Text | Editor by Xu | Xiang Wanwan Recently, information about Peking University Wei Dongyi has been circulating on the Internet. One said he "donated 16 million yuan for the Dongting Lake flood"; the other said he "calculated the lunar sampling trajectory." With such a topic, it

text | Xu

editor | Xiang Wanwan

Recently, information about Peking University Wei Dongyi has been circulating on the Internet.

One article said that he "donated 16 million yuan for the Dongting Lake flood disaster"; another article said that he "calculated the lunar sampling trajectory." With a topic like

, it’s hard not to get people’s attention and likes, but is it true, or is it just “flush marketing”?

According to Youth Daily, when they called Peking University’s School of Mathematics and Wei Dongyi’s cousin, one of them said they had never heard of it, and the other said it was fake news.

It can be seen that every move of "Wei Shen" Wei Dongyi is still attracting attention, and he has not changed from beginning to end.

Therefore, after this public opinion, major media began to call on Wei Dongyi to stop excessive consumption and return him to a pure land of Qingming research.

But shouldn’t we have done this early?

"Wei Shen" Wei Dongyi's emergence from the industry was unexpected, but not unexpected. What should a Qianqian student be like?

is full of energy and personable, and can use all the beautiful words that can be thought of.

However, Wei Dongyi was different. When he burst into the public eye, he had messy hair, a large bottle of mineral water in his arms, and a steamed bun in his hand.

If he didn't have a good name, no one would pay attention to such a boy with a shy smile. After all, the world is so secular, and it is fundamental to judge people by their appearance.

won the gold medal in the IMO International Mathematics Competition at the age of 15;

was recommended to Peking University at the age of 18;

html studied for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in 28 years;

later served as an assistant professor at the School of Mathematics at Peking University.

Various reputations and the sharp contrast between strength and image made Wei Dongyi break out of the circle.

He was so in line with people’s speculations about a researcher, and his image of being close to the people emerged spontaneously, and he was once regarded as a "god" by the masses.

From the moment Wei Dongyi came out of the circle, no matter whether he was happy or not, he was paid attention to, from appearance to knowledge, without exception, and every time, he could drive traffic.

He was so disturbed that Wei Dongyi once said: "Ignoring me is the best."

In fact, it is not surprising that the public pays too much attention to Wei Dongyi, mainly because of his purity. In today's materialistic world In society, it is too rare.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were many wastes waiting to be revitalized. China has been weak for a long time. It needs talents, a large number of talents, especially those who are research-oriented, and they are even more scarce.

In movies and TV shows, such research talents "abandon their families" and plunge into research bases in order to complete secret research tasks.

are plainly dressed, stubborn and serious. It seems that they are not interested in anything except research. In order to understand difficult problems, they can often be seen with disheveled hair and dirty faces.

And "Wei God" Wei Dongyi is exactly such a researcher. His concentration and concentration make the masses yearn for him and regard him as a "god".

But human nature is unpredictable, and it "consumed" him after all. In fact,

In fact, Peking University still protects him well after knowing Wei Dongyi's trouble, and rarely has his relevant news.

But no matter how good the protection is, there are still fish that can slip through the net. After all, Wei Dongyi is an adult, and it is impossible to really lock him up and prevent him from socializing.

As photos of him dining were circulated, he was dressed in all black, curled up on a chair, his head "buried" in the rice bowl, and he kept scooping rice into his mouth.

Take a closer look at the rice in his bowl. It is white rice with some vegetables, and there are a few steamed buns in the bag next to it.

I still remember that when the photo came out, everyone was shocked. This is Wei Dongyi. Doesn’t he have money? The clothes are shabby and the food is not good. Is it because you like it or is it just a gesture?

Obviously, after a few years, Wei Dongyi still eats like this, and the theory of making gestures is self-defeating. Seeing the contrast again, the "evil" in human nature can't help but come out.

Although, under the "intentional" comments, they may not have any malicious intentions and are just truly commenting on their feelings, but it has already constituted "consumption".

Such as "I don't want to have such a son";

"Except for other things, he can't get a wife in our village."

"I wouldn't be willing to marry my daughter to him."

To be honest, such comments , maybe it’s just a matter of speaking from their perspective, but who will compensate for the emotional energy consumed by the person being commented?

Fortunately, as the protagonist, Wei Dongyi never lets this information consume him, because he doesn't read it at all.

This brings us to another well-known news. Wei Dongyi only used his mobile phone to check information on the Internet and read news, and rarely did anything else.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this lack of attention that the Internet is flooded with all kinds of "outrageous" information. Wei Dongyi fell from the altar; Wei Dongyi was fired; Wei Dongyi's "true face" is amazing, and he can still marry a wife ?

If you can't eat the grapes, you will say the grapes are sour. What's more, some people ridiculed that he was just a teaching assistant and that he was not qualified to be a teacher.

Such negative emotions and true thoughts are too consuming, not only consuming others, but also consuming yourself.

The prerequisite for not consuming it like this is that you must first have a son, friend or relative like Wei Dongyi.

Unfortunately, the probability of this is too small, almost zero. Therefore, the "evil" of human nature is "burned" and consumes you, me and others.

I keep thinking about why the public regards Wei Dongyi as a "god". There is no doubt that it is his knowledge and achievements, as well as his unique research spirit.

is obviously already so good, coupled with hard work, hardship and simplicity, etc., this original intention is not something ordinary people can maintain.

It's because I can't do it, and the person who can do it has been able to do it for decades. If you don't call him a "god", who should you call a "god"?

's "admiration" for him first stems from his knowledge, but it really depends on his charm to keep him in the limelight.

Wei Dongyi can be said to be a national star. He is regarded as an idol by 60-year-old men at first, and worshiped by junior high school students and high school students at the next, just because he has the most righteous values.

He cherishes food and always takes action every time he eats;

He never kills animals, and only eats vegetarian meals for this reason;

He drinks water from a plastic bottle all day long, just to protect the environment;

He is indifferent to fame and wealth, and millions of bonuses. If you don't accept it, don't accept it;

He is really using his own actions to practice his principles and choices. What is even more difficult to do is his persistence day after day.

Wei Dongyi has the unique spirit of the older generation of researchers in our country in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of my country, who studied hard, worked hard, studied hard, etc.

Such a spirit is too rare and valuable in today's society. Who can guarantee that he will remain unchanged? That person is undoubtedly Wei Dongyi.

And Wei Dongyi’s continued popularity just confirms this point. It’s not that he doesn’t know the character of the martyrs and predecessors, it’s just that he can’t do it.

It is this impossibility that makes people want to pull "Wei Shen" down from the altar. Various comments want to reify him and make him fall into the world, like ordinary people, studying, falling in love and getting married.

But in Wei Dongyi's opinion, these are not necessary at all, because he clearly knows that himself is in the mortal world, and he is just a mortal. He just likes mathematics a little.

are saying that the public consumes Wei Dongyi, but actually thinking about it is not the other way around. the public uses Wei Dongyi to consume the self that cannot do it!
