On July 6, the road show of the movie "Silence" came to Chengdu. Director Ke Wenli, starring Zhang Junning and Wang Shengdi appeared at the post-screening exchange at Bona Cinemas (Global Center flagship store) to talk about the film's creative inspiration and behind-the-scenes s

On July 6, the road show of the movie " silently kills " came to Chengdu. Director Ke Wenli, starring Zhang Junning and Wang Shengdi appeared at the post-screening exchange at Bona Cinemas (Global Center flagship store) to talk about the film's creative inspiration and behind-the-scenes stories.

According to real-time data from Beacon Professional Edition, as of 14:49 on July 6, the box office of the movie "Silent Kill" exceeded 200 million yuan. Industry insiders predict that judging from the current audience response, the film is expected to become the first blockbuster film this summer.

Roadshow scene

The story of the film takes place in a school called "Jinghua Girls' High School" on a small Pacific island. The girl Chen Yutong (played by Wang Shengdi) belongs to a special group and has been bullied on campus for a long time. Although Li Han (played by Zhang Junning), the mother of a female worker at school, tried her best to protect her daughter, it was to no avail. The strange thing is that the girls who bullied Chen Yutong disappeared one by one, and soon Chen Yutong also disappeared. With the intervention of the police, a man named Lin Zaifu (played by Wang Chuanjun ) came into the sight of the police and Li Han. However, as the plot develops, there is a huge hidden secret behind every person involved in the case. The director

said that "Silent Kill" explores deeper stories, involving campus bullying and domestic violence. He hopes that the movie will convey positive values, "When you see these things, don't ignore them. We have to reach out." Help, because silence is an accomplice." In 2019, Ke Wenli attracted the attention of many audiences for directing the movie "Manslaughter". He said that in fact, the script of "Silence" existed before "Manslaughter". After seven years and fifty or sixty drafts, it was polished before the work that the audience is seeing on the big screen now.

Junning Zhang

In the movie, Junning Zhang plays Li Han, Wang Shengdi's mother. Due to her own experience, she loves her daughter in the wrong way. When asked by the audience how to play this role well, she said that she looked for feelings from her friends and relatives who were mothers, including her relationship with her mother, because the power of love is very powerful.

Junning Zhang (left) and Wang Shengdi (right)

Wang Shengdi, who once played Pupu in "The Hidden Corner", this time plays Xiaotong, a mute girl who suffers from school bullying. Wang Shengdi, who is about to turn 14, said that when interpreting this role, he needs to mobilize his eyes, expressions and some body movements, which brings certain challenges to himself.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao editor Su Jing