On the evening of June 13, the topic about “5KM’s collapse” topped the list of hot searches on Weibo. A Shanghai netizen posted: "Who knows, my dance studio may have disappeared. I'm convinced, 5KM in more than 30 stores in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai has actually disappeared,

On the evening of June 13, the topic of "5km's closure" topped the list of hot searches on Weibo. A Shanghai netizen posted: "Who knows, my dance studio may have disappeared. I'm convinced, the 5km of more than 30 stores in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai have actually disappeared, and the owner Fu Xinyu has lost contact."

Overnight, the dance organization News of 5km's suspected collapse spread like wildfire among its students.

Some customers said that on the day after applying for the card

"someone shouted that the boss ran away"

According to Jimu News, Shanghai netizen Ms. Huang (surname Hua) introduced that in early May this year, under the introduction of a friend, she spent 3,510 yuan on 5km Century. The DaDao Store has issued an annual card with a total of 55 class hours. After applying for the card, she was very active in class. She has skipped 25 classes so far and has 30 classes left to study. On June 13, Ms. Huang discovered that all courses in the store that afternoon could not be booked. The store's explanation at the time was that there was a power outage and the business was suspended, and the venue needed to be repaired and rectified. Later, she was unable to contact the consultant until she heard that the store had been closed that night.

Another consumer customer of Shanghai 5km store said that the relevant store recommended card application and renewal under the name of "5·20" activity before May 20. It’s June, and each store is still carrying out the “6·18” promotion .

A customer of the 5km Joy City store in Shaoxing, Zhejiang said that on June 13, she saw the store’s “6·18” event and was persuaded by a consultant to apply for two cards, one with a 218-day time limit for dual stores, and one with a 218-day time limit for two stores. 55 card trips to Zhangdan store, totaling 7,854 yuan. After applied for the card, at about 5 pm that day, I found someone in the group calling the boss and running away. After her request for a refund was rejected by the store, she had to seek help from the local 12345 hotline .

According to Chengshi Interactive, Ms. Chen from Shanghai said that she has been learning to dance at 5km Dance Studio for 5 years. Recently, she has been busy with work and has not been there for two months. "The annual card I bought on June 18 last year cost more than 6,000 yuan. It usually costs more than 10,000 yuan." She said that three days ago, the salesperson suddenly told her that she could get a refund if she wanted. She applied for a refund, but there is no news yet. .

According to Jimu News, the store closure incident affected many students in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Wuxi and other places, and most of the students applied for cards with the amount of more than 3,000 yuan, and the maximum amount exceeded 10,000 yuan. Some students reported that before the store closed, the studio staff was still recommending "6·18" discounts and card renewal activities to students .

A clerk said he was owed wages

The teacher carried a stereo to class by himself

On 14th, according to Chao News, at the 5km Raffles store in Hangzhou, the reporter found that the store was open to welcome customers. A consultant revealed, "All classes in the evening are held normally." The reporter asked the staff at the Raffles Customer Service Center to learn about the situation, and the other party said that the business situation of 5km was not yet clear.

The manager of the store said that he was not aware of the situation in other cities. He learned from news and hot searches that there were store closures in Shanghai, but the store is still open. He also mentioned the issue of wage arrears exposed by the outside world, "My colleagues and I are also a little worried now and don't know what to do."

But that night, some netizens broke the news, saying that on the door of the 5km Raffles Center store, A "Letter to Customers" notice has been posted and a picture sent. In the announcement, Raffles City Center stated that Weishan Strontium Culture and Art (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. (5km) has defaulted on rent payables and other breaches of contract, and will be held accountable in accordance with the law. Raffles tells customers to contact the store manager as soon as possible to discuss the subsequent processing of the balance on the card.

In an interview, a 5km part-time dance teacher named Memu (pseudonym) said, “We usually go to each other’s stores. They (5km) haven’t given me my salary from March to May, and I don’t know if I want it now. "Go back to class." He said, "The last class was in May."

said that everyone in the group where teachers are now is paying attention to the latest situation, "I am still waiting for the results." According to the introduction, there are also situations where dance teachers go to class carrying speakers on their backs because the store equipment has been temporarily moved away.

According to The Paper, on the 14th, reporters called more than ten 5km dance studios in Shanghai. Either their phones were turned off, no one answered, or it kept showing busy .Subsequently, the reporter visited Bailian Youyicheng store and saw that the store had been closed and the sign at the door showed "internal adjustments."

html On June 13, 5km Shanghai Pudong Jiuliu Plaza store suspended operations

According to Jimu News, a 5km Shanghai store clerk said: " wages have not been paid since April." In addition to arrears of wages, the company also only owed her social security. Due in February. On the morning of June 13, she was still working normally in the store. In the afternoon, she heard that a store had stopped operating due to a power outage, and then she heard the news that the company owner had "run away".

public information shows that the chain dance institution 5km, has more than 30 dance studios in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. The studio claims to have choreographed for some stars. Among dance enthusiasts, word of mouth spreads among dance enthusiasts for its professionalism and high cost performance. Tianyancha information shows that the main operator of 5km is Shanghai Weidan Strontium Culture Communication Co., Ltd. The company has a registered capital of 1 million yuan, and its legal representative and shareholder are Fu Xinyu. There are many branches of the brand registered under his name. Many of them have been cancelled.

In fact, on June 1 this year, the WeChat public account "5km Dance Studio" released a letter to members and teachers. The letter stated that there has been a steady stream of negative news such as the imminent closure of 5km on various major platforms. In order to reassure everyone, the "5km Dance Studio's business plan for the second half of 2024" was uniformly informed.

stated in the letter that 5km needs to reduce and control costs. Measures include withdrawing from top luxury shopping malls and returning stores with unreasonable layouts.

According to Jimu News, on June 5, Raffles City Shanghai issued the "Announcement on the Operation Risks of 5km". The announcement stated that the relevant tenants were delayed in paying rent, and the lease period will expire on July 18, 2024. The mall reminded 5km members to be cautious in their consumption.

Editor | Sun Zhicheng Du Hengfeng

Proofreading | Duan Lian

Daily Economic News Comprehensive The Paper News, Jimu News, Chengshi Interactive, Chao News, etc.

Daily Economic News