Can the third installment of the "Deadpool" series live up to its box office expectations? Film critic Brand was unfavorable for the film, and star Ryan Reynolds felt a little unfavorable. You must know that Reynolds straddles Marvel and DC Films, and his style is biased. This si

Can the third installment of the "Deadpool" series live up to the expected box office figures? Film critic Brand was unfavorable for the film, and star Ryan Reynolds felt a little unfavorable. You must know that Reynolds straddles Marvel and DC Films, and his style is biased. This situation may affect his cooperation with both film studios. Brand said: Reynolds' style is biased toward DC Films, and "Green Lantern " is more representative of his acting style. Reynolds feels more comfortable portraying DC superheroes. Indeed, Reynolds' performance style in "Green Lantern" is refreshing. His superb acting skills and unique acting style give this character fresh life. More than ten years later, everyone still thinks that Reynolds' version of "Green Lantern" is very trendy. This feeling cannot be seen in "Deadpool", so his style and performance are biased toward DC Films.

DC Films has always been a leader in superhero movies, and its superhero images are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which also provides a broader stage for Reynolds' performance. Brand also discussed the plans of the Marvel working group. It is said that Kevin Feige is preparing to restart the creation of "Black Panther". Although Coogler is unwilling to return to this series, there are many directors willing to direct the popular series. After all, Kevin Feige will not let go of works that can make money. As a result, Brand made suggestions for the sequel to this classic - "Black Panther" needs to add a sense of the times so that the film can escape the category of "a specific type of movie". Originally, "Black Panther" has always been considered to be a sign of diversity for MCU Films. It was only due to the impact of the Hollywood affirmative action movement that this film became a classic. The contemporary nature of "Black Panther" has always been ignored. .

To make the film "Black Panther" more contemporary and add something that belongs to the new century, creators can start from many aspects. First of all, the writing of the script should be closer to the values ​​​​and issues of modern society. In addition to continuing the original African culture and tribal traditions, you can also add some issues of common concern to modern society, such as environmental protection, social equity, racial discrimination, etc. In this way, the film can not only attract a wider audience, but also convey a more positive social message. "Black Panther" itself metaphors many social realities on the big screen, including "Wakanda Forever" which is commemorative and has many social aspects in it. So as long as the series is more contemporary, it can add more Lots of properties.

For Reynolds, the feeling of creating a DC superhero is indeed more satisfying. His acting style complements the tendencies of DC Films, allowing him to dig deeper into the character's inner world and present a more realistic and three-dimensional character. This also makes the audience look forward to his performance in future DC superhero movies. Brand also emphasized that among so many artists across Marvel and DC, no one can complement each other. Almost all actors and directors have style preferences. Moreover, these two giants of comic-book movies have completely different narrative methods, and the actors they need have different feelings. Marvel is relatively general, while Disney's style is relatively orthodox. Traditional heroes are also elements that Kevin Feige favors. After all, he needs to inherit Stan Lee's temperament and creative style and continue the glory of the MCU's phased plan.

DC Films' style is relatively sharp, especially in the big screen era. Their works that can really break out of the circle are the villain series. "Joker" is a typical successful example. And Brand predicts that Warner will still need to rely on "Double Madness" to maintain the studio's position in the universe. Reynolds' acting style is also neat, and he definitely prefers DC Films. The author (who watches movies complacently) also believes that actors with concrete characteristics tend to prefer Marvel, while actors with distinctive characteristics are suitable for DC superhero series. However, we can't ignore Reynolds' work in other genres. He has performed well in a variety of movies including comedy, action, science fiction, etc., showing his diverse acting skills and performance styles.Therefore, we look forward to him continuing to challenge himself in future film works, trying different types of roles, and bringing more exciting performances to the audience.

In short, Reynolds, as an excellent actor, does have unique advantages in shaping DC superheroes. But we also look forward to him showing more diverse acting skills and performance styles in his future film works, bringing a more colorful visual feast to the audience. To sum up, to make the film "Black Panther" more contemporary, we need to start from the script, characters, actors, production and other aspects to make the film closer to the temperament and rhythm of modern society and more inclusive and diversity. Only in this way can the film truly break away from the category of "equal rights works" and become a classic with a sense of the times.