China News Service, Xinjiang Qitai, July 14 (Reporter Sun Tingwen) On July 14, the Changji Prefecture High-Quality Tourism Development and Jiangbulake Airport Navigation Signing Conference themed "Xinjiang is a good place, the most beautiful place is Changji recently", Held at th

China News Service, Xinjiang Qitai, July 14th (Reporter Sun Tingwen) On July 14th, the Changji Prefecture High-quality Tourism Development and Jiangbulake Airport Navigation Signing Conference with the theme "Xinjiang is a good place, the most beautiful place is Changji recently" , held at the Jiangbulake Scenic Area in Qitai County, Xinjiang, Liu Liangcheng, the first winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award in Xinjiang, appeared at the event as the cultural tourism promotion officer of Changji Prefecture.

html On July 14, Liu Liangcheng, the first winner of the Mao Dun Literature Award in Xinjiang, promoted Changji Prefecture cultural tourism. Photo by Sun Tingwen

Liu Liangcheng’s award-winning novel "Bemba" was written in Caizigou Village, Yinggebao Township, Mulei County, Changji Prefecture. When he was promoting the cultural tourism in Changji Prefecture, he said: "I like Changji. Looking up from every county, city (park) in Changji Prefecture, you can clearly see Bogda Peak, the highest peak of the Tianshan Mountains. I was attracted by the simple folk customs of Mulei County. Attracted by this, I have been working in Caizigou Village, Yinggebao Township, Mulei County for 10 years, and a foreign village has become my hometown.”

High-quality tourism development in Changjizhou and Jiangbulake Airport. The scene of the General Aviation Signing Conference. Photo by Sun Tingwen

Thirteen key cultural and tourism projects were signed at the event, including the Mulei Silk New North Road All-Area Film and Television Shooting Base Project and the Ma'anshan Cableway Construction Project in Jiangbulake Scenic Area. The total investment amount is expected to exceed 3.8 billion yuan.

A reporter from China News Network also learned at the signing conference that Changji Prefecture’s first civil transport airport, Jiangbulake Airport, is scheduled to be officially opened on August 8. After the airport is put into operation, it will open two overseas routes, "Fuzhou-Zhengzhou-Qitai" and "Chengdu-Lanzhou-Qitai", and four domestic routes from Qitai to Aksu, Korla, Kashgar and Yining.

A corner of Jiangbulake Scenic Area in Qitai County. Photo by Sun Tingwen

In addition, Changji Prefecture also announced the reward and subsidy measures for promoting the integration of culture and tourism to improve quality. The reward and subsidy method has been on trial for two years. For travel agencies that organize charter flights, special trains, and large group tours to Changji Prefecture for sightseeing and accommodation, the reward for each group can be up to 60,000 yuan; for tourist attractions and tourist attractions in the prefecture that have been awarded national and autonomous region tourism brands, Attractions, the maximum reward for a single item can reach 3 million yuan.

In recent years, Changji Prefecture has continued to improve infrastructure construction, continuously enriched tourism product formats, further promoted the integration of culture, sports and tourism, and continuously improved service quality. The tourism industry has shown a rapid development trend. From January to June this year, Changji Prefecture received a total of 21.3896 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 13.41%, and achieved tourism revenue of 14.754 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.64%. (End)