On the evening of June 15, the opening ceremony of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, directed by the State Film Administration and co-sponsored by China Central Radio and Television and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, was held at the Shanghai Grand Theate

On the evening of June 15, the opening ceremony of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, directed by the State Film Administration and co-sponsored by China Central Radio and Television and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, was held at the Shanghai Grand Theater.

Hu Heping, deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department in charge of daily work, attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the film festival. Gong Zheng, deputy secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, mayor, and honorary chairman of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival Organizing Committee, and Wang Xiaozhen, deputy director of China Central Radio and Television and chairman of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival Organizing Committee, opened the ceremony Speech at the ceremony. Zhao Jiaming, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Zhou Huilin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Liu Duo, deputy mayor of Shanghai, Jin Xingming, vice chairman of the Shanghai Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, Liang Jianyong, former party secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial People's Congress, etc. attended the meeting. Opening Ceremony.

 △Hu Heping, the deputy minister in charge of daily work of the Central Propaganda Department, announced the opening of the film festival

Gong Zheng said in his speech that Shanghai, as the birthplace of Chinese films, has accumulated rich film humanistic resources and nurtured the Shanghai International Film Festival as a cultural event. The Shanghai International Film Festival adheres to the festival's orientation of "based on Asia, focusing on the Chinese language, and supporting new talents". It gathers high-quality films from around the world and gathers high-quality resources from around the world. It has become the most influential film event in the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, Shanghai is building the best practice base for Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, striving to be at the forefront of building a modernization that harmonizes material civilization and spiritual civilization. The film festival should better promote cultural exchanges, tell Chinese stories and Shanghai stories wonderfully, and fully demonstrate the world's diverse cultures; it should better accelerate industrial innovation, strengthen service functions such as supporting new talents and incubating new works, and promote the forward-looking layout and improvement of the film industry. Energy level; to better promote culture to benefit the people, launch a series of exciting mass cultural activities, so that the general public can participate in the appointment of light and shadow and appreciate the beauty of the city. Bravely undertaking the new mission and taking advantage of the momentum to start again, the film festival should accelerate the creation of a Shanghai cultural brand with global influence, contribute more to enhancing the city's cultural soft power and promoting the construction of a cultural power.

 △Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Mayor, and Honorary Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, delivered a speech

In his speech, Wang Xiaozhen said that the new cultural mission of the new era lies on our shoulders. The Shanghai International Film Festival, which has passed its 30th anniversary, continues to use light and shadow as a medium to promote co-construction and sharing, promote mutual learning through cultural exchanges, and build a bridge of people-to-people exchanges, cultural integration, and people-to-people bonds. Openness, innovation, and tolerance are the distinctive characters of Shanghai, which demonstrate the unique cultural spirit of the "People's City" and the unique artistic charm of the "City of Movies." This year's film festival carries out a series of special activities with an open mind and a cutting-edge broad vision, showing the vivid scene of the integration and symbiosis of Shanghai's film and television culture and urban development in the new era. As a comprehensive international media aircraft carrier with the largest scale, the most business forms, and the widest coverage in the world today, the main station integrates the innovative concept of "ideology + art + technology" to create high-quality film and television products, with new-quality productivity and new-quality communication force to open up a new world of literary and artistic creation and cultural dissemination. The main station will work with the Shanghai Film Festival and film and television practitioners at home and abroad to use the power of light and shadow to innovatively tell Chinese stories, deepen mutual learning among civilizations, and inject profound and lasting cultural power into the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

 △Wang Xiaozhen, Deputy Director of China Central Radio and Television and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, delivered a speech

The theme of this Shanghai International Film Festival is "City of Movies". The live performance at the opening ceremony incorporated film elements and city scenes with Shanghai characteristics, artistically showing Shanghai, as the birthplace of Chinese film, becoming more and more radiant in the new era, and the moving picture of film and city complementing each other.

 △Live song and dance performance at the opening ceremony

 This film festival collected more than 3,700 entries and exhibitions from 105 countries and regions on five continents.After selection, 50 films from 29 countries and regions were shortlisted for the five major categories of the Golden Goblet Awards, including 38 world premieres, 6 international premieres, and 6 Asian premieres. The premiere rate reached a new high.

 △The judges of the main competition unit of the Golden Goblet Award appeared at the opening ceremony

During this film festival, special events such as French Film Week, "One Belt and One Road" Film Week, and Science Fiction Film Week will be held, and 461 films including competition films will be screened. , bringing the world’s outstanding movies to the majority of movie fans. The film festival is also integrated and linked with the Citizen Cultural Festival, City Walk, etc. to launch a series of exciting mass cultural activities, making the film festival a public festival shared by the whole city and participated by all people.

The 26th Shanghai International Film Festival Golden Goblet Awards for Best Film, Jury Prize, Best Director and Best Actor and Actress will be grandly announced at the Golden Goblet Awards Ceremony on the evening of June 22 .

The opening ceremony was broadcast live on the China Central Radio and Television Station’s CCTV Variety Channel, and simultaneously on CCTV News New Media, CCTV, CCTV.com, cgtn New Media and other platforms.