Copywriter | Thirteen Editor | Soda Spy drama is undoubtedly a genre that audiences love and hate at the same time this year. The popularity of "Storm Chaser" has given the spy dramas in 2024 a good start. I thought it was the beginning of this year's spy drama, but I didn't

Copywriter | Thirteen

Editor | Soda

Spy drama is undoubtedly a genre that audiences love and hate at the same time this year.

The popularity of "Storm Chaser" has given the spy dramas in 2024 a good start. I thought it was the beginning of this year's spy dramas, but I didn't expect it to be the pinnacle of this year's spy dramas.

The subsequent broadcasts of "When the Stars Shine", "Harbin 1944" and " Alone in the Lost City " have such poor plots that it is difficult to describe them in words.

has already been aired, and the audience has turned their attention to the drama to be aired.

For example, "Lone Boat" starring Zhang Songwen has attracted much attention, and Cheng Yi's "Deep Dive", which has been backlogged for 4 years, is also highly anticipated.

However, before waiting for news about these two dramas, we first waited for news about "Guardians".

Recently, the number of registered episodes of "Guardians" has been changed from 36 to 35. It seems that this drama will soon meet the audience.

After watching the trailer, the plot is intense and exciting, and the relationships between the characters are confusing. The spy war fans' drama dilemma is solved.

01 New style of spy drama: comedy color

"Guardians" tells the story of intelligence agent Gu Yangshan ( Han Dongjun ) kidnapping the blind cryptography expert Joseph Needham.

In order to prevent him from continuing to help the Japanese army, Gu Yangshan found the drama theater's actor Ding Yi ( Zhang Yishan ) to play Joseph Needham, Xi Biyun ( Zhang Tianai ) to play his wife Ruan Qing, and himself to play his assistant Charlie.

Gu Yangshan wants to prevent Ding Yi and his disguise from being revealed, and on the other hand, he wants to sabotage the Japanese army's actions.

The two people fought wits and courage with the Japanese army, and finally turned danger into danger and completed the mission.

It can be seen from the plot synopsis that this drama is very different from other spy dramas. The two major highlights revealed in it caught my attention.

First, the plot is thrilling and has a strong spy-war flavor.

Gu Yangshan’s job as an intelligence agent is to collect and deliver intelligence, but his more important task is to destroy the research and development operations of the Japanese military’s cryptographic system.

So he had to keep hiring Ding Yi to play Joseph Needham and himself to play his assistant to execute the plan. After experiencing many tests, the two men finally broke into the strict Japanese army.

Being interrogated and interrogated is commonplace. Gu Yangshan has to fight wits with the enemy and guide his teammates. His situation is simply "internal and external troubles".

Both people have dual identities. This setting adds another layer of uncertainty to the original struggle between the enemy and our camps, making the plot more thrilling.

The second is comedy.

Ding Yi is mainly responsible for the comedy in the play.

He was originally just a minor actor in a theater. He took this "role" in order to make money, but he didn't expect to be involved in the whirlpool of espionage.

It’s easy to play a blind person, but it’s not that difficult to play a blind cryptography expert.

However, in order to help Gu Yangshan complete the task, Ding Yi, who had not received any professional training, insisted on teaming up with Gu Yangshan to perform the task, and also had some harmless fun in the tense atmosphere.

Comedy and espionage, these two words that don’t seem to match at all are perfectly integrated in this drama.

Gu Yangshan represents the soldiers who contributed to the victory of the war, while Ding Yi represents countless ordinary people and the heroism of little people.

The connotation conveyed by this story is not personal heroism, but the overall feelings of family and country.

It can be said that "Guardians" breaks the old routines of spy war dramas to a certain extent and gives new life to the classic dramas of catching moles and working as undercover agents in spy war dramas.

The plot frequently comes up with new ideas, and the strength of the creative team must not be underestimated.

director Yang Wenjun is a hexagonal warrior. He has masterpieces in every genre including era, ancient puppets, city, intrigue, and espionage. "Crane Huating" and " Meritorious Service " are all produced by him.

He is good at integrating his personal understanding with the subject matter and the actor's style, and finally achieves a highly consistent effect.

has him to control the overall situation and there will be no mistakes.

Screenwriter Zhang Ji's masterpiece "Forensic Qin Ming" became a hit with its excellent plot, which shows the screenwriter's profound writing skills.

These two are working together, and viewers can rest easy.

02Strong actors are at the helm.

The cast of "Guardians" has a gathering of talented actors. It can be said in two words, "Stable".

ranks first, Zhang Yishan.

Zhang Yishan, who started out as a child actor, is considered a household name. His years of accumulation of works have made him very popular with the audience.

The most important feature of Zhang Yishan's acting skills is that he is life-oriented. No matter what role he plays, there are very few traces of his performance, which shows that he has rich experience.

In the new drama, Ding Yi, played by Zhang Yishan, is a clever bit player, and Ding Yi in the drama will play Joseph Needham. In the trailer of

, when Ding Yi, pretending to be Joseph Needham, appears, he is wearing a plaid suit and a top hat, with a calm demeanor, quite like an English gentleman.

But when the camera turned, Ding Yi heard that someone would steal his role. His eyes widened, his brows furrowed, and his expression became many times more vivid than before.

Zhang Yishan is definitely Ding Yi’s best choice.

ranked second, Han Dongjun.

Han Dongjun's acting skills can be said to be the best among actors of the same period.

's tough and heroic appearance has attracted a lot of attention to Han Dongjun, who has frequently appeared in theme-themed movies such as "Volunteer Army" and " Changjin Lake ".

In this drama, Han Dongjun plays Gu Yangshan, who is extremely intelligent, quick-witted and changeable. These are his excellent qualities as an intelligence agent. There is a clip in the

trailer that is impressive.

When Gu Yangshan heard the other party implying that there was no need for them to stay, he lowered his head and slowly moved his eyes upward. His stern face was expressionless, with only a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

Han Dongjun is quite suitable for this role in terms of appearance and acting skills.

In addition to the two male protagonists in the play, the other actors are also very outstanding.

First of all, Zhang Tianai.

Although Zhang Tianai has been tepid in recent years, her acting skills are obvious to all. In

's new drama, she plays Gu Yangshan's colleague Xi Biyun, pretending to be Joseph Needham's wife Ruan Qing.

Although she wore heavy makeup to prevent her identity from being discovered, her expression was very serious during the mission, as if she was determined to live or die.

Zhang Tianai plays a big role in this drama. Whether she can be seen again depends on this role.

followed by Zhao Ziqi.

In "Changfengdu", Zhao Ziqi plays Jiang Rou, the male protagonist's mother, and she has the right style of being a reasonable and reasonable matron. In

's new drama, she plays the role of Yi Aida who is dignified and elegant in a cheongsam. Judging from the trailer, her identity is not simple and she should be closely related to the heroine.

Finally, Bao Dazhi.

A veteran actor is indispensable in spy war dramas. Bao Dazhi's sinister and cunning "protective umbrella" Zhao Lidong in "Hurry" is still fresh in the audience's memory. This kind of mature, calm and thoughtful character is perfect for an experienced actor like him.

The Cao Yuanzhong he plays in the new drama should also be a high-ranking and ruthless character who will have an important influence in the plot. There is no need to worry about the performance of

's old drama.

In addition, there are powerful actors such as Zhu Gangriyao, Liu Huan, Jiao Gang, etc. in the drama. This lineup is definitely luxurious. As long as they perform normally, it will definitely be a feast of acting skills.

03 Conclusion

Liu Yunlong’s " Kite " and "The Conspiracy" pushed spy war dramas to a peak. It is difficult to reproduce such a classic.

So many spy war dramas have fallen into formulas and have nothing new.

If spy dramas want to break out of the circle, they have to find another way.

And this "Guardians" integrates comedy into the spy plot, with novel characters and clear narrative, which makes the whole story more interesting on the basis of relaxation. This will undoubtedly become the highlight of this drama. One of the biggest attractions.

"Guardians" provides a new direction for spy war dramas to break out of the circle. I believe this drama can stand out from the current sluggish spy war dramas.