"Singer 2024" is halfway through the schedule. Let me briefly talk about my impressions of the seven episodes. Let’s talk about the competition system first, its distinctive “last-place protection characteristics”. 1. Protection of the "last". Previously, Shang Wenjie w

"Singer 2024" is halfway through the schedule. Let me briefly talk about my impressions of the seven periods.

Let’s talk about the competition system first, with its distinctive “last place protection characteristics”.

1, the "last" protector

Before that, Shang Wenjie was the "only designated victim of the singer competition system" in the last issue and became a hot search topic. Later, Huang Xiaoyun followed Shang Wenjie's footsteps and stopped in the confrontation with Faouzia.

The singers who come to the list in these two issues must choose one from the top four to challenge. Another more conventional winning and losing logic is that anyone who can win on the list can be on the list.

For comparison, we assume two other different competition systems. One is that new singers can challenge any online singer. Then someone must be picking on the soft persimmons. It sounds easier to kick out the last person on the field than to beat the top ones, right?

Another competition system does not designate any online singer. After everyone has finished singing, they mix together and let the public listen to the judges to "select three" from nine, and then the last one is eliminated.

You see, these two hypothetical competition formats will be more friendly to singers who want to be on the charts.

Whether Huang Xiaoyun or Shang Wenjie, their hard power is clearly much stronger than that of a certain online singer.

However, under the current competition system, it is difficult for them to win. The key reason is that the last singer lives under the protection of a "super strong head".

Having said that, if this kind of competition system with a strong tendency to benefit from "last place protection" was not implemented, there might even be an own tragedy that eliminated Na Ying in the seventh period.

(The recognized last place in most people's minds is the only "relic" among the "four major targets of ridicule" in the first release, right?)

Na Ying actually ranked last in the seventh issue (of course she is not the last place I want to say) Singer), although her singing in this episode is not very moving, whether Yingzi is guarding Nantianmen alone or whether she is constantly making jokes, it is still core.

does not deliberately flatter the audience, nor is she anxious to make fun of her. She is just quick-tongued and cute, and the more you watch her, the more friendly she becomes.

points The moon cake always reminds people, "Don't finish it all." Before he spoke, he asked in a low voice, "I don't know you at all, how can I praise you later?" Today, he greeted Zhang Yuan again, "Don't be shaken, you are so promising."

Na Ying's sense of life is so strong that it makes people like her.

Looking at the competition system in front of such ranking results, we can understand the starting point of the program team to implement a certain degree of protection and preferential treatment for online singers, and to increase the difficulty and level for newcomers.

But most things in the world are double-edged swords, right?

This can be regarded as a strict selection of "entry threshold", or it can also be regarded as "waste" protection in another sense.

A very capable singer who topped the charts regretted to fail, while the last one who should have been eliminated has not left yet.

The starting lineup of the first phase includes two foreign "surprise soldiers", one Na Ying who can play, and four "township performing artists" and "rural weddings and funerals" who were questioned by netizens from all walks of life. Now those three groups have long been eliminated. And Wang survived round after round under the "last protection" mechanism.

Wang Sulong sings love songs in this episode, which is in his comfort zone. Compared with his previous episode "Mrs. Luxury Fragrance" where he cried like a ghost but couldn't cry out or feel powerful, it was not that harmful to the audience.

However, whether it is freshness, hard power, or characteristics, it seems to be lacking, swinging between "unpleasant" and "tiring".

Is this "trash" protective competition system really going to continue?

2. Is this Avocado’s Pi Ge mode?

The funniest scene in this episode of "Singer 2024" is when Lin Hai went to Sun Nan's house and shouted: avocado.

affirmed that Sun Nan is very warm and has high emotional intelligence, but he also expressed the suggestion of "need to change".

Avocado Benguo kept nodding his head, saying that he wanted to change it.

But judging from the hot search feedback, the effect is not very good.

It’s true. I didn’t expect that “Singer 2024” is actually Sun Nan’s “Beyond the Troubles”? He was also singing, but his singing method was criticized, he was complained about, and he was told that he needed to change his "singing method".

In other words, forget the singing method and return to the music and expression itself, which is obviously a long journey easier said than done.

It is very interesting to compare Sun Nan and Na Ying.

These two are old friends for many years. They have participated in many programs together and are very familiar with each other. They are of the same generation.

But all of Sun Nan's responses to problems were polite, thoughtful, table-top, and polite.

If Na Ying has a very strong sense of "living person", then Sun Nan has another more cautious sense of "being trapped".

So his songs are also like this, the true emotions and authentic states are locked in a thick shell. Whether it is words or songs, they are another kind of product "separated by beautiful functions".

If a "50-year-old man" wants to change the paradigm he has been familiar with for many years, how easy is it?

3. Human-to-human transmission in avocado

In this issue of "Avocado", human-to-human transmission also occurred.

Yuan Yawei performed amazingly when she came to play in the last episode. Her relaxed rhythm, freely retractable explosive power, and her own magnet-like attraction are all online. From the beginning,

is the kind of "Although you have been listening to my singing for a long time, I can still dominate you and attract you". Changxin Changmei Changniu

This episode of Shunzi's song is a bit unstable in the confiding part, and there is no sense of immersion in the story as the low-pitched chanting every word pulls people into the story; the high-pitched part is a little too showy and a bit fragmented.

People were a little confused for a while: Yuan Yawei, a good person, was infected by avocado so quickly?

And it’s not the kind of pure dazzling that is intoxicated with “I’m so powerful” throughout the whole process, but a little nervous pressure, a little too concerned about the ambition of the stage, and a little too anxious to “show off the martial arts of Class 18”.

Rather than saying this is a greasy "show off skills", it is better to say that it is an excessive superposition that is worried about gains and losses.

The same is true for Huang Xiaoyun. The carrier of superimposed expression techniques is slightly fragmented.

The east section and the west section are full of technical sections of "work hard to chop bricks and use big moves here".

It is not so much that she is singing a complete song, but rather a "combination of various techniques".

I don't think Huang Xiaoyun is oily, and she looks very nervous, as if she wants to put Chinese, Korean, French, pancakes, sesame seed cakes, and pancakes into the same meal. Both

are the same. There are too many additions, maybe it is better to do subtraction.

Some people retorted: Faouzia also shows off her skills, why not criticize her?

is also complaining. It is obvious that the expressions about her technique being better than others and getting more and more tired are heard all over the street. The difference between

and Faouzia is that, on the one hand, faouzia's dazzling skills are not particularly fragmented and not in a "full and broken" mode; on the other hand, some functions are indeed more powerful and can cover up part of the fatigue in the short term.

Moreover, her song selection in this issue also has a somewhat different freshness, which is a quite complete expression in comparison.

I personally like Huang Xuan very much in this issue, he is relaxed, happy and sunny.

I feel like I am on vacation in the clouds, with the wonderful sunshine on the beach and sea water; and my African friends who enthusiastically sing and dance for me in the "clouds".

a whole lot of comfort.

If Yuan Yawei showed Huang Xuan's looseness, she would most likely perform better than him. Unfortunately, she was too tight in this episode and took a smooth turn on the road to Brother Nan.

It is not easy to relax when the spotlight is on you and the interests and gains and losses are huge.

Huang Xuan has a strange sense of relaxation that comes with him, and Yuan Yawei seems to have it too. I don’t know why this episode was intermittently lost. I look forward to more "effortless" and more shining performances in the future.

and above.