On July 20, "Fubao" celebrated its 4th birthday, which was also its first birthday in its hometown. In the early morning of that day, "Fubao" walked out of the inner circle leisurely, and first patrolled along the outer circle. Then, it strolled to the pool in the center of the c

On July 20,

"Fubao" celebrated his 4th birthday,

which was also his first birthday in his hometown.

In the early morning of that day,

"Fubao" walked out of the inner circle leisurely,

first conducted a patrol along the outer circle.


it strolled to the pool in the center of the courtyard,

gently dipped its paws into the cool water,

splashed with waves,

enjoying the coolness and comfort of summer.

Outside the enclosure,

tourists lined up to see "Fubao".

Many people traveled thousands of miles just to see its cuteness.

In order to popularize scientific knowledge about giant pandas and

increase social participation in biodiversity conservation,

China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center Wolong Shenshuping Base

hosted the "'Eating' Light Silently Growth and Signs of Growth"

Giant Panda Birthday Season Enrichment The event

html was held at the Wolong Shenshuping Base on the 19th.

"Fubao" also participated in this birthday season event.

A string of

"firecrackers" cleverly made of bamboo were hung in the pen.

He quickly removed them and

ate them while sniffing them. The bamboo in

's mouth made a crisp sound.

Let’s take a look at the long picture of “Fubao”’s life after returning to China!

Every year from July to September,

is the concentrated calving season for captive giant pandas,

is also the birthday season for giant pandas.

In addition to "Fubao",

giant pandas such as "Little Miracle", "Taishan" and "Hua Hu" who celebrated their birthdays recently also enjoyed sumptuous "summer enrichment gifts" at the birthday season enrichment event.

It is understood that

China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center will also hold giant panda birthday season enrichment activities at

base in Dujiangyan and

in Ya'an base respectively in August and September.