On July 18, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra and the Shenzhen Concert Hall jointly presented the "Wandering Chamber Music" series of concerts, which ushered in the world debut of the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra. The Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra, which was just established this year,

On July 18, the "Wandering Chamber Music" series of concerts jointly presented by the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra and the Shenzhen Concert Hall ushered in the world debut of the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra. The Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra, which was just established this year, is the first professional chamber orchestra in Shenzhen. It was established by the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra. With top-notch configuration and a "small but beautiful" structure, it has formed a domestic first-class master-level chamber orchestra with international performance standards. Let the world hear the exquisite and gorgeous chamber music from Shenzhen, China, and let more people feel the charm of classical music. The establishment of this new orchestra not only fills the gap in the field of chamber music in Shenzhen, but also injects new vitality and hope into the city's music culture.

Top musicians have joined, and the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra has made its debut.

Shenzhen, a modern metropolis known for its innovation and vitality, has also performed well in the field of music for a long time. In the field of chamber music, there is a lack of a truly professional orchestra. The establishment of the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra filled this gap. The orchestra was formed by the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra. Its core members include a number of musicians with high reputations on the international stage, including lifelong concertmaster of the Deutsche Symphony Orchestra in Berlin, distinguished professor at Guangzhou Xinghai Conservatory of Music, violinist Lu Wei, and lifelong concertmaster of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra in Germany. Violinist Zhou Qi, principal violinist of the Munich Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, Jin Zhenhong, lifelong guest principal viola of the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, postgraduate tutor at Xinghai Conservatory of Music and the Conservatory of Music of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), and the most active cello in China One of the performers is Nie Jiapeng, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra principal viola Yang Liuyin, Armenian Khachaturian Trio cellist and Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra principal cello Karen Kocharyan, etc. The joining of these core members enabled the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra to have top-notch configuration and international standards at the beginning of its establishment.

Jin Zhenhong, director of the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra, said in an interview with Nandu reporters that when building its core team, we made extremely detailed and careful selection of members. In view of the orchestra's positioning as a first-class domestic chamber orchestra with an international perspective, we strive for excellence and perfection when selecting members. Finally, through rigorous inspection and multi-perspective evaluation, we identified the current core members, who are all principals and professors from top symphony orchestras and well-known music schools at home and abroad.

The selection of music for the first show is unique and unique, and the string sextet

is the first professional chamber music group to make its debut, and the repertoire presented in the first show is even more ingenious. They opened the first half of the performance with Mendelssohn's elegant and profound "String Quartet No. 3 in D major, op. 44/1", and then played the major Russian national music composers of the late 19th century. , "String Sextet in D minor" with romantic style by Alexander Borodin, one of the members of the powerful group. The second half opened with Richard Strauss's "String Sextet" and ended with a string quartet version of Piazzolla's "Four Seasons in Buenos Aires".

It is worth mentioning that the second piece of the first half, Borodin's "String Sextet in D minor" and the opening piece of the second half, Richard Strauss's "String Sextet", were performed by the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra The musicians presented a less common type of chamber music - the string sextet. A string sextet consists of six string instruments, usually two violins, two violas, and two cellos (or double basses). This gorgeous lineup configuration is enough to bring a three-dimensional and rich listening experience to the audience.

A professional said that the string sextet is a very niche music form. The more complex structure requires the composer to have more rigorous musical thinking, and the difficulty of creation increases linearly. Therefore, the surviving works are very rare. This type of difficult work also requires performers to have strong overall control capabilities and accurate local control capabilities.

"For the first appearance of the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra, we strive for excellence in the selection of repertoire. The selected repertoire are all masterpieces by famous artists with high reputation in the history of music.We carefully selected Mendelssohn's "String Quartet No. 3 in D major" and Piazzolla's "Four Seasons in Buenos Aires" as the representative works of the quartet. At the same time, in order to present more complex and rich musical forms, we also specially selected Borodin's "String Sextet in D minor" and Richard Strauss's String Sextet from the opera "Capriccio" Encore. These two sextet works are particularly precious because of their unique musical structure and difficult creative skills. Their presentation will undoubtedly bring a rare musical feast to the audience. "Jin Zhenhong said.

The establishment of the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra, a major event in the Shenzhen music industry, not only brought high-level chamber music performances to Shenzhen music lovers, but also injected new ideas into the cultural development of the city. Vitality, we look forward to the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra bringing more surprises and touches to Shenzhen in its future music journey, and letting the world hear the exquisite and gorgeous chamber music from Shenzhen, China.

It is reported that the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra will also Performed on July 22 at Shenzhen Vientiane Theater, playing Borodin's "String Sextet in D Minor", Richard Strauss's "String Sextet from the Opera "Capriccio"" and Pia Zola's "Tango Suite", together with music fans, travel through the vast river of classical chamber music and experience the dazzling and charming scenery.


Interviewee: Jin Zhenhong, director of the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra

Nandu. : Why was the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra established? What does this mean for the Shenzhen music performance market?

Jin Zhenhong: Chamber music, as an ancient performance form in the early stages of classical music development, had original artistic value in the past. Due to the limitations of the period, the size of the house was too small to accommodate a large-scale performance venue in the modern sense. In view of the limitations of the performance space at that time and the aristocratic class's monopoly on music appreciation, the number of listeners and performers of chamber music was significantly limited, usually limited to a few. People participate. For instrumentalists, the training of chamber music and the cultivation of performance ability are crucial, and the ability to perform cooperatively is an indispensable quality for every performer.

In view of the important position of chamber music in the art of performance. , we believe that it is necessary to conduct in-depth publicity and promotion. However, Shenzhen has long lacked a professional professional chamber orchestra. In order to fill this gap, the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra actively planned and established the Shenzhen Chamber Orchestra. , can allow more people to understand and appreciate classical music, further enrich Shenzhen’s performance market, and enable citizens to enjoy the performances of domestic first-class master chamber orchestras with international standards at their doorsteps.

Nandu: What are the orchestra’s future development plans and goals. ?

Jin Zhenhong: We are committed to continuing to launch excellent music works and wonderful performances, aiming to enrich the performance market environment and enhance the overall artistic atmosphere of Shenzhen and the aesthetic quality of the audience. Many people are exposed to and understand chamber music, appreciate the unique charm of classical music, and contribute a solid force to the cultural and artistic construction of Shenzhen.

Written by: Nandu reporter Huang Lu

Pictures provided by the organizer.