Xiaoyang (pseudonym), a young man who was blinded by the phantom of a high salary, accidentally stepped into a well-designed recruitment trap. When he woke up, he found himself in a foreign country and was forced to be involved in a whirlpool of telecommunications fraud. He almos

Xiaoyang (pseudonym)

A young man blinded by the phantom of a high salary

accidentally stepped into a well-designed recruitment trap

After awakening,

he found himself abroad

and was forced to be involved in a whirlpool of telecommunications fraud. China

almost died

After seeing the true face of the fraud group

, he escaped the pursuit of the gunmen

After many hardships

fled across the two countries to the Chinese border

What kind of secret is hidden behind this?

How did Xiaoyang

escape from danger step by step in this escape of life and death?

Let us walk into the story of the guest boy

escaping from the "tiger's mouth" in Cambodia...

He was deceived into going abroad under the temptation of high salary

In 2016, Xiaoyang went to Dongguan to work hard. After investing in a labor service company, the major shareholder ran away and owed more than 20 people. Employees' wages have not been paid. He and another shareholder struggled to raise funds to advance employees' salaries in full. Unexpectedly, after he had just taken on debt to advance his salary, he fell into a fraud trap.

"Brother, life is not easy? I have a way." Anan (pseudonym), a friend who had helped Xiaoyang, called and said: "It's easy to make money in the Philippines. It's not a dream to earn 30,000 yuan a month. There are many brothers here." Things are going well here."

Xiaoyang was doubtful and asked: "What kind of job is it to make money so easily?"

Anan explained: "It's to do customer service and look for potential customers online. , send content to attract traffic. " sounds very tempting, but it is actually a trap. Anan saw that Xiaoyang was short of money, so he bombarded him with rumors that the Philippines was a quick way to make money, and used luxurious life to seduce him.

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival of 2021 is approaching. Xiaoyang finally couldn't restrain the curiosity and desire in his heart, so he took the initiative to ask how to go abroad. The other party took advantage of the situation and instructed him to take his luggage to Nanning Wuxu Airport on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. also promised that there would be a dedicated person to assist him and arrange for his smooth departure, and all expenses would be fully borne by their so-called "company".

After Xiao Yanggang arrived in Nanning, he received the hotel information from the other party. After checking in, the other party sent the "snakehead" contact information and asked Xiaoyang to contact the "snakehead".

The next day, after Xiao Yang contacted the "snakehead", a van took Xiao Yang from Nanning to Chongzuo. In addition to the driver, there were several other young people in the van. After nightfall, the group quietly climbed over several mountains. Only then did Xiao Yang know that he had arrived in Vietnam.

After smuggling into Vietnam, Xiao Yang and several other young people got into a pickup truck. The people in the truck were carrying mini submachine guns. At this time, Xiao Yang began to have an ominous premonition. After driving for two days, Xiao Yang was pulled Arrived in Cambodia.

"It happened to be an epidemic at that time. We were quarantined in a hotel near Sihanoukville, Cambodia, and were guarded by security guards with guns. After the lockdown was lifted, a van jolted for half an hour and pulled us into the park." As soon as we entered the door, everything was full of excitement. It was a guard with a gun. Xiaoyang was trembling with fear. When Xiaoyang met his good brother Anan, he was so nervous that he could not speak.

The next morning, the company's boss held a meeting with them and said, "Now that we can't make money doing customer service, we are looking for new ways to engage in telecommunications fraud, which is often called the 'killing pig'."

At this time, Xiaoyang's good friend took over and said hypocritically: "It's okay if you do it, or you don't do it, and I won't force everyone." It was at this time that Xiaoyang suddenly realized that what he called " Good brother Anan is the executive of a fraud gang.

Bravely fighting evil forces and escaping from danger

When he learned that the job he was engaged in was telecommunications fraud, Xiaoyang was angry: "This is a crime, I won't do it!" The boss sneered: "Don't do it? First, pay 100,000 yuan for travel expenses. Otherwise, don't even think about going out."

When Xiaoyang heard this, his heart dropped, and then he called his family for help. His father was also very anxious, but he also comforted Xiaoyang and said, "Son, don't be afraid, I will save you even if I lose everything!"

Unexpectedly, the liar boss suddenly changed his mind: "I want 50,000 US dollars now!" Xiaoyang scolded angrily: "You are cheating!" The boss roared disdainfully: "Here, I have the final say. If you can't pay, just do it for me!" "

" How dare you talk back! "The leading security guard roared viciously, and then raised the electric shock baton and fell hard on Xiao Yang. A strong electric current instantly ran through his body. When the electric current finally stopped, Xiao Yang was completely weak. Lying on the ground.

"See? This is the consequence of disobedience. If you want to survive, do as I say. "The fraud leader looked around at everyone, and when he saw that everyone was silent, his tone became more fierce, "Don't have any illusions, the rule here is to obey. "

In desperation, everyone was forced to participate in on-the-job training. copied phrases every day, chatted with strangers on WeChat, looking for "prey".

In May 2021, the company management forced Xiaoyang and others to pay a lot of money. International dating app account, forces them to follow the global netizens and work for more than ten hours a day. What's worse is that those who don't meet the standards of will either be punched, kicked or received electric shocks.

One day, on the phone. In the fraud park, a friend Xiao Yang knew suddenly disappeared. The next day, he heard that he committed suicide by jumping off a building. Hearing the bad news, Xiao Yang felt a chill go down his spine. He realized that if he continued to stay here, he would end up miserable. .

In October 2021, Xiaoyang's gout recurred, and he drank secretly, in order to find an opportunity to escape by hurting himself. Half a month later, his condition worsened, and his feet were swollen like pig's trotters.

At this time, it happened. The good news of a big order came from the fraud office area, and Xiaoyang took the opportunity to burst into tears: "Brother Nan, if my foot is not treated, I'm afraid it will become useless. You see, on this big day, let’s help our brothers. "

Anan was soft-hearted. Seeing the joy of the big order and the pain of Xiaoyang, he readily agreed: "Sure, let's make an exception. But you have to work hard for me and stop causing trouble! "

Afterwards, the company sent two security guards to escort Xiao Yang to medical treatment. One of the security guards was addicted to smoking and went to buy cigarettes. The remaining security guard looked at Xiao Yang's pitiful appearance and thought in his mind that his condition was too serious. He couldn't run away, so he stood aside and glanced at it from time to time.

At this time, Xiaoyang's mind was full of how to find an opportunity to escape. After about ten minutes, the elder brother in charge of security made a phone call next to him. Relaxing his vigilance.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Xiaoyang jumped up from the bed, rushed to the backyard, climbed over the 1.8-meter-high wall of the hospital, and then got into a trash can. Huddled in the trash can, not daring to breathe, thinking silently in my heart: God bless me, don't let them find me.

Xiaoyang hid in the smelly and narrow trash can for a full 8 hours. In the dead of night, after the searchers left, he got out of the trash can. He used the few hundred yuan he had left to buy a mobile phone and dialed his father's phone number

Overseas Help

" Son, what's going on over there now? "The old father answered the phone and asked anxiously. "Dad, I... I encountered a scam. I was controlled by them before, but now I have escaped! "

The old father's legs went weak and he quickly called the police. Then he staggered to the community, "Secretary, my only son had an accident abroad, and the police also intervened. Can you help me save the child!" "As he spoke, his eyes turned red. He told his most trusted community secretary about what happened to his child.

Lin Wuyun, the party secretary of Zhenbei Community, Chengdong Street, Binxingbin District, saw Xiaoyang's father's expression on his face. Anxious, he quickly stepped forward to comfort him: "Uncle, please relax, I will try my best to help you. If you do this, tell Xiaoyang my WeChat ID and ask him to add me. If anything happens, we can tell him on WeChat so we can get in touch. "

In the blink of an eye, it was October 2021. Xiaoyang found a love station to stay in Cambodia. He could take a breath and thought about how to escape back to the country quietly.But in January 2022, Xiaoyang was anxious to return to China and tried every means to sneak across, but was stopped every time.

At the end of March 2022, Xiaoyang tried to smuggle back to China again and escaped from Cambodia to Vietnam. As soon as I set foot on the border of Vietnam, I bumped into several Vietnamese militiamen with guns in their hands. When I saw Xiaoyang, one of the militiamen pointed at Xiao Yang with the barrel of his gun and shouted in not fluent Chinese: "China People? Listen, let's go back and forth from where we are!" Looking at this situation, Xiaoyang can only give up the idea of ​​smuggling back to the country for the time being.

In early April 2022, Xiaoyang hid in the China-Cambodia Love Station again, staying here for another two months. In order to save some money for traveling home, Xiaoyang found a small workshop run by a Chinese and started doing odd jobs for three months, and then he barely scraped together enough money for the ticket back home.

"Secretary, it's too chaotic here. I want to go back to China, so you have to help me." In early August 2022, Xiaoyang sent a distress signal to Lin Wuyun via WeChat.

In order to find a way for Xiao Yang to return home safely from Cambodia, Lin Wuyun took out the globe in the office and studied the route back from Cambodia.

Lin Wuyun introduced to reporters Xiaoyang’s route back from Cambodia.

In September 2022, Sihanoukville, Cambodia, was targeted by the Sihanouk Unified Command for online gambling and human trafficking, and crackdown on various crimes was carried out. The electronic fraud gangs are like moving rats, hiding here and there, and security has been relaxed a lot.

At the end of September 2022, Xiao Yang sent Lin Wuyun a WeChat message: "Secretary, I am now on the border of Vietnam, and I am looking for an opportunity to return home quietly."

Lin Wuyun took a look and knew that this guy was impatient, and quickly warned: "Be safe on the road. First, don’t cause trouble for yourself. Also, you must abide by the local rules and don’t cause trouble. If you encounter difficulties, ask the embassy for help.”

also felt bitter when talking about why he didn’t ask the embassy for help before. "At that time, the situation was urgent and I was worried about being targeted, so I thought about how to escape back to the country as soon as possible."

Then, he set off from Pleiku City, Vietnam, and took a whole day's drive to Kontum City, a city in central Vietnam. , is now officially on its way home. Then, I got on the bus in Kontum City and rushed to Hanoi, Vietnam. It took another 2 days on the road. After resting in Hanoi, Vietnam, we took another eight days of driving and finally arrived at Mong Cai City, a small city in northern Vietnam close to China.

Mong Cai City (móng cái) belongs to Guang Ninh Province in Vietnam. It is located in the northeast of Vietnam, bordering the Beibu Gulf to the east and Dongxing City, Guangxi, my country to the north. There is only Beilun River between Mong Cai City and Dongxing City in my country. When leaving Dongxing, you cross the Beilun River Bridge, which is less than 100 meters long, and enter Mong Cai, Vietnam.

In November 2022, standing at the end of Mong Street, looking at the border of China opposite, with the motherland so close at hand, Xiaoyang cried with joy. He immediately took out his mobile phone and sent another WeChat message to Lin Wuyun, an old acquaintance in the community. Lin Wuyun knew that Xiaoyang had returned to the border safely, so he ran to the local police station again, reported his situation , and specifically told: "Xiaoyang entered the country from Mangjie, please communicate with the border police station in advance."

The local police station Bian originally planned to help them contact the embassy and come back through official channels. After all, safety came first. But when Xiaoyang saw that the other side was China, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

After more than a year on the run, Xiaoyang was eager to return home. He jumped directly into the Beilun River, swam for more than ten minutes before reaching the other side, and surrendered directly to the Malu Border Police Station of the Fangchenggang Border Management Detachment. Although this move was too impulsive, only Xiaoyang could understand his deep fear of that period of torture and abuse.

guy’s personal experience: Beware of the new type of scam

“Escaped from the hellish experience, I deeply realized that it was just a trick. There is no free bargain in this world, and there is no pie in the sky!” victim Zhe Xiaoyang said that from now on, he will be down-to-earth and will never be dazzled by those dreams of high salary again.

html On July 1, Xiao Yang (right) came to Zhenbei Community, Chengdong Street, Xingbin District, Binxing District to deliver the banner to Lin Wuyun (left).

"The reason why I mustered up the courage to make this unbearable life-and-death escape experience public is that I hope that everyone who hears my story can feel the thrilling experience, and thus alert more people not to step into the trap again. This is the road of no return to the abyss," Xiaoyang said.

Xiao Yang’s experience

is a living “lightning rod”

I hope people who have the illusion of getting rich overnight

can learn a lesson

When applying for a job, you must keep your eyes open

Don’t think about taking shortcuts

Don’t be greedy for small gains

to avoid being deceived