Journal reporter: Wang Yubiao Editor: Chen Junjie The "first shot" of this year's "6·18" was the cancellation of the pre-sale system, which has been an old tradition of e-commerce promotions for the past ten years. and Alibaba have been playing the "simple gameplay" card o

Every reporter: Wang Yubiao Every editor: Chen Junjie

The "first shot" of this year's "6·18" was the cancellation of the pre-sale system, which has been an old tradition of e-commerce promotions for the past ten years. and Alibaba have been playing the "simple gameplay" card one after another. On the one hand, they streamline mechanisms such as price cuts, discounts, and full discounts. On the other hand, they use large-amount consumer coupons and subsidies to "smash" real money. Today, one year after the return of

’s e-commerce low-price strategy, the debate about low prices remains high. Even if big sales become a daily routine and low prices no longer have to wait, and Alibaba still don’t want to fall behind in big sales at home. Go downwind. Comparing prices across the entire network to create "low prices across the entire network" is no longer a gimmick: Pinduoduo has launched an online price comparison system to automatically track prices, and some categories on have even launched a 365-day ultra-long period price guarantee. Faced with the excitement in the live broadcast room, everyone wants to take advantage of it. A "prepared battle" and even a whirlwind of "short plays" have also swept into the e-commerce world.

live broadcast e-commerce seems to have launched a big promotion in a low-key manner, but two to three months before the start of "6·18", many live broadcast rooms have already shouted the slogan "Guaranteed price for '6·18'". Talent live broadcasts and store broadcasts have finally made some progress this year, but the ranking of top anchors has been adjusted, and some people are falling behind while others are quietly rising.

Looking at the entire live broadcast track, this year's "Entrepreneur IP" has become popular from the beginning of the year to the middle of the year. and Alibaba started the "President Live Broadcast" competition in a tacit understanding. In addition, it is worth mentioning that just a few days ago, Tencent Video announced that it planned to restrict digital people from bringing goods and encourage live broadcasts.

The e-commerce platform’s “6.18” mid-year promotion event reaches its peak. The picture shows on June 18, in an express delivery company in Xingwang E-commerce Pioneer Park, Changxing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, staff were busy sorting, scanning and shipping out goods. Xinhua News Agency picture

ai The e-commerce era has opened

ai A new round of technological revolution is exciting, and as a dividing line that erases reality and virtuality, one of the "mediums" in the middle is also constantly being updated and followed up. Recently, Apple’s first MR head-mounted display device, Vision Pro, has begun pre-sale for the Chinese version. Apple CEO Tim Cook regards Vision Pro as a revolutionary spatial computing device.

accompanied the launch of Apple Vision Pro in China, and the leading domestic e-commerce platform officially announced an updated platform application, giving this "6·18" a real sense of the beginning of the AI ​​​​e-commerce era.

On June 18, officially announced that will be officially launched as the first batch of vision pro applications released in China. The first phase will focus on home scenes and cover home appliances, home furnishings, 3C digital products and other products. In addition, has also completed the development of the core version of the Hongmeng native application and will soon launch it on the Huawei App Market. Previously, Taobao also revealed that the official version of Taobao vision pro will have complete trading functions.

"Daily Economic News" reporters learned from many sources that the intelligent transformation brought by space technology products to the e-commerce scene can be understood as that users no longer need to repeatedly visit offline physical stores, or rely on imagination to judge the matching effect, but You can immerse yourself in shopping directly at home through the application on vision pro.

includes "drag-and-drop" home appliances and digital products into your own home at a 1:1 ratio, allowing you to truly preview the layout and appearance of each item in the space.

Regarding the growth of subsequent products after they are launched, the JD retail technician responsible for the development of revealed in an interview with a reporter from the "Daily Economic News" that there are currently no specific data expectations for the new platform application.

He said that is closely following the investment in intelligent applications of space technology in e-commerce scenarios. "The biggest pain point in market development at present is hardware cost. But as hardware costs decrease and the popularity of devices increases, the subversion of the shopping experience by related technologies will come faster."

Indeed, the high price of this product has dissuaded many consumers. In April this year, well-known Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo stated on social media that Apple had revised down its vision pro shipments in 2024 to 400,000 to 450,000 units.

trend force TrendForce estimates that Apple Vision Pro shipments will only be about 200,000 units in 2024. We need to wait for the launch of the subsequent consumer model Apple Vision and Apple’s ability to provide functional services that attract consumers’ daily use in order to boost sales. The overall AR market is developing rapidly.

The aforementioned retail technician also believes, “If this device has the same value as an Apple mobile phone, there may be many attempts at technical products and scene applications.”

This can’t help but remind people of Pinduoduo’s failure at the end of last year. At the historic moment when the market value exceeded Alibaba, Jack Ma rarely said on the intranet: "The era of AI e-commerce has just begun. It is an opportunity and a challenge for everyone." The transformation from "e-commerce + AI" to "AI e-commerce", Perhaps this is a "life-saving straw" that e-commerce players must grasp in the era of e-commerce stock.

“Presidents” flocked to the live broadcast room

This year’s “June 18”, live broadcast sales are still the main battlefield where more business growth is expected. In addition to Douyin and Kuaishou, which had an early start, Xiaohongshu is also working hard on the live broadcast business. Unlike last year, this year's "6·18" Xiaohongshu fully supports in-store broadcasting. Data released by Yinshi shows that during the "6·18" period, the GMV (gross merchandise transaction volume) of Xiaohongshu's e-commerce store was five times that of the same period last year.

One of the more obvious points is that the "de-overheading" of live broadcast e-commerce is still in progress. On the other hand, after experiencing several major promotions, the weight of live broadcasts and store broadcasts has increased within each platform and in the large market. Down, they are all rising.

During last year’s “Double 11”, the unexpected popularity of JD’s purchasing and sales live broadcast room allowed JD Live to find a new differentiated route. This year's "6·18", founder Liu Qiangdong's digital person brought goods, which also started a new trend.

JD data shows that during this year’s “6·18” period, the founders and CEOs of more than 18 brands transformed into AI digital people through JD Yunyanxi and broadcast simultaneously in the JD live broadcast room. More than half of the brands are from Fortune 500 companies. In terms of the entire digital human live broadcast, during this year’s “6·18” period, JD’s digital human anchors broadcast live for more than 380,000 hours, and the number of user interactions exceeded 4 million times.

Taobao, on June 5, Taobao launched a live broadcast full hosting service for entrepreneurs. "Daily Economic News" reporters learned that as long as they are CEOs who intend to endorse their own companies, regardless of whether they have live broadcast experience or not, they can start broadcasting on Taobao with zero threshold. Taobao Live will provide a one-stop "nanny" from the pallet to the operation of the live broadcast room. "Serve.

Not long ago, Lin Sheng, the founder of Zhong Xuegao, entered Taobao Live and announced that he would repay debts in the form of live streaming to bring goods, which triggered a heated discussion. The reporter learned that in order for Lin Sheng to start broadcasting smoothly, Taobao Live provided him with on-site resource support through a fully managed model. The launch of fully managed services for entrepreneurs also further revealed Taobao Live’s new plans.

On this "6·18", and Alibaba have put "real and fake CEOs" on the air one after another. Whether it is digital human products or fully managed services, and Alibaba have their own plans and are taking advantage of the mid-year sales to prepare for new business.

However, some platforms have different attitudes towards digital live broadcasts.

In order to optimize the ecology of video account showcases, Tencent has recently revised the "Implementation Rules for "Publishing Low-Quality Content" by Video Account Showcase Masters" to solicit opinions. According to the latest revised plan, "using plug-ins, AI and other tools to generate avatars for live broadcasts" and other activities involving virtual/digital human live broadcasts will be clearly listed as low-quality content by the video account and will be dealt with in violation of regulations.

Previously, the "Douyin Platform Specifications and Industry Initiatives for Artificial Intelligence Generated Content" showed that the image and content of virtual anchors must be registered in advance. In addition, virtual live broadcasts must be clearly marked to help users distinguish virtuality from reality.

In view of the different attitudes of the two types of platforms towards virtual anchors bringing goods, Zhuang Shuai, an e-commerce analyst and founder of Bailian Consulting, said in an interview with "Daily Economic News" reporter WeChat that whether it is Douyin or Tencent Video Account, both It has relatively strong social and content attributes, and its live broadcast format also relies on social networking to develop. Digital people and avatars will destroy the social experience, and the "distortion" of the content is uncontrollable, so it is banned. However, other platforms have weak or even no social attributes, so digital people bringing goods have little impact.

How to get rid of "low price anxiety"?

Although live broadcast e-commerce platforms have made big sales and low prices a daily routine, even though "6·18" and "Double 11", as traditional e-commerce big sales, have weakened in volume on the consumer side, for merchants, they are still This is a critical period of the year for performance growth, so there is no room for sloppiness.

This year’s “6·18” is the second “6·18” in which’s low-price strategy returns. Compared with last year, when the low-price competition was still in the early stages, each company’s moves were slightly more reserved. This year, leading platforms are making full use of price weapons to make new articles.

html On June 4, reporters noticed that the "Jingmai Merchant Center" released the latest rules, which revised and added 180-day price guarantee, 365-day price guarantee, and added rules for closing the price guarantee service when merchants' funds are inverted, which took effect on June 6.

From a time perspective, the latest price guarantee rules will cover’s “6·18”. "One-click price guarantee" is a price guarantee measure embedded in the consumer chain. Currently,, Taobao, etc. have all set up this function.

needs to adapt to the rhythm of low-price competition in the e-commerce field. Mechanical adjustments and increased subsidies are expected. Coincidentally, there is also news that Pinduoduo launched an automatic price tracking system on June 18 this year.

Zhuang Shuai believes that although the automatic price tracking system is very controversial, there are still many follow-up actions around the "price advantage", including tens of billions of subsidies, agricultural product subsidies, and trade-in subsidies that have become popular among various platforms. The gameplay within the game may be increased in the future.

Judging from the current situation, the impact of the current low prices is basically positive: it will promote consumption growth, prices will eventually converge, the interests of merchants and platforms will be dynamically balanced, and the experience and services of the platform will continue to be promoted. Upgrading, technological innovation, and merchants’ investment in product research and development have further promoted the path of product innovation and product differentiation.

"'6·18' is's store anniversary, and it also happens to be the peak season for home appliances. Since last year, has found a differentiated live broadcast competition model for purchasing and selling live broadcasts. This year's '6·18' performance may exceed expectations. "Zhuang Shuai further emphasized that Taotian, Kuaishou and Douyin started "6·18" earlier, hoping to seize the advantageous parts of including 3c digital, home appliances and home furnishings by extending the cycle. Judging from the three-party data, the performance is also good. .

Everyone seems to be stuck in the predicament of price comparison across the Internet and regard it as the key to solving the problem. Behind the low-price strategy is actually a test of the platform's comprehensive capabilities and systematic control. For example, with the whole network worried about low prices, how should the platform balance the needs of merchants and users? This question requires a definite answer, otherwise it may trigger a series of chain reactions.

’s perspective from, this is the 21st “6·18”. From the perspective of platforms and merchants, this year's "6·18" is still very lively, and everyone is still working hard, "rolling" to unprecedented heights in all directions, in order to grab more attention from the consumer side. Of course, this war without gunpowder is far from over.

Daily Economic News

The aforementioned retail technician also believes, “If this device has the same value as an Apple mobile phone, there may be many attempts at technical products and scene applications.”

This can’t help but remind people of Pinduoduo’s failure at the end of last year. At the historic moment when the market value exceeded Alibaba, Jack Ma rarely said on the intranet: "The era of AI e-commerce has just begun. It is an opportunity and a challenge for everyone." The transformation from "e-commerce + AI" to "AI e-commerce", Perhaps this is a "life-saving straw" that e-commerce players must grasp in the era of e-commerce stock.

“Presidents” flocked to the live broadcast room

This year’s “June 18”, live broadcast sales are still the main battlefield where more business growth is expected. In addition to Douyin and Kuaishou, which had an early start, Xiaohongshu is also working hard on the live broadcast business. Unlike last year, this year's "6·18" Xiaohongshu fully supports in-store broadcasting. Data released by Yinshi shows that during the "6·18" period, the GMV (gross merchandise transaction volume) of Xiaohongshu's e-commerce store was five times that of the same period last year.

One of the more obvious points is that the "de-overheading" of live broadcast e-commerce is still in progress. On the other hand, after experiencing several major promotions, the weight of live broadcasts and store broadcasts has increased within each platform and in the large market. Down, they are all rising.

During last year’s “Double 11”, the unexpected popularity of JD’s purchasing and sales live broadcast room allowed JD Live to find a new differentiated route. This year's "6·18", founder Liu Qiangdong's digital person brought goods, which also started a new trend.

JD data shows that during this year’s “6·18” period, the founders and CEOs of more than 18 brands transformed into AI digital people through JD Yunyanxi and broadcast simultaneously in the JD live broadcast room. More than half of the brands are from Fortune 500 companies. In terms of the entire digital human live broadcast, during this year’s “6·18” period, JD’s digital human anchors broadcast live for more than 380,000 hours, and the number of user interactions exceeded 4 million times.

Taobao, on June 5, Taobao launched a live broadcast full hosting service for entrepreneurs. "Daily Economic News" reporters learned that as long as they are CEOs who intend to endorse their own companies, regardless of whether they have live broadcast experience or not, they can start broadcasting on Taobao with zero threshold. Taobao Live will provide a one-stop "nanny" from the pallet to the operation of the live broadcast room. "Serve.

Not long ago, Lin Sheng, the founder of Zhong Xuegao, entered Taobao Live and announced that he would repay debts in the form of live streaming to bring goods, which triggered a heated discussion. The reporter learned that in order for Lin Sheng to start broadcasting smoothly, Taobao Live provided him with on-site resource support through a fully managed model. The launch of fully managed services for entrepreneurs also further revealed Taobao Live’s new plans.

On this "6·18", and Alibaba have put "real and fake CEOs" on the air one after another. Whether it is digital human products or fully managed services, and Alibaba have their own plans and are taking advantage of the mid-year sales to prepare for new business.

However, some platforms have different attitudes towards digital live broadcasts.

In order to optimize the ecology of video account showcases, Tencent has recently revised the "Implementation Rules for "Publishing Low-Quality Content" by Video Account Showcase Masters" to solicit opinions. According to the latest revised plan, "using plug-ins, AI and other tools to generate avatars for live broadcasts" and other activities involving virtual/digital human live broadcasts will be clearly listed as low-quality content by the video account and will be dealt with in violation of regulations.

Previously, the "Douyin Platform Specifications and Industry Initiatives for Artificial Intelligence Generated Content" showed that the image and content of virtual anchors must be registered in advance. In addition, virtual live broadcasts must be clearly marked to help users distinguish virtuality from reality.

In view of the different attitudes of the two types of platforms towards virtual anchors bringing goods, Zhuang Shuai, an e-commerce analyst and founder of Bailian Consulting, said in an interview with "Daily Economic News" reporter WeChat that whether it is Douyin or Tencent Video Account, both It has relatively strong social and content attributes, and its live broadcast format also relies on social networking to develop. Digital people and avatars will destroy the social experience, and the "distortion" of the content is uncontrollable, so it is banned. However, other platforms have weak or even no social attributes, so digital people bringing goods have little impact.

How to get rid of "low price anxiety"?

Although live broadcast e-commerce platforms have made big sales and low prices a daily routine, even though "6·18" and "Double 11", as traditional e-commerce big sales, have weakened in volume on the consumer side, for merchants, they are still This is a critical period of the year for performance growth, so there is no room for sloppiness.

This year’s “6·18” is the second “6·18” in which’s low-price strategy returns. Compared with last year, when the low-price competition was still in the early stages, each company’s moves were slightly more reserved. This year, leading platforms are making full use of price weapons to make new articles.

html On June 4, reporters noticed that the "Jingmai Merchant Center" released the latest rules, which revised and added 180-day price guarantee, 365-day price guarantee, and added rules for closing the price guarantee service when merchants' funds are inverted, which took effect on June 6.

From a time perspective, the latest price guarantee rules will cover’s “6·18”. "One-click price guarantee" is a price guarantee measure embedded in the consumer chain. Currently,, Taobao, etc. have all set up this function.

needs to adapt to the rhythm of low-price competition in the e-commerce field. Mechanical adjustments and increased subsidies are expected. Coincidentally, there is also news that Pinduoduo launched an automatic price tracking system on June 18 this year.

Zhuang Shuai believes that although the automatic price tracking system is very controversial, there are still many follow-up actions around the "price advantage", including tens of billions of subsidies, agricultural product subsidies, and trade-in subsidies that have become popular among various platforms. The gameplay within the game may be increased in the future.

Judging from the current situation, the impact of the current low prices is basically positive: it will promote consumption growth, prices will eventually converge, the interests of merchants and platforms will be dynamically balanced, and the experience and services of the platform will continue to be promoted. Upgrading, technological innovation, and merchants’ investment in product research and development have further promoted the path of product innovation and product differentiation.

"'6·18' is's store anniversary, and it also happens to be the peak season for home appliances. Since last year, has found a differentiated live broadcast competition model for purchasing and selling live broadcasts. This year's '6·18' performance may exceed expectations. "Zhuang Shuai further emphasized that Taotian, Kuaishou and Douyin started "6·18" earlier, hoping to seize the advantageous parts of including 3c digital, home appliances and home furnishings by extending the cycle. Judging from the three-party data, the performance is also good. .

Everyone seems to be stuck in the predicament of price comparison across the Internet and regard it as the key to solving the problem. Behind the low-price strategy is actually a test of the platform's comprehensive capabilities and systematic control. For example, with the whole network worried about low prices, how should the platform balance the needs of merchants and users? This question requires a definite answer, otherwise it may trigger a series of chain reactions.

’s perspective from, this is the 21st “6·18”. From the perspective of platforms and merchants, this year's "6·18" is still very lively, and everyone is still working hard, "rolling" to unprecedented heights in all directions, in order to grab more attention from the consumer side. Of course, this war without gunpowder is far from over.

Daily Economic News