2024 is the 90th anniversary of the publication of the script of Cao Yu's masterpiece "Thunderstorm", and it is also the 70th anniversary of the Beijing People's Art Performance "Thunderstorm". As a "mature landmark work of modern Chinese drama", "Thunderstorm" laid the script fo

2024 is the 90th anniversary of the publication of the script of Cao Yu's masterpiece "Thunderstorm", and it is also the 70th anniversary of the Beijing People's Art Performance "Thunderstorm". As a "mature landmark work of modern Chinese drama", "Thunderstorm" laid the script foundation for the formation of Beijing People's Art Theater style, carries the exploration and inheritance of generations of artists, and also witnesses the encounter between generations of audiences and drama art. .

html On July 16, "Thunderstorm" directed by Gu Wei and Wang Ban once again appeared on the stage of the Capital Theater. That night was the 632nd performance of the play, and this run will last until July 28. The creators unanimously hope that through their own efforts, they can retain the audience's love for this play and continue to cultivate a new generation of audiences to enter the theater and enjoy the classics together.

On July 16, after the premiere of this round, all the main creators took a group photo backstage. Sitting in the middle was the director of the play Gu Wei Photography Shi Chunyang

"Thunderstorm at Sea"

In July 1934, Ba Jin served as an editorial board member of "Literary Quarterly" ", published the "Thunderstorm" script created by Cao Yu, who was only 23 years old at the time. The solid and coherent text, the stunning and bizarre plot, and the modern dramatization consciousness it presents are all amazing. Mao Dun once evaluated this work as "thunderstorm at sea that year".

"Literary Quarterly" July 1934 issue

It can be said that the publication of the script "Thunderstorm" is not only a footnote to the playwright Cao Yu's fame at a young age, but also a pioneering work in the beginning of modern Chinese drama. In the following 90 years, countless theater companies and troupes were proud to put the play "Thunderstorm" on the stage, and there were many operas, movies, and TV dramas of the same name adapted from it.

The Beijing People's Art Theater was founded in 1952, and its first director was Cao Yu. "Thunderstorm", as a "family drama" of people's art, is naturally a direct descendant of Zhengshuo. The so-called "classic version" of "Thunderstorm" is naturally recorded in order: since it was directed by director Xia Chun in 1954 and premiered as a new repertoire at the Capital Theater, in the past 70 years, it has experienced 1979 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the "May 4th Movement" Anniversary performances, a re-arranged performance in 1989, a re-arranged performance in 1997 to commemorate the first anniversary of Cao Yu's death, and a new re-arranged performance in 2004. Not only has the theme exploration been iteratively deepened, but it has also witnessed the generational change of batches of outstanding actors.

Chen Yongxiang’s hand-drawn design artwork for the stage design of “Thunderstorm” in 1989 - the first scene

In the past, when talking about the creation of “Thunderstorm”, Cao Yu once said, “I wrote the disputes between the characters in the play with a compassionate mood. I sincerely hope that people watching the show will also look down at these people on earth with compassionate eyes. "The ups and downs of the characters' fates and the strong conflicts in the play have made this work resonate with generations of actors and audiences. resonance. "The audience has the final say on classics." Director Gu Wei believes that "Thunderstorm" has been performed so far, with classic texts and original stage presentations. It has passed the test of time and gained the audience's love. This is the vitality of classics.

"The performance is a commemoration, but also a reflection"

"This performance of "Thunderstorm" is not only a commemoration, but also a reflection on the classics." Director Gu Wei said that from the time he joined the crew to perform Zhou Puyuan in the 1980s, to later As a director, I train generations of young people to inherit classics. I have experienced firsthand how this play condenses the wisdom of generations and adheres to tradition. To this day, the original stage design is still retained to recreate the age of the work.

"The 1954 version of "Thunderstorm" was designed by Chen Yongxiang, emphasizing the aesthetic style of combining Chinese and Western styles. For example, the audience saw calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, but underneath were Western-style candlesticks. On the Chinese-style furniture on the side, there were There is a Western clock." Gu Wei recalled that this stage design has continued to this day, but has been slightly adjusted in different versions. "For example, in the 1989 version, there was only one change in the stage design from the previous one, Zhou Puyuan. A hunting deer head specimen was added above the fireplace in this living room to reflect his experience of studying in Germany. "

stills.Photography of stills for this article: Li Chunguang

"In my opinion, there are eight characters in the play "Thunderstorm". In fact, there is a ninth (character), which is 'Thunder and Rain'. In Mr. Cao Yu's "Thunderstorm" script back then , there is no background or atmosphere music design, and we all rely on natural sound. The most important thing is "Thunder and Rain". In the use of "Thunder and Rain", we have always insisted on manually integrating sound effects into the performance and emphasizing the sound. A sense of breathing - during the performance, there were dedicated staff playing thunderbolts in the background. This was how it was performed in the past, and it has been preserved to this day. We need to be in awe of classics and Chinese dramas. "We are in awe of our profession." Gu Wei said, "Thunderstorm has been a classic for 70 years, and "Thunderstorm" has been eternal for 90 years. "Thunderstorm" is like an evergreen tree of art. We enjoy the shade under the tree and grow under it. "

During the performance of "Thunderstorm", sound designer Feng Qin (first from the right) directed the "rain and thunder" effects behind the scenes

Although the audience is familiar with the characters and stories in the play, the crew members still praised "Thunderstorm" with "endless performance" " to describe the excavation and pursuit of classics. Gu Wei proposed to make the audience feel "as if they were in another world" again this year. "We want the current audience to see not the modern people playing them, but the people of that era living their lives and the relationship between the characters." and psychological state. Restore the era through the actors' portrayal of the characters. "

Stills Liu Zhiyang (left) plays the young master Zhou Ping, and Zhang Pei (right) plays Fanyi.

For this reason, the actors started from the character point of view and constantly gave them the best experience. A deeper understanding of the characters. Zhang Pei, who plays Fanyi, emphasized the character's cry for life. By adjusting the rhythm between opponents during rehearsals, we can achieve more accurate and comfortable expressions. Wang Ban "opened up" Zhou Puyuan's psychological state, showing his true confusion and dilemma, allowing the audience to see the character's situation in a more three-dimensional and perspective. He also said that from Zhou Ping to Zhou Puyuan and then as co-director, he was also a generation that grew up with classics. "It must be watered with hard work, bacon with love, and soul cast with awe."

stills Wang Ban (left) plays Zhou Puyuan , Zhang Pei (middle) as Fan Yi, Wu Shanshan (right) as Lu Shiping

The exhibition was held simultaneously, Walking with the Classics

With the premiere of the new round of "Thunderstorm", "Walking with the Classics - "Thunderstorm" script released 90 The commemorative exhibition "Anniversary and the 70th Anniversary of the Beijing People's Art Performance "Thunderstorm"" opened in the north and south halls on the first floor of the Capital Theater. This is the most content-rich special exhibition of "Thunderstorm" organized by Beijing People's Art Museum, and many exhibits are shown to the audience for the first time.

The south hall on the first floor of the Capital Theater

The south hall is based on the "Thunderstorm" art archives accumulated by the theater over the years. It focuses on the history of Beijing People's Art Theater's rehearsal of "Thunderstorm", including the creative characteristics of each stage of "Thunderstorm" , stage art characteristics, long-term and in-depth two-way communication with the audience, etc., it systematically and comprehensively demonstrates "Thunderstorm" as a classic repertoire of Beijing People's Art Theatre, its exquisite stage art and its 70-year-old artistic inheritance.

The north hall on the first floor of the Capital Theater

The north hall relies on a large number of historical picture materials to vividly demonstrate the role of the classic drama "Thunderstorm" in China and from multiple perspectives such as the birth, publication, performance, and dissemination of "Thunderstorm" Long-lasting vitality and widespread influence on the world stage.

The exhibition also displays more than 20 precious exhibits such as the archive manuscripts, costumes and props of "Thunderstorm" from the 1930s to the 1980s. In particular, it was published by Cultural Life Publishing House in February 1936. The cover is gilded and engraved with a letter signed by Cao Yu himself. A hardcover single volume of "Thunderstorm" with the words "For Ying Rujia Bao". The exhibit was donated to the Beijing People's Art Theater Museum on June 26, 2024 by Wan Zhao and Wan Dai, the daughters of Dean Cao Yu, for permanent preservation. It will be displayed to the public for the first time in this exhibition.

Cao Yu personally signed the hardcover single volume of "Thunderstorm" with the words "To Ying Ru Jiabao"