Dad and brother and sister. Tong Haolin (left) plays and sings "Father" by himself. Nandu News reporter Xie Yuelei "I always ask for things from you but never say thank you. It's not easy to understand you until I grow up..." On Father's Day, Tong Haolin, a sixth-grade student fr

Dad and brother and sister.

Tong Haolin (left) plays and sings "Father" by himself.

Nandu News reporter Xie Yuelei "I always ask for things from you but never say thank you. It's not easy to understand you until I grow up..." On Father's Day, Tong Haolin, a sixth-grade student from Shenzhen Shuiku Primary School, played and sang "Father" 》, to give to dad Tong Kai.

The younger sister also appeared on the scene to "beat the time"

The father: It feels very warm

The mother recorded this scene with her mobile phone. In the video, Tong Haolin was wearing a Shenzhen school uniform and a red scarf, sitting in front of the piano and playing and singing affectionately, while the younger sister and her brother were sitting back to back. Clapping hands "beating time", the picture is very loving.

"I feel very warm!" Dad Tong Kai said that when his son was young, the relationship between father and son was very close, but after he entered elementary school, he would occasionally have different opinions due to issues of learning and growth, and rarely talked about love. . He said: "Because it is difficult for father and son to express love, so the child conveyed it to me in this way, which is really touching!"

In the same form, he played and sang a song "Hemerocallis" for his mother. He said: "To be fair, I also sang a song for my father on Father's Day." So he practiced for about 20 minutes every day for a week, and when his father I gave my father my gift before the holiday.

Regarding the lyrics of the song "Father", although Tong Haolin cannot empathize with him, he still has his own understanding. He said: "When learning this song, I think the meaning of the lyrics is that when many people realize the hardship of their father, father He is already old, so I think we should be filial to our father now.”

According to his father, Tong Kai, Tong Haolin has loved singing since he was a child, and his idol is Jay Chou. Tong Haolin saw that many singers, including his idols, played and sang at the same time, so he chose to learn piano. He has persisted since kindergarten in the first class and is now preparing to take the King's Level 8 exam.