At 9:00 a.m. on June 28, Beijing time (9:00 p.m. on June 27, US Eastern time), the first candidate debate of the 2024 U.S. presidential election will be broadcast at the CNN studio in Atlanta, Georgia. room, and the debate is expected to last 90 minutes. This debate will be the f

At 9 a.m. on June 28, Beijing time (9 p.m. on June 27, Eastern Time), the first candidate debate of the 2024 U.S. presidential election will be held at the CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Held in a studio, the debate is expected to last 90 minutes.

This debate will be the first “face-to-face” confrontation between Biden and Trump on the same occasion in the past four years. According to past practice, presidential debates in U.S. elections are usually held after September. The first debate of the last election year was September 29. Some foreign media reported that the presidential debate will be held in June, an arrangement that is "unheard of" in American history. The origin of this debate is also "credited" to Trump's call since April for "a series of debates before the national vote in 2024."

The reason why the Biden campaign accepted Trump's request was that the Guardian analyzed that holding an early debate was "vital" to attract the attention of voters in key swing states. Holding an early presidential election debate would help improve their campaign. support rate. But CNN, based on the unanimous view of scholars who have studied polls from decades ago, said that although the debate attracted much attention, it had little or no impact on the outcome of the presidential election.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (bbc) analyzed that with the current poll data of the two people being basically the same, even a gaffe or slip of the tongue may intensify people's concerns about their age and may reshape the already fierce presidential campaign. . The report pointed out that the debate on the 27th will provide American voters with the opportunity to "compare the physical strength and energy of the two presidential candidates."

Less than five months before the November 5 general election voting day, although Biden and Trump have "locked in" the presidential candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties respectively, they have not yet been officially confirmed by their party's national convention. Party presidential candidate. Poll data show that the competition between the two is still very fierce. A poll jointly conducted by NPR/PBS News/Marist on the 18th of this month showed that Biden and Trump’s support rates among registered voters are almost equal. In addition, although Biden's electoral advantage among independent voters has increased, Trump's advantage over Biden among white voters has expanded.

As the first debate approaches, Biden's son and Trump himself are facing a series of legal disputes. Trump was found guilty in the "hush money" case, becoming the first former president in U.S. history to be convicted of a felony. Biden's son Hunter was found guilty in an illegal gun possession case in the middle of this month. On the 25th, Hunter's law license in Washington, D.C., was "immediately revoked" for being suspected of "serious crimes." In addition, Hunter also faces tax issues. There are multiple charges related to crimes, and the relevant cases will be heard in September.

Since 1988, presidential candidate debates have been held by the non-partisan organization "Commission on Presidential Campaign Debates", but Biden and Trump had previously intended to bypass the committee and directly debate. In addition, independent candidate Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. failed to qualify for the CNN debate.

US media reported that after the June debate, the second presidential debate will usher in on September 10. The September debate will be hosted by ABC and hosted by David Muir and Linsey Davis.

What is the debate process?

There will be no opening remarks in this debate. The moderators (Dana Bash and Jake Tapper) will ask questions. Trump and Biden will have two minutes to answer, followed by a minute of rebuttal and debate by the debaters. A corresponding response to the rebuttal, with the remaining one minute being used at the moderator's discretion.

There will be a reminder light on site to remind candidates of the remaining speaking time. When there is five seconds left to answer, the red light will flash. After the time is up, the red light will return to its steady state.

Finally, each candidate will deliver a two-minute closing statement at the end of the debate. The British Broadcasting Corporation (bbc) reported that because Trump chose to let Biden deliver the closing remarks first, Trump will make the final speech in this debate.

What are the rules of debate?

The first debate featured some new rules that both the Biden and Trump teams agreed to.

Biden and Trump's positions on the stage are determined by a coin toss. Each candidate will be provided with a pen, notepad and bottle of water on stage; however, no props or "cheat sheets" are allowed.

During debates, microphones will remain muted unless it is a candidate's turn to speak. It is reported that this measure is aimed at reducing the "interruptions" or "interruptions" that occurred in previous debates. CNN said that the moderators "will use all the tools at their disposal to ensure reasonable timing and ensure that the debate is conducted in a civilized manner."

Unlike previous debates, CNN will insert two commercials during the live debate. Campaign staff will be prohibited from interacting with either candidate between debates, and candidates will not be able to confer with their staff or groom themselves. Unlike previous debates, this debate was not open to the audience in order to minimize disruption during the debate.

What topics will Biden and Trump discuss?

Multiple US media reported that in the debate on the 27th, Trump and Biden are expected to debate topics such as abortion, the economy and immigration.

According to Reuters, Biden has three preferred topics in this debate, including abortion rights, the state of democracy and economic issues. Trump's team pointed to immigration, public safety and inflation as key issues in the debate.

Associated Press analysis said that for Trump, "no issue is more important than the issue of abortion." Trump has emphasized that he would not support a national abortion ban if re-elected, but he has also repeatedly expressed pride in his role in overturning Roe v. Wade. Biden is expected to challenge Trump on this issue. According to previous reports, the Supreme Court justices appointed by Trump played an important role in overturning Roe v. Wade, ending the country’s nearly 50-year constitutional protection of abortion.

Trump has repeatedly criticized the Biden administration on the issue of illegal immigration, and the two sides may have a "heated debate" on immigration issues at the debate.

The Biden administration signed an executive order on the 4th of this month, stipulating the implementation of a "circuit breaker mechanism" to limit the number of illegal immigrants when the number of illegal immigrants exceeds a certain number. Biden's allies privately acknowledge that immigration will become "a major political burden in the election." Currently, illegal immigration has become one of the issues that attracts the most attention from the American people during the general election. An open-ended poll released by Gallup Consulting on April 30 showed that immigration has been the "most important issue" considered by most Americans for three consecutive months.

Regarding the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, some analysts believe that the White House's "ambiguous" attitude towards the Israeli government has alienated Biden from both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian voters. Biden is expected to have a chance to defend himself in the upcoming debate.

As for economic issues, U.S. News & World Report predicts that Trump and Biden will elaborate on their economic vision during the debate. Trump has been criticizing economic policies and growth under Biden for some time. At a rally in Washington on the 22nd, Trump said that under Biden’s leadership, the economy was “in ruins.” In addition, he also reiterated his proposal to cancel the consumption tax and retracted his previous remarks about "cutting social welfare expenditures", emphasizing that he "will not cut a penny from social security or medical insurance" after taking office. "Capitol Hill" analyzed that Biden not only needs to use this debate to ease voters' concerns about his age, but also must show "empathy" to the losses caused by inflation and propose a plan to solve this problem.