fast."

Her friend called her anxiously from the shore, but soon she could no longer hear her friend's voice, and the waves drowned everything. Being pushed further and further away from the sea, she decisively abandoned her surfboard and tried to save herself by pushing on the swimming ring. However, compared with the sea, her strength was too weak.

The sun was about to set and the temperature was getting lower and lower, but Cheese was not very pessimistic at the time - his friend would definitely find a way to find someone to save him.

🕛July 9th at 0:00

"I saw the search and rescue boat leaving, and the search and rescue lights were also out."

After discovering that the cheese had been washed away, the friend immediately asked for help from the people on the shore, and rushed into the convenience store to borrow a phone to report the matter. police. Friends who don't speak Japanese finally found "rescuemen" after going through many twists and turns. Of course, I only learned about this process after Cheese was saved.

Cheese remembered that when she was washed away by the waves, she saw the sunset appear on the horizon, and then it darkened little by little. Later, two rows of street lights on the hillside on the shore came on, outlining a winding shape. She tried to face the shore, ready to meet the rescuers.

Soaked in the water, she lost judgment of time. I don't know if it was an hour or two hours later, but a very bright headlight was suddenly set up on the shore, and the light hit her directly. She suddenly felt hopeful and waved her left and right hands alternately, "They will definitely be able to see me."

Maybe it was because Cheese was wearing a black swimsuit and was not conspicuous in the sea, or maybe because her figure was too small in the sea, her wave was not responded to .

Later, the rescue ship came and started searching in three directions: left, center and right, and Cheese was on the left side where the ship first searched. When was closest, she estimated that she was only twenty meters away from the search and rescue ship. She tried her best to wave and shout, but she watched the ship leave and search in the wrong direction.

Gradually, the roar of the ship became farther and farther until it disappeared. At midnight, the big lights on the shore also went out. Her heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and her hands and feet stopped paddling. "But then I thought, they might just rest at night, and they will definitely come again tomorrow."

🕒July 9th at 3:00

"I saw the lighthouse, the Milky Way and shooting stars"

At night, the waves became bigger and faster under the influence of the tide, and the sound of the rolling waves made Cheese feel quiet and noisy. She was hurt by the waves, and she tried her best to turn her back to the waves, but the salty sea water kept pouring into her mouth and nose, and her tongue soon lost all feeling.

With only a swimming ring for company, she was as thin as a leaf, being carried away by the waves and drifting . Since falling into the water, she has maintained a posture with two arms on the swimming ring, holding a line on the swimming ring tightly in her hand. She was afraid that if she wasn't careful, her only "partner" would disappear.

The temperature at sea is getting colder and colder. For a moment, Cheese wanted to try the feeling of "suffocation". She buried her head in the water, but the feeling of choking made her escape back to the surface reflexively.

" It was not so much the desire to survive that saved me, but the fear of death that brought me back to reality. ." She said that she could not bear the feeling of drowning, and was not willing to die alone in a foreign country. Want to live.

Most of her body was soaked in sea water, and the cold went from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. The word she was least willing to face repeatedly appeared in her mind, that is " hypothermia ". She put her left and right hands alternately to her mouth to breathe, and at the same time turned her back to the waves as much as possible to save herself energy.

Cheese saw several lighthouses shining in the distance, and tried to get closer, but failed without exception. In loneliness and despair, what she remembered was the scenes she spent with her family and friends. " I really want to eat the food cooked by my mother. I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it again."

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and she was not sleepy at all. Looking up at the sky, she saw the brilliant Milky Way and captured a few shooting stars. These were things she had longed to see before.

"I thought to myself, am I afraid that I will leave regrets, so I saw these things on the sea? But that's not right! I am still so young, and there are many more scenery I want to see. If my life ends like this, Then I will have more regrets."

🕛July 9th, 12:00

"No ship really stayed for me"

The sun rose and the sea returned to warmth and calm. Cheese looked around and found that he could no longer see the coast, only a few high mountains. At noon when the sun was high in the sky, she could no longer see the shadow of the mountain.

She was stung by a blue jellyfish on her hand. The red wound stung and there was a lot of mucus left on the back of her hand. Unable to determine whether the jellyfish was poisonous, she could only immerse her hands in seawater and use "salt water" to disinfect them. She couldn't find food, the sea water couldn't be drank, and the skin all over her body turned white and wrinkled because of being soaked in water.

Feeling uneasy, she suddenly smelled the smell of gasoline, and then saw three ships on the sea. The pain was immediately forgotten by her. At that time, she had only one thought: If I could get on the boat, I would be saved..

She paddled with all her strength and was only more than 20 meters away from one of the boats. She shouted and waved desperately, trying to prove to the ships that "she was still alive", but she never saw anyone. "Later I suspected that these boats were automatically controlled and there were no people on them."

The boats showed no signs of rescue, and her idea of ​​climbing on to the boats was shattered. She found that whenever she got close to a boat, the current around it pushed her further away.

In the afternoon, all three ships sailed away. In despair, Cheese could only cheer herself up: "Being able to see the ship proves that I am in the operating area or on the waterway. I will definitely encounter other opportunities."

A group of large birds that look like vultures are always circling around her. , some even swooped down from time to time, seeming to be observing her condition. She was hungry and thirsty, and the arms holding the swimming ring were getting weaker and weaker. Fortunately, the cloudy weather that day protected her from the strong ultraviolet rays.

In the evening, Cheese was surprised to find that the three "unmanned ships" appeared again. Following them were two other small boats. She immediately regained her fighting spirit and tried to get closer to the ship. Finally, a white boat stopped. This was the first time she saw a ship stop.

She kept shouting "help" and kicked the waves with her feet, trying to make as much noise as possible. But I don’t know whether it was because my figure was too small, or whether the ship just stayed for work. Ten minutes later, it drove away again. From beginning to end, she didn't see a single person.

🕓July 10th at 4:00

"I dreamed that I stepped on the ground"

Night came again, cheese was wrapped in boundless darkness , no trace of human activities could be found around him, and the sea surface became smaller than before One night was even more sinister.

Cheese recalled that the night before she could still use her back to resist the waves, but this night, she seemed to have fallen into a place where "waves piled on top of each other". The first wave hit her face, the next one hit her back, and then another one hit her from the side... She was hit so dizzy.

Because she had not eaten for too long, her whole body was exhausted, and her head was weakly leaning on the swimming ring. "She was really struggling." She began to imagine that common plots in TV dramas could happen to her, "Will I open my eyes the next day and be blown to the shore?"

In the middle of the night, she felt very tired, and she began to feel dizzy. Start dreaming.

In her dream, her friend told her that there was no need to call for help from a passing ship, she could just go and take a bus and leave. She also took the slippers handed to her by her friend and finally stepped onto the ground. This feeling of solidity and comfort is exactly what she has always longed for.

The sweet dream did not last long, and she was awakened by a mouthful of salty and bitter sea water. At that time, she almost slipped off the swimming ring, but fortunately she held the rope on the swimming ring tightly in her hand.

🕘July 10th at 9:00

"I saw people on the sea for the first time, and I was saved"

The wind and waves gradually subsided, and it was dawn. The rising sun and the warmth that came with it once again made Cheese feel hopeful. But she also knew that her physical condition could not last much longer. "Every passing ship is my last hope. Either death or life, today is the day."

She saw a cargo ship carrying containers. Just when she was about to approach, the ship moved away. . In fact, her physical strength at that time could hardly support her swimming in the water, and she could only draw the ship's attention by slapping the water.

About 9 o'clock, Cheese saw another yellow ship with a very tall mast on it, and a vague figure on the deck, which seemed to be waving to her. This was the first time she saw a person at sea, and the first time she got a response.

She was afraid of missing it again, so she yelled at the top of her lungs and kicked the water with her feet. She wants to prove to the crew that she is alive and wants to continue living.

Not long after, another ship came and signaled her to "swim out". She tried her best to cooperate with the crew, but was unable to do so. In the end, the crew threw down the rope and lifebuoy and went into the water to rescue her. Just like in the dream, this time, she really set foot on "flat ground".

The crew members were surprised to learn that this girl had been drifting alone at sea for three days to survive. Even the captain sighed: "This Chinese girl is really amazing."

🕛 July 10, 12:00

"I don't know why, I never shed tears"

Soon, Cheese was sent to the hospital. She drifted a straight-line distance of more than 80 kilometers , but after inspection, apart from dehydration, sunburn and abrasions on her armpits, she was fine.

After receiving the news, his friend rushed over immediately. Cheese found that his friend’s eyes were red and swollen. Later she learned that her friend had never given up searching in the past few days. She canceled her ticket to return to China, relied on translation software, contacted private rescue teams, and even found a diving instructor, focusing on finding her.

’s family is also rushing to apply for passports and prepare to rush over to find their daughter. When they learned that their daughter had been rescued, they were surprised at first, and then cried on the phone, as if they had shed a lifetime of tears. "But I never cried, and I didn't understand why."

Cheese said, "I am just an ordinary person who chooses to persevere in the storm. I just want to persevere a little more, and I will be closer to going home. ”

She also did not deny her ignorance and negligence in this accident. Before going to the beach, she did not do enough homework. She did not know that the beach had not officially opened to the sea at that time, so it was not equipped with lifeguards and observers. She also did not see any signs at the entrance of the beach warning that no entry was allowed; "Landlubber" "She jumped into the water rashly, which was also a huge mistake.

Today, cheese has returned home to Sichuan. She said that she wanted to learn to swim and learn more about the ocean. More importantly, she wanted to feel the world and live up to everyone's love.


Written at the end

After reading the story of Cheese, I thought of a lyric: " I am gritting my teeth and holding on for this lovely life. "

From hope to despair and then to hope, this is a hymn to life.

Cheese is only 21 years old, but her youth does not make her confused in the face of fear. She insists on living because she thinks of the love and beauty waiting for her on the shore; Cheese said that she is 1.58 meters tall, but her small body is A burst of extraordinary courage, even if the struggle is so small compared to nature, the power of will and belief is not underestimated.

Death was in front of her, but she was amazed that she could see the stars and mirages in the sky; hope slipped away time and time again, but she still firmly believed that there would always be a ship coming for her; her strength had not recovered after being rescued, but she remembered The handsomeness of the rescue workers, the swollen eyes of her friends from crying, and the specialty of her hometown's stilted beef... She said that this experience allowed her to see big storms, but she also remembered that after the storm, life should be as usual, and this year's postgraduate entrance examination journey will continue.

The vitality of ordinary people can always bring us lasting warmth and touch. I hope that you who read this story can rekindle your confidence in yourself. The lighthouse will not let down those who set sail. So, at any time, don’t be afraid and don’t lose hope.

Producer丨Li Zhe

Chief Editor丨Ma Wenjia

Reporter丨Huang Oriole Wang Yulong Li Juan

Editor丨Li Juan Li Jinchan

Proofreading丨Gao Shaozhuo

Part of the material丨China Ministry of Emergency Management, Visual China

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