Text | Mu Ran Editor | Sanyuan This summer, the movie and TV drama scene is getting hotter. Among theatrical movies, the strongest voice in comedy must be "The Succession Plan" directed by Yan Fei, directed by Peng Damo, and starring Shen Teng and Ma Li again, in which a pai

Text | Edited by Mu Ran

| Sanyuan

This summer, the movie and TV drama scene is getting hotter. Among

theater movies, the strongest voice of comedy must be Yan Fei, directed by Peng Damo, Shen Teng , and Ma Li's " Successor Plan ", a pair of parents who hope that their son will become a great success, but after struggling for half a life, they still find that they are still mediocre. Strange, so he planned to train his son.

Not to mention the Shenma combination, they are a pair of CPs who always make the audience laugh. In the trailer, Shen Tengma Li is wearing a big cotton-padded jacket and floral pajamas, which has already made everyone feel the down-to-earth effect.

There is also another film, " silently kills ", the debut film of director Ke Wenli who directed "Manslaughter", which will also be released in the summer. This film not only has a strong cast, including Wang Chuanjun, Junning Chang, Wu Zhenyu and other actors, but it is also a highly discussed social topic of school bullying and domestic violence.

The second season of " Sauvignon Blanc " starring Yang Zi has taken over the popularity of costume dramas in the TV drama market. The popularity and reputation of the first season were not bad, and the second season is still a familiar camp, with almost no possibility of overturning.

But to say that what really whetted everyone's appetite, it has to be "The Legend of Magpie Gate 2" by Zhao Benshan and the original cast. After

officially announced the cast, it released the first trailer for the second season. This intensive publicity will most likely push the show to the summer.

scored a high score of 8.2 in the first season. Not to mention that it is a northeastern comedy and has Uncle Benshan as the director. The trailer alone can make people watch it five times in a row.

1, the book continues from the previous chapter, and the trailer information is overwhelming

Judging from the trailer, although the story of the second season has been comprehensively upgraded, it is still the continuation of the previous chapter from the book, and the main perspective is still focused on the magpie sword gate. exist. The end of the first season of

left everyone with a suspense. Is Chang Hai dead?

Judging from the trailer, the result is already clear, obviously he is not dead. However, after recovering from his injuries, Changhai returned to the Dingyuan Alliance, while Changzai continued to stay at Quedaomen.

So, what exactly is Season 2 going to be about? What characters are worth looking forward to?

’s informative preview gives the answer.

First, here comes Cao Dongdong, whom Eunuch Cao bumps into

The reason why the first season of "Legend of the Magpie Sword " is good to watch is precisely because Uncle Benshan controls the comedy while also having the most likely conflict between black and white. Contest.

Needless to say, the positive camp is a line of people, and the villain boss is Eunuch Cao.

It’s just that Eunuch Cao went crazy at the end and could hardly pose a threat to Chang Zai and the others, which meant that the villain was offline.

But in the second season, Cao Dongdong, who looks exactly like Eunuch Cao, comes to cause trouble again.

He is the nephew of Eunuch Cao, and he looks fierce. Eunuch Cao seems to be carved out of the same mold. There is only one possibility for him to appear, to take revenge.

This means that there will still be no shortage of battles between good and bad guys in the second season.

Secondly, in the trailer of a murder case surrounding Chang Zai

, Chang Zai held a knife in his hand and saw a man lying on the ground, so he turned him over. As a result, blood flowed all over the floor and there was still blood on his neck. There are wounds.

But by chance, the knife in Chang Zai's hand fell to the ground. The handle and head of the knife were separated, which shocked Chang Zai.

It seems that people are not good at killing, but the disciples are there like interrogating prisoners, asking him to tell the truth.

So who is the murderer? Why do people die in their yards? Did someone deliberately set him up? He couldn't argue.

Cao Dongdong, Eunuch Cao’s nephew, brought someone here specially. The other party asked Chang Zai, are you Chang Hai or Chang Zai? Obviously already knew the identity of Chang Zai.

These two major highlights alone lead to double suspense. On the one hand, the murder case is on the other hand. Chang Zai’s identity is exposed. Is there someone secretly investigating, or is there a traitor within?

In addition, there are a lot of laughs in the trailer that make people laugh.

Because Chang Zai couldn’t explain why, Hao Meng, who was anxious, told Chang Zai to shut up.

Seeing that the other party couldn't keep their mouths shut, several apprentices covered their ears. Shen Yulang and Zhao Dezhu also closed their eyes. Are they asking the chief to send them encrypted telegrams?

It doesn’t matter if you keep talking, it doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, you can only open your mouth and say nothing.

This also continues the style of the first season. There is no outdated baggage and no embarrassing laughs. Everything comes naturally and naturally. This is what Northeastern comedy should be like.

Second, the original cast returns, and Uncle Benshan has a dream linkage with the Liaoning men’s basketball team.

To be honest, what I was most worried about before watching the trailer was that Ximen Changhai and Ximen Changzai were going to be replaced by different actors.

This is also due to the sequelae of watching Uncle Benshan's other dramas. I always feel that after making an IP popular, Zhao Benshan will be handed over to his apprentices for retirement.

Fortunately, this time, Uncle Benshan is still here to play the leading role. He continues to play two roles, playing the role of brothers Changhai and Changzai.

The great thing about Uncle Benshan is that even if the contrast between the two characters is not too obvious, the audience can easily distinguish Cheng Zai and Chang Hai through his eyes and movements.

Finally waited for this sequel, and Uncle Benshan continues to be in charge, there is no reason not to watch it.

Zhao Benshan’s disciples, such as Song Xiaofeng , Cheng Ye , Wensong , etc., will also continue to play the roles in the first season. Each person’s image is very vivid and in line with their own personality. Features

Song Xiaofeng is still so reckless. He looks fierce, but his mouth is full of laughter.

Cheng Ye also has the advantage of being able to amuse the audience effortlessly. As long as he speaks a word, it will be a bit unreliable because of his lack of brains.

In this drama, Jiang Yulang, played by Wensong, is really a short man who can stand out among the generals, and he has good looks. In this episode, I am looking forward to the outcome of his relationship with his junior sister.

Tang Jianjun from the first season is also back. When I see Xie Guangkun with long hair, I still feel a little strange and a little funny. I wonder how his character will change this season?

Looking at the cast, there is also the dream linkage between Uncle Benshan and the Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team. As a die-hard fan of this team, Zhao Benshan often attends live performances. This time he directly roped in Zhao Jiwei from the Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team to play the mysterious hero.

Not only that, he also asked Zhao Jiwei to bring his wife with him to play the role of Mysterious Woman.

I am very curious, what is the mysterious method? But there is one thing to say, Zhao Jiwei, who is tall and powerful, still looks very aura.

With familiar actors and a familiar style, the second season of "Legend of the Magpie Sword" still knows what the audience wants to see. The jokes in the second half of the year will be in this "Legend of the Magpie Sword 2".

Are you looking forward to this sequel by Uncle Benshan?