"The Story of a Rose" has a perfect ending. Different from the original work, this is a story about female growth and inspiration. The whole drama is about the radiant life path of the heroine Huang Yimei. Her four relationships are all very exciting. Love The boys who fall in lo

" Rose Story " has a perfect ending. Different from the original work, this is a story about female growth and inspiration. The whole drama is about the radiant life path of the heroine Huang Yimei. Her four relationships are all very special. Wonderful, the boys who fall in love with her are all handsome guys, but when faced with emotional problems, Huang Yimei is able to separate herself clearly and has the clearest understanding of her life plan. The entire drama is adapted It has a very modern style, which is still different from Yi Shu's original work.

In Yi Shu's original work, Huang Meigui is also a person who dares to love and hate. She can't love Zhuang Guodong, so she destroys his home; her marriage to the dull Fang Xiewen makes her unhappy, and she ends it as soon as she wants; Later, I met Fu Jiaming. Even though he only had three months left to live, he started a passionate love like a moth to a flame. When it ended, he didn't feel regretful because he had loved it.

In the end, Huang Meigui married an old man. She also had a clear understanding of herself. Because she didn’t like to go to work and liked to spend money, she simply married a fifty-nine-year-old man when she was in her thirties. Luo Luoqing can be regarded as writing the most perfect annotation for his love life.

In fact, whether in the original work or the TV series, there is a character who has enough influence on Huang Yimei, and that is Su Gengsheng. In the original work, Huang Zhenhua fell in love with Su Gengsheng at first sight, and the two immediately started a very sensible relationship. During the love life, Su Gengsheng was also very concerned about Huang Meigui's emotional life. On this point, the original work and the TV series are consistent.

In fact, whether it is the drama version or the novel, the character Su Gengsheng is sensible enough, and I think that in the TV series, the character Su Gengsheng is more three-dimensional and richer.

01 Su Gengsheng’s first impression

When Su Gengsheng appeared, it was when Huang Yimei applied for Jiang Xueyao’s company. At that time, Huang Yimei’s white shirt was stained, so he simply borrowed a scarf from a stranger Su Gengsheng to cover it up. Su Gengsheng said He looked very cold, but after Huang Yimei actually joined the job, Su Gengsheng still helped her a lot at work.

Before the audience could uncover Su Gengsheng's past, they did feel that she was very cold, and even Huang Yimei's friendly touch felt unnatural. However, her sincere heart betrayed her. In fact, she was just cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

02 Su Gengsheng’s unfortunate experience

In fact, it was later that I felt that Huang Zhenhua’s heart was really strong enough. After being “returned” by Bai Xiaohe, the doctor’s ex-girlfriend, he turned around and pursued Su Gengsheng. However, Su Gengsheng’s heart was a black hole, and in her When he was young, he was raped by his stepfather, and his mother's neglect made the experience even more aggrieved. But fortunately, justice is always there. Although Su Gengsheng was unable to avenge herself as an adult, when she heard that her stepfather had done the same bad thing again, she ran back to her hometown and sent her stepfather to prison. After seeing this paragraph , it was a little bit refreshing.

Another secret of Su Gengsheng is that she was once married. This is reflected in both novels and TV series. In the TV series, Su Gengsheng confessed to Huang Zhenhua about their marriage history. After a fierce ideological struggle, Huang Zhenhua still forgave Su Gengsheng.

This process of forgiveness is also very heartwarming. Originally, Su Gengsheng wanted to break up with Huang Zhenhua, but Huang Zhenhua said that breaking up should be ritualistic. In order to send a message, people in ancient times ran 42 kilometers to Rome. City, so the two of them had to run a 42-kilometer marathon together, and then he also had to give Su Gengsheng a message. In fact, Su Gengsheng had already made up his mind to break up, so he didn't care, thinking that this was his final farewell.

In fact, Huang Zhenhua was already limping before the halfway point. The two of them ran from dawn to dusk and finally reached the finish line. However, what Su Gengsheng was waiting for was a proposal. Although it was not romantic, it was special enough.

Huang Zhenhua said: We will encounter many difficulties, but just like running a marathon, you are behind me, which is my courage to persist through difficulties. At this point, Su Gengsheng has reached perfection.

In the original work, because both of them were very rational, Su Gengsheng, who was most courting, felt Huang Zhenhua's boredom, so the two eventually divorced, but in the TV series, the ending of the two was happy and perfect.