One sword will make you poor, one sword will make you rich, and one sword will cover you in sackcloth - this sentence reveals the dangers of "gamble on stones". The mined raw jadeite is wrapped in a layer of weathered skin, and it is impossible to know whether the internal qualit

One sword will make you poor, one sword will make you rich, and one sword will cover you in sackcloth - this sentence reveals the dangers of "gamble on stones". The mined raw jadeite is wrapped in a layer of weathered skin, and it is impossible to know whether the internal quality is good or bad until it is cut. If it is "green", you may get rich overnight; if it is "white", you will lose everything.

When traditional offline transactions are moved into the online live broadcast room, an ordinary stone and the people behind it become bizarre and crazy.

Not long ago, Ms. Wang, a citizen, came across an advertisement for "Authentication and Testing the Authenticity of Jade". After adding customer service WeChat, she started her online "stone-opening" journey. Later, Ms. Wang learned that this was a carefully laid scam: everyone else in the live broadcast room was pretending to be a scammer, and she was the only one being ripped off.

Since the beginning of this year, Pudong police have uncovered many live broadcast "stone gambling" fraud cases. These criminal fraudsters use the live broadcast of "stone gambling" to recruit people to pretend to be anchors, experts and trolls, etc., and use stones that have been "windowed" in advance to pretend to be jadeite rough stones to defraud customers into "investing". However, increasingly varied fraud schemes have also left many victims in a fog of confusion.

Rough stone trading, you can make money by "getting on the bus"

That evening, when Ms. Wang clicked into the live broadcast room with the mentality of giving it a try, the anchor was busy on the workbench in the distance, and the sound of jade cutting could not be heard.

Her eyes were quickly attracted by the "raw stone" in the anchor's hand: a fist-sized black stone with a corner cut off, revealing a piece of white jade material. Even a layman like Ms. Wang could tell that the jade was not green enough. Others in the live broadcast room obviously didn't like it either. "Bring me something good!" Many netizens shouted in the comment area.

"Jadeite, if every cut is full of green, then the jadeite cannot have this value." As the anchor said, he picked up another black rough stone, put the flashlight tightly against the surface of the stone, and slowly shined it One lap.

Ms. Wang stared at the screen, and the stone faintly revealed some green light. The anchor's voice then sounded: "This piece of material is good, the water quality is good, and the color is good. 'High-quality goods are coming out from under the yellow fog', which made the family members in the live broadcast room 'decimeters' together."

These unfamiliar jargons, Ms. Wang was confused and confused. Immediately afterwards, the anchor took out a piece of white paper and muttered while writing: "15 parking spaces, 1280 meters per person, buckle 8 and get on the bus..." People kept replying "8" on the barrage in the

live broadcast room, and the anchor followed the order Write down the names of these netizens. Ms. Wang understood that this was similar to everyone "making a purchase", "meter" means "yuan", and each person paid 1,280 yuan.

"Family members, contact customer service, we will start immediately after payment is made!" In the next few minutes, the anchor kept shouting, leaving time for netizens to pay.

On the workbench far away from the lens, another "raw stone" is also cut. "Ah yo" made Ms. Wang's heart skip a beat. The anchor put the cut rough stone in front of the camera to show it. The flashlight was still pressed tightly against the stone, but the light source revealed a more obvious green. After taking away the flashlight, a small gray-green section of the stone was revealed.

This close-up shot only lasted for two or three seconds and then moved away. At this time, a new face appeared in the live broadcast room, a "consignor" who claimed to be a jade expert. The two went back and forth to haggle over the price. The final recycling price of this rough stone was set at 24,000 yuan.

Excluding the anchor’s 10% commission, each “parking space” can receive an average of 1,440 yuan. This means that netizens who just paid 1,280 yuan can each make a small profit of 160 yuan in just a few minutes.

just "carpooled" and "sealed the car", cut the stones, and then negotiated the price with the "experts" on the spot, the two of them always argued with each other. Among the cut rough stones, some "big green" stones could be sold for 200,000 yuan on the spot, and some "white meat" stones were simply thrown away. It was very exciting, and Ms. Wang watched it with relish.

"Investment" failed, the scam surfaced

After that, for several days, as long as the customer service sent a link to start the broadcast, Ms. Wang would almost click into the live broadcast room to have a look. When she saw something she liked, she jumped on the bandwagon and made a few thousand yuan.With the income of real money, Ms. Wang has become convinced of the live broadcast room and becomes increasingly addicted to "original trading".

Not long after, other netizens in the live broadcast room stopped "carpooling" and began to "charter" alone - one person paid for the rough stone he was interested in. Although the investment is greater and the risk is greater, the reward is more impressive.

Ms. Wang is also eager to try. Under the temptation of the anchor's eloquent words, I bought a piece of "good material" and invested tens of thousands of yuan at once.

In a place invisible to the camera, the anchor replaced a piece of pre-prepared "white meat", and finally ended the transaction with regrets - Ms. Wang's "investment" failed.

Since then, Ms. Wang has been unable to log in to the live broadcast platform. After being reminded by her family, she realized that she had been deceived.

An investigation by the Sanlin Public Security Division of the Pudong Public Security Bureau found that the live broadcast room Ms. Wang watched was a specially built live broadcast platform with a very hidden entrance. The link was basically sent privately by customer service point-to-point, making it inaccessible to ordinary people.

"Their fraud not only covers a wide range of areas, but also uses various methods. In addition to committing fraud on live broadcast platforms, they also publish false information through social media, forums and other channels to induce customers to participate in stone gambling." According to the police, the fraud gang also uses false information to Transaction records, forged certificates and other means further confuse customers into deeper scams.

After preliminary investigation, the police successfully identified the main members and hiding places of the gang, and then rushed to other provinces and successfully arrested 35 people from four "stone gambling" fraud gangs headed by Li, Huang, and Wu, and seized a large number of people involved in the case. thing.

According to members of the fraud gang, in order to increase the number of clicks and followers in the live broadcast room, multiple trolls were hired to use multiple virtual identities to enhance the atmosphere in the live broadcast room and incite victims to participate in "stone gambling." During each live broadcast, in addition to the anchor, there will also be a "shipper" who is actually a "fake expert" hired by the company. This "expert" falsely claimed that the jadeite stones he brought from Myanmar were actually props prepared by gang members in advance and had no market value at all.

Members of the fraud gang were controlled by the police at the live broadcast venue (Photo provided by Pudong Police)

At present, the persons involved have been subject to criminal coercive measures in accordance with the law, and further digging into the case is underway.

The routines are changeable, and it is difficult for the victims to detect them.

Previously, police in many places, including the Pudong Public Security Department, have cracked down on such live broadcast room scams. In July 2023, police in Wuchang, Hubei Province busted a "raw jadeite" fraud gang in Ruili, Yunnan Province. After investigation, the gang set up a live broadcast room to sell jadeite raw stones, broadcast live through anchors, and arranged for navy troops to cooperate with the hype. They used "kilo materials" of jadeite raw stones worth tens of yuan per kilogram through skinning, spray painting, lighting, etc. , pretending to be high-quality jadeite rough stones worth tens to hundreds of thousands of yuan, luring victims to buy them at a price much higher than the price of the rough stone itself. Through the explanation given by the leader of the gang,

revealed the truth about setting up an online live broadcast room to induce others to "gamble on stones". During the live broadcast, the "cutting up" or "cutting down" of rough stones is entirely decided by the anchor, and the anchor usually uses some small information to tell the victim about "cutting up". Once the victim invests a large amount of money to buy again, the anchor will It would be said that it was "broken" and money was lost.

In another case uncovered by the Pudong police this year, in order to attract more customers to participate in stone gambling, the live broadcast platform also asked multiple customers to equally share the money for buying rough stones. On the surface, it seems to be to reduce the risk of loss in stone gambling, but in fact, all the people who are equally divided are played by trolls except the victim. In fact, only the victim pays.

The more people bid for rough stones, the higher the price, rising from a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands. The anchor will judge based on experience whether the customer will continue to participate, and then decide whether the rough stone will fail to "cut" or continue to "retain customers", but in any case, the ultimate goal is to maximize money fraud.

As an important prop of the scam, many of the so-called "raw stones" are ordinary quartz stones coated with paint, which cannot produce jade at all; the "green" glow under the flashlight comes from pigment dyeing.During the

live broadcast, the fraud gang will "window" ordinary stones in advance - partially cut the stone to expose the better jade texture inside, and then show the remaining un"windowed" parts to customers. When customers are attracted by these seemingly attractive "new rough stones" and decide to participate in stone gambling, the gang members will pretend to "open the window" again during the live broadcast and show the pre-prepared "open window" part to the customer. This proves that what the customer bets is priceless jade.

"The scenes in these live broadcast rooms are simple, and the stone cutting workbench is far away from the camera, making it easy for them to change props." According to the police, this obviously does not fall into the category of "raw stone trading" and is a complete fraud.

In one attack after another, the Pudong Public Security Police found that the criminals' tactics were constantly "evolving" and gradually wandering into gray areas. For example, some of the "paint quartz stones" in the live broadcast room were replaced by real rough stones by fraud gangs - "actors" borrowed from the jade mall, which cannot be cut and used repeatedly. For another example, the fraud gang will claim that "jade is sold at a higher price after being processed into jewelry", purchase a bunch of cheap jade bracelets and jade pendants from the wholesale market, forge appraisal certificates, and then send them to the victims to appease their "injured feelings." Heart". For another example, some "jade merchants" will be disguised as foreigners, using the excuse that "something happened at the border" and take advantage of the situation to make money and run away, never to return.

's more and more routines have also caused many victims to fall into confusion. Many victims are not aware that they have been defrauded and simply think that their "investment failed" or "bad luck". Mr. Li, who comes from other provinces and cities, invested 350,000 yuan successively. When the police came to his door, he took out the cheap jade jewelry sent by criminals and plausibly said: "I received all the goods! How could I be deceived?" What? "

Zhao Liang, deputy captain of the investigation team of the Sanlin Public Security Division of the Pudong Public Security Bureau, put it bluntly: "The rise is to keep you; the fall is to 'kill' you."

Source: Shanghai network refutes rumors