Every Wednesday and Friday morning, sweet piano music will be played from the speech therapy room of the Rehabilitation Department of Shanghai Children's Hospital, bringing spiritual comfort to children with speech dysfunction. Along with the rhythmic rhyme, the child who was ori

Every Wednesday and Friday morning, sweet piano music will be played from the speech therapy room of the Rehabilitation Department of Shanghai Children's Hospital, bringing spiritual comfort to children with speech dysfunction. Along with the rhythmic rhyme, the child who was originally "shy to speak" was finally able to say his name.

The reporter learned from the hospital that

music therapy is an intervention method that uses music and its various forms

to promote physical and mental health.

clinical research shows that its is particularly effective in the field of children , enriching children's sensory experience through various forms of music, stimulating multiple areas of the brain to promote the development of children's various functions.

"Music therapy has been widely used at home and abroad to intervene in the social communication skills of autistic children." Feng Jincai, deputy director of the Rehabilitation Department of Shanghai Children's Hospital, said that for children with autism and language development disorders, music is like a It is a good medicine to open their hearts and help them communicate with the world. It also has a good effect on treatment.

Since June this year, six children diagnosed with language development disorders have received twice-weekly "note" therapy in groups of three during the performances and games performed by teachers and students of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music's music therapy team. .

Fang Fang (pseudonym), a 4-year-old boy, has been unable to speak. After a week of music "influence", during the third treatment, Fang Fang was finally able to say his name according to the teacher's prompts, although the pronunciation was still vague. But this is already a "big step" in his life.

"Music can establish a connection with children in a non-verbal way, helping children express emotions, improve social skills, improve cognitive abilities and relieve stress." Yuan Chang, a therapist from the Shangyin Music Therapy Team, said that music Therapy has generally recognized advantages: few side effects, various forms, low pain, and relatively easy to adhere to.

Previously, his team has carried out music therapy in comprehensive medical institutions such as Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Gumei Community Health Service Center, etc. This is the first time that it has been carried out in a children's specialized hospital.

The reporter noticed that the current song used by the team for preschool children is "My Body". The lyrics involve various body parts. Children can deepen their cognition by following the lyrics and practice pronunciation by reciting it with the music.

Yuan Chang said that music therapy, as an interdisciplinary therapeutic intervention method, will also develop in the direction of personalized and customized treatment. It can provide personalized treatment for different children (groups) according to their physical, psychological and cultural backgrounds. programs and experiences.

With the development of technology, in the future, music therapy will be combined with situational interaction, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and other technologies to provide more personalized and accurate treatment plans to further improve the treatment effect.

Children's Hospital Music Therapy will also pay more attention to the research and evaluation of its specific treatment mechanisms and effects in order to better guide clinical practice and provide more adequate theoretical and practical support for its wide application in the medical field.

Source: Shanghai Jing’an