On July 10, the animated film "Falling World" held its "Five Years Promise" premiere in Beijing. Director Zhong Ding, chief producer Huang Long, screenwriter Yasuo, original score A Kun, dubbing director Ajie, dubbing actors Li Xin, Liu Xiaoyu, Fu Bowen and others attended the po

On July 10, the animated film " falls into the mortal world " held its "five-year appointment" premiere in Beijing. Director Zhong Ding, chief producer Huang Long, screenwriter Yasuo, original score A Kun, dubbing director Ajie, dubbing actors Li Xin, Liu Xiaoyu, Fu Bowen and others attended the post-screening meeting to communicate with the audience. The film will be released in July It will be officially released on the 12th.

The main creative staff appeared

As another animation masterpiece released this summer following " Umbrella Girl ", whether "The Fall of the World" can set off the trend of Chinese comics in last summer's release is undoubtedly highly anticipated by the audience.

"Falling into the Mortal World" is based on the descendants of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl: Jinfeng, the son of the Weaver Girl, descends to earth to conquer the stars in order to atone for his mother, but unexpectedly forms an alliance with Xiaofan (Yulu), a girl who wants to go to the gods to find her mother, and starts a battle. An adventure with ups and downs. Jinfeng in the heaven is reserved and aloof, while Yulu in the human world is carefree and carefree. The contrast between the roles of "i god" and "e person" sparks from time to time, making people laugh.

Golden Wind and Jade Dew are a pair of happy enemies

According to reports, "Down to Earth" is a theatrical feature film based on the short film. Formerly the student short film "Dream Comes to Completion" from the School of Visual Art and Design of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, the special video has over 10 million views on station b, and won the 2020 Small Universe Rising Star Project Silver Award, Best Art Work, and the 17th China Animation Golden Dragon Award for Best Academy Animation Award, Bronze Award and many other professional awards. It has been five years since the project was established. Under the repeated "urges" of many animation fans, "it has finally been released". At the premiere of

, director Zhong Ding, an associate professor at Guangmei University, couldn’t help but be filled with emotion when he looked back on the past. He bluntly said that from the time when he led 13 classmates to complete the final project, to the period of feature film creation, he worked with more than 2,000 people from more than 50 teams. The animation artists worked together, and the journey was not easy. "We dug treasures from traditional culture, chose the story of the descendants of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl for interpretation, and found the core proposition that 'emotion is a mortal spell'. Let more people see the creativity and creativity of my students and the entire creative team. Sincerity is our dream and our motivation to make movies."

Director Zhong Ding (second from right) spoke.

Chief Producer Huang Long said that the production team focused on the character's personality, clothing, accessories, and even micro-expressions that are not easily noticed by the audience. They have all put in a lot of effort, creating meticulously almost in units of "frames", striving to present the audience with real, vivid and interesting screen images. "This is a dream that needs to be based on RMB. It is quite expensive to achieve such a degree of completion. As an original project, with a new director and a new IP, I hope everyone can give "Falling World" more opportunities and more space. "

Talking about the expansion from short films to feature films, Yasuo, the screenwriter in charge of the film "One Drama", made a vivid metaphor, "We focus the story on the family relationship of the characters. Jinfeng and Yulu are a couple. Happy friends, brother and sister team up, they use the love and warmth they received in the world to complete the unfinished mission of Zhinu. This is a circle where the power of love surges among family members. "

voices Jin Feng in the film. Li Xin broke the news that after watching the finished film for the first time, "we cried at the screenwriter Yasuo." Liu Xiaoyu, who voiced Yulu, lamented, "Finally, I saw Yulu 'alive' on the big screen. "She is a very simple, direct, and persistent girl, just like a little sun." The land god in the film contributed a lot of laughter in the theater. The voice actor Fu Bowen said: "Every staff member." We have all made great or small contributions, and together they are like stars. You may not be able to see each one clearly, but every time we blink, it is for your happiness."

Golden Wind Guarding the God Realm

In the post-screening exchange session, Zhao Ji, director of " New God List: Yang Jian", took the lead in speaking: "3D animation has always wanted to do some unique visual effects design in China. I think this film done.The threads in the film, including the sky curtain, and these visual effects are very eye-catching from the idea to the final presentation, with a unique oriental charm and characteristics. Yu Zhou, president of

Light Chasing Animation, praised: "We are all inheriting and reinterpreting traditional stories, and telling new classic stories to contemporary audiences. This is very meaningful and worthy of us continuing." "At the same time, he also appealed, "I hope everyone will shout for a good film schedule for "The Fall", so that the summer season can be prosperous and the summer of this movie can truly come. "

"Falling into the World" stills