Hello LPL viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The World Cup LOL project ended the two semi-finals BO3 competition. In the first game, the T1 team defeated the North American champion TL with a score of 2-1. This game also made many...

Hello to all lpl viewers and League of Legends summoners, this is the World Game Network. The

World Cup lol project ended the two semi-final bo3 competitions. In the first game, the t1 team defeated the North American champion TL with a score of 2-1. This game also shocked many t1 fans into a cold sweat.

Because the state shown in this round of t1 was relatively poor, he almost overturned and was eliminated.

faker withstood the pressure, and the blg virus spread

This summer includes the World Cup. One of the most talked about keywords is "discipline". During the lpl summer season, the blg team was criticized by the audience for poor discipline, and on the stage of the World Cup There was a problem in the first round of blg's game against t1. Many mistakes made during the game caused the situation to get out of control and they lost the game.

In the third game of the deciding game, blg was leading by 5,000, but team t1 seized the opportunity to make a comeback.

After tes came on the scene, he showed strong discipline and defeated the two teams gen and g2 consecutively to win the game. T1 also showed poor discipline in the second round against tl. The problem.

Many viewers said they had a familiar feeling when watching the t1 game. They thought it was the blg team after covering up the team names. Therefore, netizens joked that the blg virus is spreading and has affected the t1 team. In this round, they will play against tl. In the game, faker was playing with four teammates under huge pressure.

Other players made outrageous mistakes one after another, causing the t1 team to almost overturn. They lost the game right after the first game. After equalizing in the second game, they relied on a comeback in the third game to get through the danger.

Zeus made a mistake and almost sent t1 home

t1 There must be a certain element of underestimating the enemy in this round of the game against tl, and the play style was not rigorous enough. In the first game, the t1 team hugged the bottom lane and jumped the tower, but was supported by tl and was defeated by the opponent. Played 1 for 2, and then the TL team planned a wave of tower jumping, and successfully killed without paying the price.

Then the t1 team grabbed the top lane, but was supported by TL and played a wave of 0 for 2.

tl's economy quickly increased to more than 4,000. Only Faker made two waves of wonderful operations in adversity. The TL team's mid-lane apa bomber was very effective. He pushed the high ground in the advantageous round and cooperated with his teammate Nosuke to complete a wave in seconds.

Then the t1 team used their signature three shooters. Many early attacks were effective, but they also gave the opponent a few kills in the process. They beat the baron with a huge advantage. The opponent played a 1-for-4 wave, and then advanced from the high ground. Zeus, who was fattened by the team, made a mountain climbing mistake and entered the field and blew herself up.

Zeus Zeli made many mistakes in this game. Fortunately, the t1 advantage was big enough and he was able to win. In the decisive game of

, zeus Quisanti lost two people at the beginning. After being jumped over the tower, he directly hit the faces of the three opponents. He was killed again when he landed, causing T1 to fall into a direct disadvantage in the early stage.

t1 and blg do have certain similarities.

tl kills continuously to open up the rhythm. With a huge advantage, the jungler sends a wave and directly takes the lead. The teammates are out of touch and cannot keep up. They are killed by the opponent and the impact is also sent to the ground. , then TL came with a wave of group rushes to rush the baron, and did not restrict the opponent's jungle. They tried to punish the baron, but the baron was taken away.

t1 made a direct two-wave reversal, changed the situation and won the game. After the game, the audience began to loyalty to the country, because except for the mid laner, the other four players in the TL team were all Korean players. At the critical moment, Korean players came out to give t1 Chance.

After this game, I personally think that the current t1 is indeed very similar to blg. They are both the type that depends on others. Facing a less strong team, they will naturally relax and fight against a strong team. It will change to another form, but the discipline of the blg team is obviously worse than that of t1, which is the most disappointing point.

In addition, although t1 is not in good shape against TL, we cannot say that it has a greater chance of winning in the tes finals, because t1 is the team best at playing high-intensity games. No matter how bad they played before, there is a high probability that they can win in key games. In a good state, I also hope that tes will handle it carefully, be fully prepared, and show his best state to win the championship.