Fighting School Bullying Recently, a movie "Silent Kill" focusing on school bullying has attracted widespread attention across the country. In the film, the scene where a girl was verbally threatened by her classmates, ridiculed in public, and even had her mouth sealed with glue

Fight against school bullying

Recently, a movie " Silent Kill " focusing on school bullying has attracted widespread attention nationwide. In the film, the scene where a girl was verbally threatened by her classmates, ridiculed in public, and even had her mouth sealed with glue was shocking.

This is not just a plot in a movie, it touches the softest part of countless people's hearts and triggers a deep reflection on the phenomenon of campus bullying.

may be isolated inexplicably, or may be often "strange". Compared with direct violence, these behaviors are also more lethal. For those who have witnessed school bullying, the shadow of the incident can last for years or even a lifetime.

The social phenomenon of juvenile crimes such as campus bullying has once again triggered discussions among parents and people from all walks of life in Qian'an.

This movie made me deeply aware of the seriousness of campus bullying. Every silent bystander is an accomplice of the perpetrator. Each of us has a responsibility to stand up and take action to stop violence.

As a parent, this movie touches on my deepest fear - the injustice that my children may experience in school. It reminds me to maintain open communication with my children, teach them how to face difficulties, and also pay attention to their mental health.

"Silent Kill" is a thought-provoking work that reveals the problems existing in the education system, including neglect, bias and abuse of power. This prompts us to reflect on whether we, as educators, are sensitive enough to the needs of our students and whether we are truly fair and equitable.

Bullying is not a joke, nor is it a "fun game". No one "deserves" to be bullied!

Qian'an Operation

In Qian'an, many departments have shown unity and determination, and jointly weaved a dense protective net, aiming to create a shadow-free growth environment for children:

Legal Education and Propaganda

1, Relocation Anshi held a knowledge lecture on the Constitution and a legal report on anti-school bullying, inviting professionals to explain the legal consequences of school bullying to enhance the legal awareness of teachers and students.

2. Police from the Public Security Bureau regularly visit campuses to conduct legal publicity and education on the theme of "Preventing Campus Bullying and Rejecting Campus Violence" to enhance students' awareness of self-protection.

Psychological Counseling and Support

1, Hou Mengjia, President of the Qian'an Psychological Association, provides students with psychological lectures on "Preventing Campus Bullying" to help students understand the seriousness of bullying and learn coping strategies. Professionals such as

2 and psychological counselor He Shuying participate in campus activities, provide psychological counseling, help students deal with emotional problems, and prevent and resolve bullying incidents.

themed conferences and activities

1, Tuanxinzhuang Quanquan Primary School held an "Anti-Campus Bullying" themed education conference to improve students' understanding and awareness of prevention through concentrated educational activities.

2, Xiaguanying Middle School teamed up with multiple departments to carry out "Constitution" knowledge dissemination and legal report meetings to strengthen students' legal concepts.

initiated and social participation

1, implemented various policies involving the prevention of school bullying, prevention and treatment of sexual assault, etc. and initiated letters of initiative to ensure clear guidelines and implementation standards.

2. Educational activities are not only for students, but also for parents and teachers, forming a three-in-one protective network of home, school and community.

The following behaviors are all campus bullying

Among students, one party who is dominant in age, body or number deliberately or maliciously commits the following behaviors against the other party, or bullies or insults the other party in other ways, causing personal injury, property damage Damage or mental loss may be deemed to constitute bullying.

▶ Beating, kicking, slapping, scratching, biting, pushing, pulling and other behaviors that violate the body or intimidate and threaten.

▶ Behavior that violates human dignity through insults, ridicule, ridicule, sarcasm, insulting nicknames, etc.

▶ Stealing, taking by force, or deliberately destroying other people's property.

▶ Maliciously exclude, intimidate, threaten, coerce, and isolate others, and influence others to participate in school activities or social interactions.

▶ Use the Internet or other information dissemination methods to fabricate facts and slander others, spread rumors or false information to slander others, and maliciously disseminate other people's privacy.

Don’t remain silent when you encounter bullying.

Schools and parents should take action.

Indifference is an accomplice to bullying; connivance is a refuge for perpetrators. When students encounter bullying, if the people around them can provide timely assistance, the ending of the story may be changed.

Legitimate resistance

First of all, children must be taught to resist, shout for help and resist physically. At the same time, children should be asked to promptly tell their teachers and parents about the bullying they are experiencing, and request police intervention if it is serious.

Soothing emotions

When children encounter bullying on campus, parents and teachers must calm their children's emotions as soon as possible. If a child is found to have emotional or behavioral abnormalities, it is likely to be a post-traumatic stress reaction. Professional psychological counseling and psychological crisis intervention should be sought as soon as possible.

Focus on personality development

The adverse consequences of campus bullying are that not only the bullied will suffer physical and mental trauma, but also have a negative impact on the bully's personality development. The personality development of teenagers who are growing and developing is not perfect. Parents and teachers must provide them with correct guidance and education, otherwise they will go further and further down the wrong path.

Reasonable resolution of conflicts

Campus bullying and violence are often nuanced. Contradictions and conflicts among students do not occur in a day, but are gradually accumulated. Teachers and parents cannot ignore minor conflicts between children. They should guide children to correctly handle the relationship between classmates and resolve conflicts reasonably.

Resist school bullying

Neither be a perpetrator

nor a victim

Say "no" to school bullying!

I hope all youth can be warmed