A few days ago, the director of the drama "Father" Jiang Weiguo, starring Jin Shijie and Tian Shui, communicated with the audience in the small theater of Shanghai Dramatic Art Center. The play will be performed at the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center from July 27 to August 11, and

Recently, Jiang Weiguo, director of the drama "Father", starring Jin Shijie and Tian Shui, communicated with the audience in the small theater of Shanghai Dramatic Art Center. The play will be performed at the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center from July 27 to August 11, and at the National Center for the Performing Arts from August 15 to 18.

"The elderly Andre found that he began to be unable to recognize the reality he was living in: familiar things were disappearing, familiar people were becoming strangers... Memory and time were becoming increasingly confusing. He did not know where he was, and he did not know where he was. I don’t understand why my daughter insists on finding a caregiver for him, and I don’t understand why strangers have been breaking into my life recently..." At the event, Jin Shijie and Tian Shui read a script of the drama "Father" to the audience, which lasted only 10 minutes. At left and right, a father figure suffering from Alzheimer's disease comes to the audience.

's play "The Father" won the French heavyweight drama award - "Molière Drama Award" for best screenplay in 2014, and was nominated for Tony, Laurence Olivier, London Evening Standard, New York Peripheral Critics Circle and other awards from 2015 to 2016. Award for Best Screenplay; to date, its multiple stage versions have been staged in more than 45 countries around the world. The film of the same name "Father" (also known as "Father Trapped in Time") has been nominated for more than 100 film awards in many countries, and won 30 awards including Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Actor at the 93rd Academy Awards. More than one grand prize.

"Father" tells the story of an old man suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In the process of getting along with his daughter, he continues to fall into the vortex of time and space where memory and reality intersect. By alternately showing the perspective of Alzheimer's patients and the perspective of the patients' family members, a sense of chaos with a suspenseful effect is created. As the unreasonable plot gradually advances, one can't help but wonder if there was any premeditation in all this.

"This script is well written, but it is really difficult to act. I found that I couldn't recite the lines because I was tossing and turning, pinching the beginning and the end, and the logic of the lines was different from that of normal people." Jin Shijie lamented at the scene, This is probably the most difficult drama he has ever acted in.

executive producer and star Tian Shui plays the daughter in the play. She also admitted that she usually recites her lines very quickly, but this time it was really difficult for her to recite them. "The content seems to be the same when I turn it over and over, and it's easy to say a bunch of words together. This play has an internal structure. It seems confusing, but it actually has the internal logic of the screenwriter."

Tan Shui's mother had Alzheimer's disease during her lifetime. Silent disease patients. "In fact, we hope to forget our mother's illness, because we only want to leave good memories of her. But when preparing for this play, we have to keep recalling the state at that time. We need to forget, but we have to keep thinking of it. My sister is Like the daughter Anna in the play, she is in a very internal state and it is very hard. Rehearsing this play is really different from other plays."

director Jiang Weiguo said that he loved it after reading the script. "The drama talks about trivial matters in life, but if you continue watching, it will subvert your initial feelings. The screenwriter hopes to present a state of confusion in time and space, so that the audience can understand the brains of Alzheimer's patients and the difficulties of their families," Jiang Weiguo said. .

An audience member asked Jin Shijie whether his acting talent is a talent one or a technically polished one? Jin Shijie replied: "At the moment of the performance, I must be in a life situation. I put myself in the scene of life. When I return to life itself, what should I do, then I will act."

Jin Shijie also revealed that he likes to watch the news and documentaries, "I will see other people's actions from news videos. How did things happen? Why didn't I think about acting like this? I think this kind of observation and thinking is very interesting."

text | reporter He Jing

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