On July 17, a "gourd case" occurred. "Filmmaker Lu Chuan" posted a dynamic content with a negative review of "Catch a Baby": Mahua's low-quality and highly alkaline comedy films dominate the Chinese film market, which is a tragedy for the culture. Later, the negative review

On July 17, a "gourd case" occurred. "Filmmaker Lu Chuan" released dynamic content and commented negatively on " catch the baby ": Mahua's low-quality and highly alkaline comedy films dominate the Chinese film market, which is a tragedy for the culture.

Later, this negative review was deleted.

html On the afternoon of the 117th, Lu Chuan's company released a dynamic content saying:

Regarding Lu Dao's platform account being stolen and content posted by someone other than himself appearing, the company team has now contacted the platform to retrieve the account and delete all relevant information that does not belong to the director. Please Do not spread further!

hereby also expresses its deep apology to the project parties involved in the false content on behalf of the company team and director. I wish my colleagues in the summer film industry that their works will be successful at the box office, and I wish that Chinese films will prosper.

Lu Chuan himself retweeted the dynamic content and said:

Lao Shen is a good friend, and Xiao Shi is one of the male protagonists in my last play and is a biological brother. Every movie has the hard work and attitude of the creator, and they all deserve respect. I wish the video a big hit.

Therefore, we can simply summarize this matter as follows: the fake Lu Chuan stole his account and wrote a bad review for "Catch a Baby", but the real Lu Chuan retrieved his account and quickly called himself brother to wish "Catch a Baby" a box office success. This incident, on the whole, is a tragedy for Chinese filmmakers. For specific analysis, we need to start with the fake Lu Chuan and the real Lu Chuan.

Let’s talk about fake Lu Chuan first.

Who is the fake Lu Chuan? The pressure is on the platform. How the fake Lu Chuan stole the real Lu Chuan's account, what mobile phone he used to log in, how he logged in, and what he did after logging in need to be explained by the platform. Don't say that the platform doesn't know, it's not clear, because saying it doesn't know means that the platform has insufficient computing power. It is impossible for a top Internet company to not even have this data query capability in the backend.

Before the platform gave a response, we chose to think that the person who negatively reviewed "Catch a Baby" was the fake Lu Chuan. The fake Lu Chuan was criticized by the negative reviews of "Catching Babies". A large number of netizens opposed it (because it is a fake Lu Chuan, so it cannot be regarded as a human being) and did not approve of the negative reviews. This is enlightening.

For fake Lu Chuan, a few words of negative reviews are obviously worthless. Of course, they also have lace, entertainment, and paparazzi value. As a fake Lu Chuan, what you should really do is to give serious negative reviews, serious negative reviews, and argumentative negative reviews. If the fake Lu Chuan used the method of presenting facts and reasoning, relying on detailed argument materials and a solid argumentation process to prove the argument that ""Catch a Baby" is a bad movie", then this argumentation process would be valuable and the impact it would have The power is also huge and effective.

As for this fake Lu Chuan, he is disgraceful. He only knows how to complain and cannot argue. No matter who the fake Lu Chuan is, he is not worthy of respect. On the contrary, if everyone laughs at him, it is his own fault. In film criticism, the most effective "battle" is not to throw out arguments, but to make detailed and meticulous arguments.

Let’s talk about the real Lu Chuan.

The real Lu Chuan, when he first came up, first called him brother, then he boasted about the "hard work and attitude" of the film's creator, and finally, he wished the film a success. This three-step process of "first", "then" and "finally" is even more embarrassing than the second-rate boy in our village fawning over the second son of the village chief's family. As a filmmaker, Lu Chuan's three-step approach is disappointing, or rather, despising.

Lu Chuan, as a filmmaker and an upright man, of course has the right to choose to criticize "Catch a Baby", and he also has the right to choose to praise "Catch a Baby". But no matter which one he chooses, he should respect his identity as a professional filmmaker. What does it mean to be a professional filmmaker? That is, every word about movies and the film industry comes from the heart, is sophisticated, and is willing to make practical arguments.

As soon as they came up, they called themselves brothers, and they were no different from the second-rate guys in our village. Who is my brother, who is my younger brother, these should not be the words of professional film workers. As a professional filmmaker, he is my ancestor. Even if the quality of his movies is poor, I have to say that he is my love rival. If his movies are good, I will also praise them. This is called a professional filmmaker, a filmmaker who has the energy to be a human being.

Then, the hard work and attitude of the main creator are worthy of respect. These are the words of a person with no cultural level. If we follow this standard, there will be no need to give negative reviews to any movie. They all have hard work and attitude. Whether it is good or bad has nothing to do with whether it has hard work or not. "Dream Showbiz" still has Bi Zhifei 's hard work, so you guys don't need to leave negative reviews? Obviously, this statement is not valid. This is a typical logical confusion.

If we try hard to find logical rationality for Lu Chuan’s statement, what we will find is an even more embarrassing “filmmaker’s sorrow.”

finally said "the tragedy of the filmmakers".

This "filmmaker's sadness" is divided into intuitive sadness and deep-seated sadness. Let’s talk about “intuitive sadness” first. If we try to find a logical rationale for the words of Zhen Lu Chuan, we may only be able to come up with this narrative logic - among the actors in "Catch a Baby", there are my brother and my brother, so I think they have worked hard and have Attitude, so I want to wish it a big sale.

's intuitive pessimism is visible to the naked eye. What Lu Chuan really talks about is the person, not the work itself. This kind of practice, in our village, is called watching the dishes. In our village, generally this kind of stuff is not a good thing. Of course, we can think that the real Lu Chuan is not this kind of thing, but just ignorant. What level of ignorance is the real Lu Chuan?

is ignorance in the relationship between "closeness and cognition". "Closeness and Cognition" is a college entrance examination question in 2003. It talks about the relationship between closeness and distance, which affects the content of cognition. I think whoever is close to me is right, rather than analyzing and commenting based on reason or works. and judgment. The real Lu Chuan definitely cannot have the face of the people in our village who see people serving dishes. He can only have insufficient cognitive ability.

The deep-seated sadness spreads throughout the film industry. After a movie is released, one extreme is most likely to occur. A large number of filmmakers come out to brag and wish it a good sale. When fans ask the braggart why this movie is so good and why you recommend it to everyone, he can't tell you. This phenomenon is actually a typical group formed to fool movie fans. During the movie's release, the more the movie colleagues slip up, the less reference value they have. This kind of stuff is just about forming a group to cheat and sell it to movie fans.

How come our filmmakers have formed a group to cheat? I actually prefer to see another result: fake Lu Chuan, either fake Lu Chuan, or real Lu Chuan. Real Lu Chuan is extremely stubborn. He just doesn't admit that his account has been stolen, and he wants to give a bad review of "Catch a Baby", and also writes an argumentative film review. , proves why "Catch a Baby" sucks and where it sucks. However, I don't see this result.

When a movie is released, have you ever seen people in the film industry seriously write negative reviews? Basically, it's all bragging. After doing this, do you think the filmmakers are still honest? This is the deepest sadness.(Text/Ma Qingyun)