"In today's literary party class, I not only have to perform, but also preach the red history on the stage. On the birthday of the party, using language to express the feelings of family and country is a new attempt, and it is also a challenge for us acrobats." On July 1, before

 “In today’s literary party class, I not only have to perform, but also preach the red history on the stage. On the party’s birthday, using language to express the feelings of family and country is a new attempt, and it is also a challenge for us acrobats. "On July 1, before the literary party class of the acrobatic drama "Battle of Shanghai" was held at the Young Theater, the starring Wang Huaifu said.

Before the performance of the acrobatic drama "War on Shanghai", the actors and crew combined the historical background and specific events to vividly reproduce the important position of Shanghai during the War of Liberation through carefully arranged dramas, songs, dances, recitations and other literary and artistic programs. and function. Wang Huaifu and the other two acrobats, using their respective characters in the play, told the audience how the People's Liberation Army heroically liberated Shanghai, how the Shanghai underground party organization persisted in the struggle under the enemy's strict surveillance, and how the Shanghai people actively supported the revolution and Join the revolution.

Wang Huaifu, who gave a monologue on stage for the first time, said: "I have never spoken before on stage. This time the lines are very long. I recite them every day and even think about the words when I sleep." Regarding this breakthrough acrobatic drama in the literary party class Liang Hongjun, head of the Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe, said: "In the past five years, these actors have had a lot of feelings during the performance of "Battle of Shanghai". This time they not only used their bodies but also used words to communicate with the audience. It took a lot of time." I spent a lot of time researching the lyrics. "

" Over the years, every time "War in Shanghai" tours, it will take young actors to local party classes to learn about red culture. Wang Huaifu was influenced by his character Jiang Hua. After the first performance of "Battle of Shanghai" in 2019, he submitted an application for party membership and joined the Communist Party of China in 2021. He said: "Jiang Hua and I are both party members. Looking at history through my perspective, from the south bank of the Suzhou River to the battle in the city, he and I seemed to have joined together through time and space in the battle to liberate Shanghai, inspiring young people in the new era to remember the revolutionary history. Inheriting the red gene."

Then, the acrobatic drama "Battle of Shanghai" kicked off. The actors used their difficult skills and exquisite choreography to vividly present the historical scenes in front of the audience. For example, the "Monument" segment in the program debuted at the CCTV Lantern Festival Gala in 2021. Through the superb skills of acrobats, the images of the revolutionary heroes were sculpted into a "character statue", which not only enhanced their image The reappearance is a vivid interpretation of his heroic deeds. This form not only attracts the audience's attention, but also makes the revolutionary spirit shine with new brilliance in acrobatic art, injecting powerful appeal and shock into the literary and artistic party classes.

It is understood that two months ago, as soon as the information about the "Battle of Shanghai" acrobatic art party class was released, there was an endless stream of consultation calls. The audience all wanted to participate in the literary party class related to the history of Shanghai on the special day. At the performance site, there were colleagues from work units who came together for party-building activities, there were also middle school students wearing league emblems who came to study that period of history during the summer vacation, and there were also many young parents who came with their children...

Liang Hongjun believed that literary and artistic party classes are not only The review of historical events connects history with real life. "Especially through the perspective of the protagonist Lien Chang Jiang Hua, the audience sees the vivid images of heroes and feels their firm beliefs." (Xinmin Evening News reporter Wu Xiang)