On June 18, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News learned from the plaintiff’s attorney that the verdict in Liang Jingru’s Shanghai concert “pillar ticket” rights protection case will be announced on the 20th of this month. Previously, in May 2023, some viewers complained that t

html On June 18, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News learned from the plaintiff’s attorney that the verdict on Liang Jingru’s Shanghai concert “pillar ticket” rights protection case will be pronounced on the 20th of this month.

Previously, in May 2023, some viewers complained that they spent 1,299 yuan to buy "pillar tickets" at Liang Jingru's Shanghai concert, which blocked the view and greatly affected the consumer experience. After many unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the organizer, nine viewers sued the organizer behind the show, "Shanghai Rubik's Cube Pan-Cultural Performing Arts Co., Ltd." to the court.

On November 15 of the same year, the case was heard in the No. 9 Meilong Court of the People's Court of Minhang District, Shanghai, but no verdict was pronounced in court.

Ms. Li, one of the viewers, told the reporter of Xiaoxiang Morning News that a year has passed since the complaint was made in May last year. “We sued the court because we hope that the organizer can consider the problem from the perspective of consumers. (When facing the problem, ") proposed a sincere solution."

On June 18, the reporter called the organizer regarding the upcoming sentencing of the case, but received no positive response.

9 concertgoers sued the organizer to the court, after six months of negotiation and communication failed.

Ms. Li told reporters that she purchased two tickets for Liang Jingru’s Shanghai concert in May last year, each worth 1,299 yuan. But on the day of the performance, after arriving at the venue, she saw that when she looked from her seat to the center of the stage, her sight was almost blocked by the iron pillars erected around the venue area. Even after communicating with the organizer, the problem was not solved... After posting a complaint online, she found that many consumers at the same concert encountered the same situation as her.

The reporter saw from the live pictures and video materials that the live stage of the concert that day was set up as a "four-sided stage". The stage was in the middle of the venue, and the surroundings could be filled with spectators. According to some information, compared with the "three-sided stage", the "four-sided stage" can increase the capacity of the auditorium on the one hand, and on the other hand facilitates the audience from every angle to watch the performance "without blind spots". However, at Liang Jingru's Shanghai concert, the four-sided stage "Big pillars" were erected, causing many spectators' views to be blocked.

According to Ms. Li's statistics, the total number of viewers who bought "pillar tickets" for this concert reached about 300. Some consumers said: "What kind of concert is it if you can only listen to it but not watch it?" More than a year has passed since

posted the complaint. Another audience member, Mr. Jiang, told reporters that during the period, they also thought about solving the problem through communication. In May last year, when the matter became a hot topic on the Internet, the local Consumer Protection Commission intervened. However, after some communication and mediation, the organizer Shanghai Magic Cube Pan-Cultural Performing Arts Co., Ltd. did not provide a compensation plan that satisfied the audience. It only proposed to give a small number of "pillar ticket" viewers a 200-yuan JD.com card...

for 6 months. After the negotiations failed, nine local ticket-buying audiences in Shanghai, as representatives, sued the organizer "Shanghai Rubik's Cube Pan-Cultural Performing Arts Co., Ltd." to the court.

The first instance of this case opened on November 15 last year. There are two aspects of dispute.

On November 15, 2023, the first instance of Liang Jingru’s Shanghai concert “pillar ticket” rights protection case opened in the Meilong Court of the People’s Court of Minhang District, Shanghai. Xiaoxiang Morning News reporters learned from many sources that the audience and the organizer each made their own statements regarding the occurrence of "pillar tickets" at the concert. There are mainly two disputes.

Controversy 1: Should the audience be informed of the "pillar ticket" information in advance?

According to Red Star News, one of the spectators who filed the lawsuit showed the reporter a photo of the view of the "pillar ticket". The photo showed that there was a hollow pillar in the middle of the field of view, and the singer in the hollow was vaguely visible, but the ticket purchase page did not mark the pillar. Ticket prompt information.

viewers believe that the organizer failed to provide information about the defective seats of "pillar tickets" before purchasing tickets, which constitutes contract fraud and requires compensation.

In this regard, the organizer believes that the organizer cannot be blamed for situations that the audience should have foreseen but did not encounter.

Dispute 2: Is the organizer’s solution to the problem reasonable?

During the trial, four audience members said that they tried to give feedback during the concert, but were blocked by security guards and could not find other staff members.

Another audience said that when they entered the venue, they found that the pillars might block their view. When they tried to give feedback, they were stopped by security guards. After the concert started, they couldn't bear it and left the venue midway to complain. One staff member said they could get a refund, and another The staff advised themselves to continue watching and said that there would be follow-up phone calls from organizer staff, but no communication calls were received. The attorney representing the organizer of

said that after watching the performance in full and enjoying all the performance services, the contract involved in the case has been fulfilled. "When responding to these complaints afterwards, (the organizers) actually did not have the ability to screen one by one whether the performances were consistent with what they (audiences) claimed at the scene."

reporter learned that in this case, the plaintiff's audience's demands Yes, I hope the organizer can return the original price of the concert tickets and pay punitive damages three times the original price of the tickets.

One of the audience members told reporters: "To be honest, we do not regard 'one for three' as our real demand, but we want the organizer to have a sincere attitude and hope that they can truly pay attention to the demands of consumers."

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Sun Qingyun