Dahe Daily·Yu video reporter Hou Bingyu reported on July 19 that the agency of Liu Peipei, a well-known actor who has appeared in well-known film and television works such as "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Yang Family Heroine", issued an

Dahe Daily·Yu Video Reporter Hou Bingyu

On July 19, the agency of Liu Peipei, a well-known actor who has appeared in well-known film and television works such as "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "The Female General of the Yang Family", issued an article confirming that Zheng Peipei has arrived in the United States time Died on July 17.

Zheng Peipei was diagnosed with neurodegenerative atypical parkinsonism in 2019. This is a rare and severe neurodegenerative disease, also called "corticobasal degeneration " (CBD), with symptoms similar to those of Parkinson's disease. The disease is similar. The general age of onset is 60-80 years old, with an average age of 63 years. The onset is insidious, and current treatments cannot alleviate the condition.

Su Chunhe, deputy chief physician of the Department of Neurology and deputy director of the Neurology Teaching and Research Office of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, told reporters that the symptoms of CBD include akinesia, myotonia, dystonia, focal myoclonus, and ideomotor apraxia. and alien limb phenomena, as well as cognitive or behavioral abnormalities.

In other words, after suffering from this disease, patients may experience limb stiffness, unstable posture, falls, blepharospasm, muscle spasm, etc. in terms of movement.

In terms of language and cognition, it will affect the patient's language ability. Patients may have difficulty expressing their thoughts and understanding the meaning of sentences. At the same time, patients will also experience cognitive decline, mainly manifested as executive function, speech, and visuospatial dysfunction, while memory function is relatively preserved.

Apraxia of limbs is also one of its core symptoms. It is understood that 57% of CBD patients have limb apraxia. The patient cannot follow instructions to complete complex movements or imitate movements, but the patient knows how to do it, can speak it out, and can also complete related actions spontaneously. For example, if the patient is asked to pick up the mobile phone, he cannot complete it, but when the mobile phone rings, he can pick it up naturally.

cbd will also have symptoms of “alien limbs”. Patients may experience complex and unconscious limb movements, or may feel that their limbs are not part of themselves and have their own will, or may simply manifest as simple uncontrolled lifting of limbs.

According to Su Chunhe, the current treatment of CBD is mainly symptomatic and supportive treatment of cognitive, motor and dystonia. At the same time, comprehensive non-drug treatment and palliative care are also important parts of CBD therapy. According to a large number of clinical studies, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation has a certain effect on improving the quality of life of CBD patients, but deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy has no obvious effect on CBD patients.

According to reports, Zheng Peipei chose to donate her brain to the Brain Support Network (BSN) for medical research.

Source: Dahe Daily·Yu Video Editor: Guo Lipei