On June 15, the online movie "Li Shi, You Are So Naughty" was launched on a number of legitimate video platforms. The film is directed by He Huan of Dawan Entertainment and stars many well-known comedians such as Wei Xiang, Yang Jiulang, and Song Muzi. It can be said that the com

htmlOn June 15, the online movie "Li Shi, You Are So Naughty" was launched on a number of genuine video platforms. The film is directed by He Huan of Dawan Entertainment, and stars many well-known comedians such as Wei Xiang, Yang Jiulang , Song Muzi , etc. It can be said that the comedy star lineup of this online movie is truly outstanding among similar online movies.

However, the fact that the film has so many comedy stars does not change its nature as a bad film. After watching this movie, my first feeling is that it is so difficult for many of our young directors to shoot an excellent movie, but why is it so easy to shoot some bad movies? Why do bad coins drive away good coins so rampantly?

"Li Shi, You Are So Naughty" tells such a story:

The emperor was about to die, and the two imperial doctors brought two pills. One pill could cure all diseases, and the other pill was poison. The two Chinese medicine doctors couldn't figure out which pill was poisonous and which one was a cure-all. As a result, the emperor swallowed the white pill directly and became a vegetative state. Next, the black pill disappeared. The two imperial doctors were also held criminally responsible according to law.

Next, is the story of the descendants of the imperial physician. The descendants of the two imperial doctors disliked each other, and various conflicts arose. However, among the descendants of the two imperial doctors, there is a male protagonist and a female protagonist. The two of them must fall in love. This is the routine of most bad movies. Moreover, the heroine is seriously ill, and the hero needs to use elixir to treat her. What is the elixir? It's the pill that the emperor didn't take back then.

People from all walks of life began to chase this elixir. Especially the big villain in the palace also started to chase him. All the relatives and friends around the hero and heroine have been arrested by the villain, leaving the hero and heroine to be intimate in the small hut. This kind of love scene is also a standard feature of Luxu.com, which is not surprising. The film's narrative is straightforward and there are no turning points. Moments later, the elixir appeared.

Of course, there are also misunderstandings here. The biggest misunderstanding is that what the emperor swallowed was the real elixir, and the one that appeared later was poison. The heroine accidentally took the poison. The hero urgently delivers the elixir. In the end, of course, the hero rescued the heroine, and the two lived a happy life. Is this also called a movie? Yes, this is the movie "Li Shi, You Are So Naughty". Nothing you want. The screenwriter and director are really naughty.

He Huan’s film seems to want to follow Stephen Chow’s postmodern absurdity route. However, He Huan may be due to his limited knowledge. He does not know that in order for postmodern absurdity to be established, it needs a core of realism. Stephen Chow's "Westward Journey" is a movie with the most beautiful core and is regarded as a model by them. Most of Stephen Chow's other films focus on satirizing social reality. These satires are targeted, and only with these satires can the absurd content be established.

Satirizing reality is an ability that directors such as He Huan lack. This "Li Shi, You Are So Naughty" has no ability to satirize reality at all. It is purely a farce, talking about the things this group of people are having fun in the fictional world of ancient costumes. This kind of thing shouldn't become a movie. It can even be said that watching such farce movies is simply a waste of time for movie fans. (Text/Ma Qingyun)