Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan Several Chinese drama sequels this year are very impressive. Not only have they been released one after another, they have also received good reputations. First, "Qing Yu Nian 2" got off to a good start, followed by "Sauvignon Blanc 2" and "Tan

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

Several Chinese drama sequels this year are very powerful. Not only have they been released one after another, they have also received good reputations.

made a good start with " Qing Yu Nian 2", and then " Sauvignon Blanc 2" and "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2" were also scheduled to be released one after another.

At present, the second season of "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories" has not yet been released to everyone, but "Sauvignon Blanc 2" has given everyone reassurance in advance. After the

series was launched, it ranked first in popularity after only 4 episodes. Looking at this momentum, it is even faster than "Qing Yu Nian 2".

Returning to the peak of the first season is not a problem for "Sauvignon Blanc 2". After watching the early plot, even in terms of quality and rhythm, it is even better than the first season.

The original cast returns, with one famous scene per episode, Yang Zi this drama directly rewrote the ceiling of 2024 costume dramas.

As soon as the beginning begins, you feel familiar. The plot is tightly connected and full of interesting points.

After a short synopsis to review the story of the first season, "Sauvignon Blanc 2" directly enters the main topic, Xiaoyao, The stories of Xuanxuan, Tushanjing and Xiangliu were served one after another.

The story lines of supporting characters such as A Nian and Chen Rong Xinyue are also interspersed during this period. Overall, it is very exciting.

01, Xuanxuan moved the capital and took Shang Yang as his concubine.

Xuanxuan (played by Zhang Wanyi), who became the King of Xiyan as he wished, faced the first test of moving the capital.

Originally, everyone in the court was opposed to it, but Xuanxuan had the support of his old subordinates like Shang Yang, and even cooked to win over people's hearts, easily achieving his goal.

From this point, we can see that Xuanxuan is indeed the best choice for King Xi Yan,

but because of this, when seeking political power in his position, he had to consider how to become a community of interests with the Shang Yang family, and The best way to avoid swords is to marry.

It’s just that Xuanxuan’s move hurt A Nian and Chenrong Xinyue, although Xiaoyao (played by Yang Zi) understood that his approach was to avoid a sword-to-knife confrontation and consolidate his power position with the least casualties.

But Xiaoyao's considerateness stung Xuanxuan, and also laid the groundwork for him to be destined to fall in love but not be able to do so.

02, Tushan Jing and Xiaoyao met, and the misunderstanding deepened.

Xiaoyao and Tushanjing (played by Deng Wei) meet again, because the misunderstanding between the two has not been resolved. In Xiaoyao's eyes, Tushanjing is still the heartless person who betrayed her, and the two still cannot reconcile. .

Tu Shanjing also didn’t know what happened on the night of consummation, so she couldn’t explain it to Xiaoyao, so she could only watch in pain as Xiaoyao and she became the most familiar strangers.

But Tu Shanjing could not hide his love for Xiaoyao at all, and he could feel how painful it was for him to break up with Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao also became more and more confused about the future after her relationship with Tu Shanjing. She didn’t know where she should go next and what kind of person she should choose to stay with.

03, Xiang Liu Xiaoyao understands the charm, it is difficult to fall in love with each other because of the opposite attitude.

Xiang Liu (played by Tan Jianci ) appears in front of Xiao Yao as Feng Bei. The two clearly have feelings for each other, but because of their positions, they are destined to find it difficult to love each other.

Fangfeng Bei noticed Xiaoyao's thoughts and asked him again and again who he wanted to spend his life with. After Xiaoyao regained her identity as Wang Ji, she could not give a definite answer and could only dodge Fangfengbei's questions.

The people around Xiang Liu were killed one after another, which also indicates that his ending will not be smooth.

Both of them were stubborn and refused to express their feelings. They were also afraid that after expressing their feelings, they would not be able to let go of their current identities and still could not get together. They tacitly hid their feelings in their hearts.

The two agreed to cure the poison, thus severing the connection between them.

The plots updated in the early stage almost paved the way for the ending between the following people. Judging from the previous trailers, Xiaoyao and Xuanxuan finally broke up, Tushanjing and Xiaoyao finally became a happy couple, and each other Liu and Xiaoyao met their end and died in battle.

This sequel is destined to be more abusive than the first season. It looks like he, but in fact it is be.

2, all the acting skills are online, the four leading actors have a head start

Familiar actors perform familiar roles, which can make the audience get involved in the play as soon as they come on, saving time to adapt, which is a major first-mover advantage of "Sauvignon Blanc 2".

However, when I really saw the performance of several actors in the main drama, I still had a surprise.

ranks first, Yang Zi.

It is undeniable that as she gets older, Yang Zi's condition is indeed not as good as before. In a few years, she may not be able to perform in ancient puppet shows.

But looking at the entertainment industry, there is really no one who can act in this kind of subject matter and ensure that the appeal and explosiveness of the acting skills can touch the audience.

In the opening plot, Yang Zi performed Xiaoyao's completely different states when facing three people with different emotional affiliations.

is more supportive of his brother Xuanxuan, and has no other friendship. Therefore, Yang Zi's mood is more indifferent, knowing that the other party's concubine is also very calm.

When facing Tu Shanjing, Xiaoyao didn't seem to care, but there was resentment and anger in her eyes. She pretended to be distant one second, and felt sad the next. Her emotional transition was natural and smooth.

As for Fangfeng Bei, Yang Zi also acted out Xiaoyao's vague expectations and loneliness, as well as the tangled struggles of identity and personal emotions.

Yang Zi's acting skills are as stable as ever.

ranked second, Zhang Wanyi.

Xuanxuan in the second season has become more kingly, and her movements are also very powerful.

As for the handling of details, Zhang Wanyi has never let us down. He treats others with indifference and detachment, but when facing Xiaoyao, he can't even hide the love in his eyes.

's unwilling but helpless state also made Zhang Wanyi grasp it.

ranked third, Deng Wei.

As soon as Tu Shanjing, played by Deng Wei, appears, the first impression one gives is that the whole person is about to break. When

appeared in front of Xiaoyao, his expectation that the other party would forgive him, his silence when he was rejected, and his heartache when he wanted to get closer but knew that he had no reason to identify himself, were all played very well by Deng Wei.

ranked fourth, Tan Jianci. In the first season of

, it is recognized that the most surprising and outstanding character is Xiang Liu played by Tan Jianci. In this season, Tan Jianci still performed at a high level.

He played Xiang Liu’s determination and his restrained love when facing Xiao Yao, which was still very heart-wrenching.

These four actors are the soul of the " Sauvignon Blanc " series.


It is a common phenomenon for domestic dramas to have difficulties in producing sequels, but this year’s domestic dramas have made people feel different.

This "Sauvignon Blanc 2" has been anticipated by everyone for a whole year. Now that it is online, from the plot to the acting of the actors, it has not disappointed everyone.

This also shows once again that if the sequel wants to be a high-quality sequel, the script, actors and creative team are indispensable.

Next, let’s see if “Ghost Stories of the Tang Dynasty 2” can reach the level of the first one. If it can achieve both popularity and quality like “Sauvignon Blanc 2”, then the domestic sequel can be justified.

What do you think of this "Sauvignon Blanc 2"?