On July 5, fishermen were fishing on the Qiantang River. Photo by Wang Gang China News Service, Hangzhou, July 5 (Guo Qiyu, Chen Chenpeng) On July 5, the second Qiantang River Fishing Festival in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province kicked off. At 6 o'clock in the morning, 20 fishing boat

html On July 5, fishermen were fishing on the Qiantang River. Photo by Wang Gang

China News Service, Hangzhou, July 5 (Guo Qiyu, Chen Chenpeng) On July 5, the second Qiantang River Fishing Festival in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province kicked off. At 6 o'clock in the morning, 20 fishing boats on the Qiantang River returned for their "first catch". The fishermen who returned home loaded up with saury, seabass, silver carp, bald fish, river eels and other fishing products ashore one after another. The "first catch" total catch was 3,800 More than a kilogram.

On July 1 this year, the four-month fishing ban on the Qiantang River was officially lifted. Affected by the previous days of rainfall, the water level in the Hangzhou section of the Qiantang River rose and navigation was closed across the board. Fishing officially opened on the 5th.

The Qiantang River is the "Mother River" of Zhejiang. Since the launch of the fishing ban system in 2019, the fishery resources in the Qiantang River basin have been further protected and restored. At present, there are more than 100 fish species in the Qiantang River waters.

Fishermen display the big fish they caught. Photo by Wang Gang

"41 pounds!" Returning from the "first catch", fisherman Li Jianhua caught the heavyweight "King of Fishes". Li Jianhua, 56, has been fishing on the Qiantang River since he was a child. He recalled, "This used to be an endless reed swamp. Now the environment is much better. I am very grateful to the Qiantang River for nurturing us all my life."

Qiantang is full of tides. Jiang Xian. Citizens who arrived early in the morning have already lined up at the fish market on the riverside, looking forward to their first bite of Jiangsu fresh food this year. "I especially like swordfish. Although it has more bones, it is very fresh and tender." Mr. Yu, a citizen, comes here specially to buy fish. When the fishing ban ends every year, he always appears at the fish market as scheduled.

This year’s Qiantang River Fishing Festival also set up a PK competition to compete for the king of chefs, allowing citizens and tourists to taste the delicious taste of local Jiangsu delicacies on the spot and judge the “Nine Flavors of Jiangsu delicacies” in everyone’s mind. Chef Yuan, the "King of Chefs", brought his unique skill of braised fish head to the stage. He said that this dish highlights the word "fresh". It not only contains fish heads, but also adds abalone and other seafood.

At the event site that day, around the theme of “Promoting Industrial Development and Protecting the Ecology of the Qiantang River”, Shangcheng District, Xiaoshan District, Fuyang District, Tonglu County, Jiande City and other places in the Qiantang River Basin of Hangzhou jointly launched an initiative to improve the Qiantang River Improve the level of joint management and protection of the water environment in the basin, and strengthen ecological restoration and biodiversity protection in the basin. (End)

(China News Network)