There is no clear announcement online, but they will not refuse offline. Obviously, the theater is also quite guilty about the operation of "singles cannot choose the C position". Weibo screenshot Caiyun Online Review special commentator Ding Tie, "When I was selecting seats for

is not clearly announced online, but will not be rejected offline. Obviously, the theater is also quite guilty about the operation of "singles cannot choose C position".

Weibo screenshot

Caiyun Online Review special commentator Ding Tie

"Only 2 tickets were sold when selecting seats for the movie I wanted to buy, but I was not allowed to purchase a single ticket in the middle of the core viewing area." Recently, A consumer reported to The Paper Quality Complaint Platform that when he purchased a single movie ticket at CGV Cinema (Shanghai Baoyang Baolong Store), he was unable to select the core viewing area. Consumers believe that CGV Cinema’s rules for ticket purchase and seat selection are very unreasonable.

I wanted to watch a movie by myself, but the ticket purchasing platform did not allow me to choose a location in the core viewing area. Is it still not possible for one person to watch a movie? I don’t know since when, single people will also encounter unspoken rules when purchasing movie tickets and seats online. It is said to be an unspoken rule because there are no such restrictions announced on the ticket purchase interfaces of major platforms, but only when you select seats and purchase tickets, a warm message "Please select seats continuously and do not leave a single empty seat" will pop up. "Don't leave space between seats" and other prompts, and prevent seat selection and ordering. However, when purchasing tickets offline, theaters generally do not refuse individual consumers to purchase tickets for core viewing area seats. It is not clearly announced online, but it will not be rejected offline. Obviously, the theater is also quite guilty about the operation of "singles cannot choose C position".

It is the right thing to do business with an open door and treat every consumer fairly. "Singles cannot choose C positions" may not mean "abusing singles" as netizens ridiculed, but it does treat them differently and harms consumer rights. Article 9 of the "Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law" stipulates that consumers have the right to independently choose goods or services. Consumers have the right to independently choose operators who provide goods or services, independently select product varieties or service methods, and decide independently to buy or not to buy any kind of goods, and to accept or not to accept any kind of service. Consumers have the right to compare, identify and select when choosing goods or services independently. In this way, setting a seat selection threshold for purchasing a single movie ticket online will undoubtedly deprive consumers of their right to make independent choices.

I selected a favorite seat in the core viewing area, but the system seemed to be a gentle reminder, but in fact it blocked me. Anyway, it was "single people cannot choose the C seat". This is not unique to any particular theater. Media investigations found that many brand cinemas have restrictions on seat selection for single viewers during the ticket purchase process, requiring single viewers to have an even number of seats to complete the ticket purchase, making it impossible for them to choose the ideal seat in the theater. Behind the explanation of "optimizing seat utilization", the purpose of improving economic benefits is very obvious. Just because everyone in the industry is doing this doesn’t mean it’s reasonable. For whatever reason, we can’t ignore the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and put unspoken rules above explicit laws. After all, unspoken rules cannot be put on the table. Cinemas do it secretly but dare not express it. Is it because they are afraid that consumers will take it seriously?

Obviously, "Singles cannot choose the C position". The way the theater operates is really willful! In order to prevent consumers from really "crying" and "making a big fuss" for the rights of a good seat for watching movies, many theater staff also suggested buying the seats next to them first, and then adjusting them according to the actual situation when watching the movie on the spot. There are many obstacles that prevent single viewers from purchasing C seats, but they recommend that they adjust themselves after entering the theater. On the surface, it provides warm service and convenience to meet the needs of movie-watching. In fact, I am afraid that the theater is not only putting commercial interests first. In his eyes, he didn't take the rules seriously at all. Operating in compliance with laws and regulations, treating consumers fairly and fairly, and working more on improving one's own quality are the only way to achieve steady and long-term success. This is true for all walks of life.