Without the mutual reminders and supervision of "pulling at the corners of clothes and tugging at sleeves", the road to corruption will be more likely to lead to darkness. Recently, the "Incorruptible Sichuan" column aired the "Traffic Safety" section of "Traffic Safety" "No Endi

Without the mutual reminders and supervision of "pulling at the corners of clothes and tugging at sleeves", the road to corruption will be easier to lead to blackmail

Recently, the "Incorruptible Sichuan" column broadcast the "Tiger Swatting Flies" episode " Traffic Safety Has No Endpoint" introduces typical cases of Ma Weihua, former director of Pingshan County Transportation Bureau, and Tan Zhiping, former deputy director of Pingshan County Transportation Bureau. In 2023, Ma Weihua was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison and fined RMB 700,000 for corruption and bribery; Tan Zhiping was sentenced to 11 years in prison and fined RMB 700,000 for corruption and bribery. 620,000 yuan.

A director and a deputy director, former colleagues, now "comrades". In the long-term corruption alliance, Ma Weihua and Tan Zhiping formed a tacit cooperation to complete corruption directly through the boss as a bridge without meeting each other. With such a tacit understanding, Ma Weihua used the tendering agency's signature delivery process to "accidentally" reveal the name of the bidder he intended to win. The relevant handling staff "understood it by heart". After a set of operating procedures, the bosses can be said to have won the bid. It's a sure thing. Whoever "bids the highest" will win the bid, which has become an established rule of the Pingshan County transportation system.

The former deputy directors of the Transportation Bureau tacitly cooperated with each other to engage in power-for-money transactions and used transportation engineering project bidding and other activities to make money crazily. His partner in business and entrepreneurship has become a corrupt and money-making partner. This scene actually seems familiar. Among the corrupt officials who have been sacked before, the former mayor of Heyuan City Peng Jianwen and the former deputy mayor Li Yangda, the former director of the Hubei Provincial Local Taxation Bureau Yang Tianran and the former deputy director Luo Tao, the former director of the Chenzhou Municipal Civil Defense Office Bai Guanghua and the former deputy director Li Shiping are all in this way. He was a colleague before the incident, but was "double fired" on the same day after the incident. The phenomenon of work partners turning into "money partners" should arouse enough alarm.

Colleagues in a team work together in a tacit understanding to commit corruption, making it more hidden and more difficult to investigate and deal with. At the beginning of 2022, the Pingshan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision carried out a special management of transportation engineering project bidding, and conducted a comprehensive review and analysis of more than 2,000 transportation engineering projects in the county in the past 10 years. A total of more than 400 engineering projects were found to have problems, and the main manifestations were In terms of the small number of companies participating in the bidding, the winning company is relatively fixed, and the winning amount is small compared to the bidding price. In other words, if the bidding process of these two people was not so fake, it might have been difficult to detect for a while.

Colleagues become "comrades", and the harm will be greater. Colleague relationships are not only a necessary partner in work arrangements, but also a necessary constraint in institutional arrangements. When colleagues in a team sink collectively under the temptation of money and interests, the damage to the image of a unit system and public interests in related fields will be extremely huge. With the tacit cooperation of "bribery partners", corruption and bribery seem to have become more organized. With careful planning, it is easier to put on the cloak of legality and form a colluding offensive and defensive alliance. Without the mutual reminders and supervisions of "pulling at the corners of clothes and tugging at sleeves", it will be easier for corruption to lead to the dark side.

A clear and refreshing gay relationship, a well-behaved superior-subordinate relationship, and a new political and business relationship that is pro-Qing and unified are the "three sets of relationships" we want to promote. Handling these "three sets of relationships" well is actually a required course for every party member and cadre. If we have the same virtue, we have the same heart, and if we have the same heart, we have comrades. Only by sharing common ideals, beliefs, directions and goals, and maintaining integrity and cleanliness can we have a clear and refreshing gay relationship.

To prevent work partners from becoming "bribery partners" and break up the community of interests that cling to corruption, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision system arrangements at the same level, further increase the intensity of punishment, and build a good political ecology. overturns the "tacit understanding of making money" and "bribery partners" by sorting out the bidding information of transportation engineering projects. This idea of ​​"big data to combat corruption" is worth learning and promoting.

Special commentator of Red Star News Shu Shengxiang

Editor Wang Yintao

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