Join hands to paint youth and forge ahead into a new era! #2024 cross-strait youth summit# will officially open tomorrow! Youth on both sides of the Taiwan Strait work together to build and realize their youth dreams. At that time, about 600 youth representatives from a

join hands to paint youth and forge ahead into a new era!

#2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit#

will officially open tomorrow!

Young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait work together to build and realize their youth dreams.

At that time, about 600 youth representatives from all walks of life on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will gather together.

Chen Kewei, Ding Wenyun, Ding Ning, Wang Hedi, Li Chen and Zhai Xiaochuan send their blessings!

Hello everyone, I am Chen Kewei. Join us to paint youth and forge ahead into a new era! Youth are the backbone of cross-Strait integrated development. We hope that in the future we can organize more youth exchange groups, youth forums and other activities to make greater contributions to the development of cross-Strait relations. We also wish the 2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit a smooth and complete success.

Hello, friends of young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, I am Ding Wenyun, let’s join hands to paint youth and forge ahead into a new era! I hope that more marriages and families on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will be happier, and we also look forward to the complete success of the 2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit.

Hello friends from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, I am Ding Ning. I am very happy to participate in the 2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit. I went to Taiwan to communicate with you last year, and this year I was fortunate to receive Taiwanese friends at Peking University. We come and go, and we go from strangers to familiarity. Our hearts are getting closer and closer. We hope that young friends from both sides of the Taiwan Strait can have more exchanges and communication through the summit platform, and join hands to reshape their youth and forge ahead into a new era! I wish the 2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit a complete success.

Hello, friends of young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, I am Wang Hedi. Youth are the hope of the country and the future of the nation. Only when young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are good will the future of both sides of the Strait be good. We have a common blood and a common culture, which allows us to become disseminators of traditional Chinese culture, work together to rejuvenate our youth and forge ahead into a new era! I wish the 2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit a successful success!

Young friends from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, hello everyone! I am Li Chen. I welcome young friends from Taiwan to come to the mainland of the motherland to pursue, build, and realize their dreams. I hope that young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can learn from each other, rely on each other, and work together to create more outstanding literary and artistic works and contribute to the realization of national rejuvenation. Contribute the power of youth. Join hands to paint youth and forge ahead into a new era! Let our youth bloom in the motherland! I also wish the 2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit a successful success!

Hello friends from the youth on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, I am Zhai Xiaochuan, a basketball player. Last year, I participated in the first Beijing-Taiwan basketball friendly match. I played ball to make friends and felt the enthusiasm and passion of young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for basketball. Join hands to paint youth and forge ahead into a new era! I hope that young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can feel the passion and power that sports bring to us. Finally, I wish the 2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit a complete success.

The 2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit is co-sponsored by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Education, the All-China Youth Federation and the Beijing Municipal People's Government, and hosted by the Beijing Taiwan Affairs Office, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, the Beijing Youth Federation and the Haidian District People's Government. It includes the opening ceremony and main forum , sub-forums, Taiwan Youth Internship and Employment Promotion Conference, Beijing-Taiwan Youth Life Festival, Cross-Strait Youth Digital Music Night and other youth exchange activities continue to create opportunities for the growth, success, and success of youth on both sides of the Strait, and for youth on both sides of the Strait to learn from each other and rely on each other. , work together to build a platform.

together compose the symphony of youth and write the glorious chapter of the times. Since 2018, the Cross-Strait Youth Summit has been successfully held for six times. A total of about 150 cross-Strait youth exchange activities have been held, attracting the enthusiastic participation of more than 5,000 cross-Strait youths, and creating a big stage for cross-Strait youth to talk about friendship, collide ideas, and look forward to the future.

The future of cross-strait development belongs to the youth, and the hope of national rejuvenation rests on the youth.The Cross-Strait Youth Forum continues to highlight the needs of young people and expand the "circle of friends" of cross-Strait youth, from cultural origins to people's livelihood discussions, from youth handshakes to imagining the future, from interactive exchanges to internship practice, making the road of cross-Strait youth exchanges wider and wider, inspiring both sides Young people move forward hand in hand to create the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

2024 Cross-Strait Youth Summit

Countdown to 1 day!

We look forward to it together!