In May, many film and television works were released. Among these many film and television works, if you want to say which one is the most popular, it must be "Qing Yu Nian 2". Now that "Qing Yu Nian 2" has come to an end, the most concerning question for viewers who are fol

In May,

released many film and television works. Among these many film and television works, which one is the most popular is " Celebrating More Than Years 2".

Now that "Qing Yu Nian 2" has come to an end, for viewers who are following the drama, the most concerning question is - when will Qing Yu Nian 3 be broadcast?

Although I am in a hurry, it is still too early for "Qing Yu Nian 3" to be broadcast. You must know that there is a full five years between "Qing Yu Nian 1" and "Qing Yu Nian 2". While waiting, you might as well review the first two This is a wonderful plot, and you will find that there are many details that can be carefully studied.

For example, in "Qing Yu Nian 1" and "Qing Yu Nian 2", an important court official retired and returned to his hometown. Although they both left the court, their endings were quite different - Mei Zhili returned to his hometown. On the way back to his hometown, Emperor Qing arranged for black cavalry to disguise themselves as horse bandits to intercept and kill Lin Ruofu. On the way back to his hometown, although there were also black cavalry, Lin Ruofu was able to escape unscathed.

The Black Cavalry was mobilized twice, and the order was given by Emperor Qing, who was also an important minister of the court. Why are the situations of Mei Zhili and Lin Ruofu so different?

The most critical reason is that Lin Ruofu is much smarter than Mei Zhili, and he has a much deeper understanding of Emperor Qing's imperial power and mentality. Lin Ruofu knew very well that Emperor Qing was going to attack him, so he responded quickly.

As soon as he saw Emperor Qing, Lin Ruofu immediately fell to the ground and apologized. Emperor Qing praised Prime Minister Lin for his hard work, but in fact it was an allusion to his high position and power.

It was precisely because of Lin Ruofu's calculations that the prince's retainers were embarrassed in the main hall like clowns, and the discord between the princes was exposed in front of many courtiers. This made the royal family lose face. Emperor Qing I don’t say it on the surface, but I hate it in my heart.

After Lin Ruofu saw Emperor Qing, he kicked over the stool brought by Eunuch Hou. Although his acting was a bit clumsy, he also told Emperor Qing clearly that he was already dim and suffering from all kinds of diseases, and it would be difficult for him to die despite the emperor's grace. Return.

Interestingly, Lin Ruofu also specifically emphasized that the word is not a white thing for no reason, but a hundred.

In this meeting between Lin Ruofu and Emperor Qing, Lin Ruofu was not always on the defensive. If he sided with Tai'a and begged Emperor Qing for mercy, then his fate would be the same as that of Mei Zhili, completely controlled by Emperor Qing.

So, Lin Ruofu said to Emperor Qing - "Your Majesty, my broken body is incapable of state affairs, and my corpse is a mere meal." This sentence seemed to mean that he was useless, but it actually told Emperor Qing that although I am inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, Prime Minister, but because of old age and frailty, the actions of the ministers below are all done by themselves. What mistakes they make or what tricks they make have nothing to do with them.

If you, Emperor Qing, are unhappy, you have the wrongdoer and the debtor has the owner. Go find the ministers below. I will not take the blame.

In this dialogue, Lin Ruofu fully demonstrated his accurate grasp of the emperor's thoughts. Although he and Diao Guangdou, played by Guo Da in "The Punisher of the Song Dynasty", are people from two different time and space, if the two people meet, they will definitely I feel that the other person is the confidant who understands me best.

Because they have very consistent views on what the king's law is - what is the king's law? The royal law is the royal law.

Emperor Qing asked him whether he was returning home alone this time. Lin Ruofu immediately understood Emperor Qing's intention and immediately bowed and replied: I am returning home alone and will leave immediately.

The implication of this sentence is that even if my daughter Lin Waner is getting married soon, I will not stay, let alone have any contact with other courtiers. I will return to my hometown immediately, while my son Dabao will stay as a hostage.

In this way, Emperor Qing, you can rest assured that I will not have any other thoughts.

Of course, according to Lin Ruofu's cleverness, he would never simply keep Dabao as a hostage. Instead, he entrusted it to Fan Xian and warned that food and clothing expenses should not be deducted. This is testified by His Majesty.

In fact, this sentence also reminded Emperor Qing not to think about doing anything detrimental to Dabao. Fan Xian was watching.

It should be said that Lin Ruofu ended up resigning and returning to his hometown because Fan Xian thoroughly investigated the fraud in the imperial examination. Lin Ruofu's move also relieved Fan Xian. His disciples and former officials will understand the reason and will not be in trouble anymore. Fan Xian.

This is probably what Lin Ruofu said is the most exciting thing about being a courtier - fighting with His Majesty is endless fun.

Having been in the imperial court for many years and serving as a minister for a long time, Lin Ruofu had already understood the human nature of people. After understanding Emperor Qing's thoughts, he lowered his profile and took the initiative to resign. However, he hid his secrets and left himself room for turning in silence. .

This is what makes Lin Ruofu better than Mei in performing the ceremony. He is also showing weakness and admitting defeat in the face of Emperor Qing, but he always has a trump card that makes Emperor Qing afraid.

Knows current affairs, knows how to advance and retreat, and understands people's hearts. At the same time, he leaves a way out for himself. Even Emperor Qing, who is well versed in the ways of maneuvering, is helpless. Lin Ruofu can finally escape unscathed.

In the drama Qing Yu Nian, there are many such thought-provoking plots, and these are the bonus points for this drama to become a classic.

Finally, I just want to ask a question, when will "Qing Yu Nian 3" be broadcast!