Recently, a 42-year-old woman suffered from severe hair loss after suffering from cancer. After her husband helped her shave her head, she also shaved her head. Someone praised: "The moment her husband shaved off his hair, all the idol dramas were weak." Cancer-stricken woman Wan

Recently, a 42-year-old woman suffered from severe hair loss after suffering from cancer. After her husband helped her shave her head, she also shaved her head. Someone praised and said: "The moment her husband shaved off his hair, all idol dramas were weak."

Wang Xiaobei, a cancer-stricken woman, was the national champion of the eighth season of the female talent and emotional reality show "Mamma Mia". She is also a coser (meaning "role player") and a mother of three children. After being diagnosed with cancer, she actively treated her and made a plan to take 999 sets of "rebirth photos".

Wang Xiaobei challenged to take 999 sets of rebirth photos. Picture/Social media screenshot

The following is her story.

【1】I cried loudly after seeing my husband shave his head

In October 2023, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was my husband who discovered the problem at first. When I went for a check-up, I was still thinking about how a sunny and cheerful person like me could get cancer. The test results were unexpected. Fortunately, I had a good attitude. I felt that I could not be scared to death. I wanted to scare it to death.

I liked taking pictures before I got sick. I am a coser. Taking pictures is a "recharge" moment for me, which makes me secrete dopamine and endorphins and enjoy it. After I fell ill, I made a plan to take 999 sets of rebirth photos. On the one hand, it was out of my love for taking pictures, and on the other hand, I wanted to freeze the beautiful moments in life.

I made a blind box of the types of photos I wanted to take, and each time I randomly selected them, it was also a surprise.

But it is not always possible to be optimistic. The pain, treatments, and side effects of the medications were overwhelming me, especially the long nights when I had to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep. I couldn't even lift my arms or kick my legs properly.

Chemotherapy caused a lot of loss of my originally thick hair. Looking at the hair all over the room, I decided to shave it off. I couldn't do it at first, so I asked my husband for help. He repeatedly confirmed with me, and I firmly asked him to shave it off.

didn’t expect that after shaving my head, he also shaved his own. I know that he is a person who loves to dress up. He works hard to style himself every morning and has more hair wax, splints and other hairdressing tools than I do. Seeing him shave off his proud head, I burst into tears and couldn't hold it in any longer.

But after he shaved my head with me, I didn’t feel so uncomfortable. After all, there were people like me, and I no longer had to worry about other people’s strange eyes. My son also particularly likes my head and comforts me by saying that it feels like a hairless cat. Shaving my head will not affect my photography. I also plan to play some bald characters, such as Brother Ikkyu.

The couple shaved their heads together. Picture/Social media screenshot

[2] Live happily every day

After I got cancer, I posted a post online to collect wish lists. Someone suggested that I go to the North Pole and Antarctica. I will consider it when my health improves. I love traveling, and I also want to go to various places in my motherland to experience the unique culture.

I had surgery last month. The chemotherapy made me so painful that I couldn’t move. I was diagnosed with fourth-degree bone marrow suppression and was hospitalized again. Fortunately, things have improved recently. I can speak "full of energy" and my mentality is much better.

Cancer cannot be changed, but my mentality can. I tell myself that I must be optimistic and positive and live happily every day. Now I am not afraid of other people’s eyes when I go out alone. I believe that confidence is the best beauty. As long as you have a bright and confident smile on your face, you will look good no matter how you take the photo.

hopes that everyone can get rid of appearance anxiety and be happy every day.

Jiupai News intern reporter Yang Yuting reporter Yang Bingyu

Editor Wang Jiaqing

[Source: Jiupai News]