Text | Editor An Qing | 9527 After the Miaogujun Magnolia Award, the Hundred Flowers Award has become a new topic in the entertainment industry. As one of the highest awards in the film industry with more gold content and more fierce competition, many netizens are paying close at

Text | An Qing

Editor | 9527 Miaogujun

After the Magnolia Award, the Hundred Flowers Award has become a new topic in the entertainment industry. As one of the highest awards in the film industry with more gold content and more fierce competition, many netizens are very excited about it. Pay attention to the nomination results of this session.

However, judging from the nomination list of the Hundred Flowers Awards, many nominations have caused controversy.

The best actor nominee for "Man Jiang Hong" is not Shen Teng, but Yi Yang Qianxi. "Homecoming" was shortlisted for Best Actor, but the nominee was Wang Junkai instead of Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi, who has been recognized for his acting skills, was nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actor in "River Red".

After going round and round, Shen Teng was not shortlisted, and Zhang Yi regretted that he was demoted. The Hundred Flowers Award favors young actors, and the desire to give more opportunities to newcomers is obvious, but the audience can't help but feel sorry for these truly outstanding leading actors, especially Shen Teng, who has never won the best actor award.

Regarding this, there is recognition and controversy, but what is strange is that Jia Ling has also become the focus of the nomination list after the announcement.

After "Hello, Li Huanying", this is Jia Ling's second Best Actress nomination for the Hundred Flowers Award. However, this time when she clicked on the relevant hot search topic, netizens complained.

" remake movies should not be nominated" "Isn't there a reason why domestic movies are garbage? Even the shots and storyboards are copied, who did it direct?" "I don't know what the Hundred Flowers Award recommends? Where is the originality? ? Where is the innovation? ”

Some netizens have almost denied all of Jia Ling’s achievements as a director and actor. The so-called famous people, from "Hello, Li Huanying" to "Hot and Spicy", Jia Ling has created two A box-office miracle, her meteoric rise in the film field is destined to cause some controversy.

The more intense the siege against Jia Ling is, the more it proves the sadness of the entertainment industry and the times.

Among the nominations for Best Director this time, except for Jia Ling, all are male directors. We do not deny the artistic strength of male directors, but we have to say that the current structure of the film industry is "men sit at the head table."

This will passively lead to movies from a female perspective not having enough say in the film industry, and movies targeting female characters will always remain in place. This can be seen from the overturn of "I Am a Mountain".

Jia Ling’s popularity is an attempt to introduce female themes in the film field. It may not be perfect, but it definitely has its meaning.

In "Hello, Li Huanying", Li Huanying, played by Zhang Xiaofei, is full of maternal aura. She is gentle and delicate, and she was a lively and free girl before becoming a mother.

In "Hot and Spicy", Le Ying, played by Jia Ling, has grown from a decadent and discouraged ordinary person to a woman with ideals and pursuits, and who pays more attention to herself. In the growth of the characters, the power of women can also be felt across the screen.

In addition to the female topics contained in the movie itself, Jia Ling's movies, as "comedy" themes, can always make the audience laugh.

"Hello, Li Huanying" made me cry and laugh at the same time. The ending was tearful and the whole process was full of laughter.

"Hot and Spicy" contains various small humors. These plots have no trace of comedy or Internet jokes.

As a commercial film, how could Jia Ling's film achieve such high box office results just by luck?

Besides, Jia Ling’s movie really has details that other movies don’t have.

While most movies highlight group portraits but only associate female characters with "beauty", Jia Ling is creating a different feminine charm.

If "Hot and Spicy" was shot by a male director, then Le Ying played by Jia Ling must have "emotional blank" and "0 sexual experience" settings, because she is fat, ordinary, and even sloppy, so most of the movies She will be regarded as the loser in the relationship and the chosen position in love.

But "Hot and Spicy" is different. In the plot, Le Ying had already had a relationship with a man and a woman before she had a relationship with the boxer Hao Kun. Moreover, this setting seemed so ordinary and ordinary under Jia Ling's lens, and it was brushed off.

In the movie "Hot and Spicy", the owner of the grilled fish shop was rude to Le Ying after drinking too much, and even wanted to sexually harass her. The camera focused on the ugly and wretched face of the grilled fish shop owner. When the camera turned, it was Le Ying who struck hard. picture.

Similar or even more intense scenes, when shot by a male director, will inevitably show the broken and disheveled side of the victim.

When the camera is pointed at the victim and the focus is on the victim's naked body, the picture is not speaking for the victim, but taking advantage of women's vulnerability to satisfy the cruel desires of some people.

This kind of discomfort will never appear in Jia Ling's movies.

Her perspective is gentle, delicate, female-oriented, and shows female power and charm.

Of course, Jia Ling has many shortcomings as a director. Her narrative may not have such a strong technical sense, her lens aesthetic may not have so many ways to play, and even the essence of the story is not that profound, but the market needs Jia Ling like this. Directors, female themes also need representatives like Jia Ling.

Objectively speaking, Jia Ling has little chance of winning the nomination for Best Director this time, because Wu Ershan, Wang Baoqiang, and Zhang Yimou who are also on the nomination list all have good film performances.

Especially "Fengshen Part 1" brought by director Wu Ershan has a more shocking film art effect from the core of the story to the special effects production.

As for Jia Ling, who was only a nominee and not a winner, she was subjected to such harsh cyber attacks. It can only be said that the entire entertainment industry and the entire film market are afraid of Jia Ling, her efforts, and her lack of hype. You can achieve tens of billions of box office results without being a monster.

Jia Ling was ridiculed by the crowd, which once again confirmed what Feng Xiaogang said. In an interview, Feng Xiaogang bluntly said "Is it because there are a lot of rubbish viewers that the reason for the formation of so many rubbish movies must be with a large number of rubbish viewers." There are relationships".

Jia Ling's achievements are obviously worthy of recognition, but some people are trying their best to discredit her, seize some of Jia Ling's shortcomings, and start to sing high-profile, trying to prove that she is not worthy of becoming a director.

A good movie market can accommodate movies of various themes, styles, and perspectives. But now it seems that bad domestic films are rampant, and the films that really deserve to be complained about and boycotted are invisible, while the truly meaningful and high-quality works are besieged and ridiculed because they raked in box office.

Jia Ling’s double nomination for the Hundred Flowers Awards was ridiculed by the crowd, which is a “sadness” for the entire entertainment industry and the entire era.

Finally, what do you think of Jia Ling’s nomination at the Hundred Flowers Awards this time? Can you capture Jia Ling’s charm as a director? Participate in the discussion in the comment area and talk about your current situation of many netizens indiscriminately denying Jia Ling's achievements.