At the beginning of the article, I want to talk about a real case that made the listener angry and the listener shed tears! The story takes place in 2008! A lively and kind-hearted 8-year-old girl was stopped by a strange man on her way to school, and then dragged into

At the beginning of the article, I want to talk about a real case that made the listener angry and the listener shed tears!

The story took place in 2008!

A lively and kind-hearted 8-year-old girl was stopped by a strange man on her way to school, and then dragged into an abandoned factory and beaten and sexually assaulted.

The poor little girl suffered an inhuman torture just because she held an umbrella for this human devil.

After that, she suffered many injuries, including abdominal and pelvic fractures, visceral rupture, and necrosis of large and small intestines outside the body. Although

finally saved his life after 8 hours of rescue, he will have to carry a urine bag for a long time, use an artificial anus for the rest of his life, and may even be infertile for life, and live in a terrifying psychological shadow for the rest of his life.

This is the once sensational sexual assault case of Na Young.

Since then, this case has been adapted into the movie "Sowon", which was released in 2013. Later, it was adapted into the inspiring charity song "Growing Up with a Weight of 10,000 Jin" by singer Taiyi!

Why do you want to bring up this bloody and extremely painful real case?

That's because Han Xue, a well-known domestic female singer, was maliciously teased when she truly performed the charity song "Growing Up with a Weight of 10,000 Jin" in "Chengfeng 2024".

When Han Xue chose this song, she originally just wanted to speak out for women who have been violated, encourage them to bravely get out of that tragic life experience, get back on their feet, and start a better new life; she also called on everyone to pay attention to sexual assault.

However, I never expected that in the world of crows, everything is black.

Some netizens used Han Xue's good deeds and deeds to make excessive pranks, jokes, and ridicules, completely ignoring the psychological feelings of the victims, trampling on their self-esteem, and hurting their souls a second time.

Even in some spoof videos, we saw that when Han Xue sang the lyrics "Maybe the world doesn't welcome me", the video creator typed the words "You still have grandpa" on the screen. In the

video, the title "Who named her?" is even more malicious.

This is not simply an objective review based on Han Xue's singing skills, singing style, and performance effects, but a purely malicious joke and personal attack.

In response to this, Han Xue was also furious and couldn't help but post a reply to netizens.

did this because Han Xue felt that this was an extremely serious and heavy work, and netizens should not make fun of it.

As soon as this incident came out, the entry "Han Xue refused to carry a weight of 10,000 kilograms to make fun of him when he grew up" immediately became a hot search, and the number of reads even reached nearly 200 million. After the

incident broke out, most netizens with upright views and clear minds supported Han Xue's actions.

At the same time, many official media such as China Literature and Art Network, The Paper, and Global Figures also came to support.

Everyone has the same opinion as Han Xue: respect the original work and refuse malicious jokes!

Because, seeing the scars on little "Suyuan"'s body and the tears flowing from the corners of her eyes, we all felt extremely sad about what happened to her and her family, and we were also filled with indignation at the inhumanity of that human devil.

However, why can such a serious and bloody case be used as a joke material when it comes to Han Xue?

Regarding this, some netizens argued that they were not making fun of her, they just said that her singing was ugly!

But if this is the case, why add the text "You still have grandpa" to the singing screen?

Actually, Han Xue is not someone who can’t take a joke! Before

, she was able to take the initiative to play the "clip sound" meme, and even participated in the Han Xue imitation contest that was launched across the Internet. I hope everyone has fun playing the meme!

And Han Xue herself said that you can comment on her performance and make fun of her singing skills, but the only thing you can't do is make fun of "Growing Up with a Weight of 10,000 Jin".

Because freedom of speech does not mean no moral bottom line!

These netizens are accustomed to using jokes to resolve tragedies, turning serious events into melodies, melodies, vulgarities, entertainments, and scandals. They not only ignore the suffering of the victims, but also ignore the pain caused by the incident.

Bad memes and excessive entertainment not only cover up the seriousness and harm behind the real events, but also disrespect the pain experienced by the victims and their families.

Therefore, what makes Han Xue angry is those people's disregard for human nature and their disregard for life.

In addition, what makes people even more angry is that in those spoof videos, there are people who make fun of Han Xue's grandfather, who has been dead for many years, and consumes the old Red Army who spent his entire life in the military.

Han Xue's grandfather, Han Shu, was a highly respected old Red Army soldier who had been injured, shed blood and made great contributions to the founding of New China.

Yu Li, he is an elder, the elder is respected; he has been dead for many years, the deceased is the greatest.

In terms of love, he is an old Red Army veteran who deserves to be remembered and respected by our descendants forever.

Before, when we went to the cinema to watch various films such as "Changjin Lake", we were moved and admired by the bravery and fearlessness of those soldiers, and even couldn't help crying.

But when it came to Han Xue and Han Xue's grandfather, this admiration disappeared, disappeared, and even turned into malicious and rude remarks?

This kind of ridicule with sarcasm and contempt is no longer just a joke, it is also a great disrespect for the deceased old Red Army, and an insult and insult to the thousands of female victims behind "Growing Up with 10,000 Jin" harm.

In my opinion, the sentence "You still have grandpa" contains multiple ironies towards Han Xue.

pokes fun at her family background, implying that she has some kind of privilege; at the same time, he satirizes her for leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, showing off her grandfather, and showing her superiority.

But did Han Xue really consume her grandfather, take advantage of her to get resources and enjoy privileges?

The answer is no.

In every interview, Han Xue emphasizes that she is a child of an ordinary family. Her father is an ordinary engineer with a low salary, and her mother is an ordinary military doctor with a low reputation.

There is no showing off at all, and she has never relied on her grandfather to obtain any resources for her acting career.

Moreover, every time Han Xue mentioned her grandfather, she was always asked by the host on the show, or the topics of the guests involved her growth background, family relationships, and the experience of the death of a close relative.

Every time she mentions her grandfather, she expresses her feelings based on a specific scene, expressing her longing for her grandfather and her regret in life that she did not see him for the last time when he passed away.

Then, why is Han Xue labeled as a "grandpa artist"?

That's because the heart is black and everything you look at is dirty.

There are some malicious netizens, marketing accounts and anti-fans. Every time they see Han Xue, they combine topics that have nothing to do with her grandfather, maliciously edit and make jokes to deepen the public's impression.

eventually deceived those netizens who didn't know the truth, and naturally they thought she was "never leaving my grandpa."

Therefore, the editor believes that you must have a certain temper when joking, and don't regard other people's tolerance of you as the capital for your arrogance.

As Han Xue once said in a variety show: "Do you really think the facts you see are the truth?"

What you think is often just what you think, and what you see is just the tip of the iceberg of other people's lives.

uses this to overgeneralize and use the limitations of his own knowledge to judge and ridicule a person, to ridicule and ridicule a person, and even to criticize a person with full of justice. It is too hasty and unkind.

Therefore, no matter from which angle you look at it, Han Xue's anger is correct, appropriate and normal.

Don’t make bad jokes, respect the deceased, and protect the victims. There is nothing wrong with it.

Those who are wrong are those who have no regard for life and are numb to justice.

As the saying goes: "Bad words hurt people in six months, but a kind word warms three winters.""

I hope that we can all be warm, kind and empathetic wise men, rather than Internet executioners and keyboard warriors who use language as a sharp blade to hurt others wantonly.

After all, the Internet is not a place outside the law, and everyone must Take responsibility for your words and deeds!
