Cover News Reporter Xu Yuyang Do you still remember how popular the episode and soundtrack were when the TV series "Flowers" was on the air at the beginning of the year? Spending tens of millions to purchase music copyrights, many classic old songs became popular again due to TV

cover news reporter Xu Yuyang

Do you still remember how popular the episode and soundtrack were when the TV series "Flowers" was on the air at the beginning of the year? Spending tens of millions to purchase music copyrights, many classic old songs became popular again due to TV series. Good TV soundtracks can not only make the audience feel more immersed in the series when it is played, but can also retain memories for a long time.

Under the call of many fans of the drama, the original soundtrack album "Flowers" released by Universal Music was finally released on June 21 and is now available on major music platforms. "Flowers", the annual phenomenon-level hit drama produced by director Wong Kar-wai, uses its unique narrative aesthetics and cinematic texture to depict a dazzling and prosperous scene of Shanghai in the 1990s, conveying a unique atmosphere of the 1990s. The spirit of the times and the sentiments of innocence. The original soundtrack album allows the story of "Flowers" to continue to be told in the music, leading the listener to immersively revisit the journey of "Flowers".

"Flowers" ost album cover

Reporters discovered that the cover of the music album "Flowers" is a stamp with a postmark from the 1990s, which echoes the stamp album that is one of the core clues in the play. The entire set of albums consists of three albums, each unfolding narrative clues from the perspectives of the three heroines, and the three covers are precious stills of the three heroines released for the first time, bringing a new interpretation of the characters' fate.

Xin Zhilei stills cover

The album selects the classic dialogues in the drama, and cooperates with the original soundtrack of the drama by master Chen Xunqi. It includes many of the most talked about golden songs of the era in the drama, leading the audience to instantly return to the story world of the TV series "Flowers" . In addition, the relationship and development of Abao and the three heroines, which the audience is most concerned about, can also find clues to solve the mystery from the song list arranged in this album. It can be said that this original music album is not only a music collection of the TV series "Flowers", but also a continuation and supplement of the TV series "Flowers". It is a second creation of the TV series version and a sequel to the sound version of "Flowers".

Tang Yan stills cover

Shortly after its release, reporters saw loyal fans following the songs to find clues in the comments section of the album on the music platform: "I feel like this album needs to be listened to next to each other. It feels like it is telling a story."

Ma Yili stills cover

The album contains many classic old songs that Universal Music has sung to this day, such as "Stealing the Heart", "Perseverance", "Don't Pick the Wild Flowers on the Roadside", "Glory Years", "Forgetful Samba", etc. wait. In addition, it also specially includes songs sung by characters in the play, including the excerpt "Open a Window for You" from Shanghai Opera "Last Night Love" sung by Ma Yili, Chen Guoqing and Zhu Lin, and "I'm a Little Bird" sung by Chen Long. . It is worth mentioning that "Flowers" uses new interpretations of classic old songs by many new-generation singers, including "Looking Back Again" and "What I Want in Life" sung by Zeng Bit, "Red Doubt" sung by Axi and "Red Doubt" sung by Zhou Zihan "In the Night Wind" is the younger generation's tribute to the classics, and it is also the inheritance of music.

Chen Zhiguang, Managing Director of Universal Music Hong Kong, said, "First of all, I am very grateful to Director Wong Kar-wai for selecting a large number of golden songs from the 1990s in "Flowers" so that young fans can access the classics of that year. This is also what the "Flowers" project has given me It brings the greatest sense of accomplishment." Chen Zhiguang cited "Stealing Hearts" as an example. The fact that "Flowers" can be widely sung again, an old song like this from 30 years ago, is enough to prove the lasting value of the classic.

Chen Zhiguang further mentioned that Wong Kar-wai is a unique master in film art, photography, etc., but in his opinion, Wong Kar-wai's profound understanding and control of music is also unparalleled in the world, "Music has always been in Wong Kar-wai's works. It has a very important position. Music and film and television creation should complement each other. A good soundtrack will make film and television creation more complete. "

(Photo according to Universal Music)
