China News Service, Shanghai, June 20 (Ren Xinyue) On June 19, the new film "A Man and a Woman" directed by Guan Hu and starring Huang Bo and Ni Ni was shortlisted for the Golden Goblet Award in the main competition unit of the Shanghai Film Festival. At the crew meeting, Guan Hu

China News Service, Shanghai, June 20 (Ren Xinyue) On June 19, the new film "A Man and a Woman" directed by Guan Hu and starring Huang Bo and Ni Ni was shortlisted for the Golden Goblet Award in the main competition unit of the Shanghai Film Festival , at the crew meeting, Guan Hu and Huang Bo talked about their experience working with Hong Kong's new generation of actors.

Meeting with the cast of "A Man and a Woman". Photographed by Ren Xinyue

During the cooperation, Huang Bo said that he saw the new generation of actors in the crew taking the subway back after filming every day, and then coming back the next day to devote themselves to life, and then put their experiences and feelings in life Extract it and integrate it into the shooting. "They have passed the era when movies were so popular and have entered a calm stage. This state of not breaking away from life is very good."

The story of "A Man and a Woman" takes place in Hong Kong, about two strange men and women from the Mainland. , met in an extreme isolation situation, were forced to deal with the trivial matters of daily life, and also brought out each other's lives through casual chats. In addition to the male and female protagonists, the new generation of Hong Kong actors also left a deep impression on movie fans. "We wanted to show a colorful Hong Kong with all kinds of people, so we used Hong Kong actors. It was a pleasure to work with them. I also learned a lot from them." Director Guan Hu said that the actors selected this time have gone through I got to know them for a long time and learned many new things from them that I had never known before.

"Hard work is a common feature of this generation of young Hong Kong actors. They really work hard. Of course, in this movie, I hope they will not work so hard, make less preparations, and try to show their inner characteristics that belong to contemporary young people in Hong Kong. Show it." Guan Hu specifically mentioned Zhou Hanning, a new actor who has emerged in recent years, and expressed his appreciation for him.

When talking about further cooperation with Hong Kong actors, Guan Hu said that language barriers are more important than cultural factors. The difference in cultural background can be communicated well in a month, but language and accent problems can be overcome in just one month. It is relatively difficult. Hong Kong-style Mandarin has formed a specific image recognition. The accent remains unchanged, and the characters that can fit it are not so broad. "If the accent problem can be overcome, there may be more and more cooperation between us."

At the Shanghai International Film Festival, the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Office of the Hong Kong SAR Government, the Hong Kong Film Development Council and the Shanghai International Film Festival jointly organized a A forum event titled "Extraordinary: The New Generation of Hong Kong Film Industry". At the forum, the famous Hong Kong director Er Dongsheng led eight new Hong Kong actors to meet the audience. Ye Dongsheng said that today's Hong Kong is facing the dilemma of limited production budgets, which also forces directors and actors to work harder, hoping that more production companies and creators will "see" young Hong Kong actors. (End)