On June 16, the TV series "Rose Story" starring Liu Yifei and Tong Dawei, with Lin Gengxin as a special guest star, Wan Qian as the lead, Lin Yi and Peng Guanying as special stars, and Huo Jianhua as a special star will be launched at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater.

6 June 16th, the TV series " Rose Story " starring Liu Yifei, Tong Dawei , Lin Gengxin as a special guest, Wan Qian as the lead, Lin Yi and Peng Guanying as special stars, Huo Jianhua as a special star will be held at Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater Start broadcasting.

The play uses a warm and romantic realism creative style to carefully elaborate on Huang Yimei's emotional choices and pursuit of self-worth. It focuses on many current social phenomena and hot topics, depicts urban emotional life group portraits, and interprets the wonderful moments of contemporary women's bravery and blooming. .

A powerful group of stars gather to show off the charm of their characters

As one of the most anticipated dramas of the year, "The Story of Rose" has gained a lot of popularity. In the posters that have been exposed, all the main characters in the play have appeared: Huang Yimei (played by Liu Yifei) is casual and determined, and the bright halo in her eyes reveals good expectations for the future; Huang Zhenhua (played by Tong Dawei) can be called the "sister-protecting maniac" , he is steady, careful, yet humorous, and is his sister Huang Yimei’s strongest support; Fang Xiewen (played by Lin Gengxin) has a gentle look, works hard in the workplace, and pursues Huang Yimei with practical actions; Su Gengsheng (played by Wan Qian) He Xi (played by Lin Yimei) is youthful and flamboyant, soaring into the wider sky with the encouragement of Huang Yimei; Zhuang Guodong (played by Peng Guanying) is gentle and elegant, and he is Huang Yimei's first love. This relationship also affects his life; Fu Jiaming (played by Huo Jianhua) is suave and unruly, he is Huang Yimei's most tacit soul mate, and also the most heart-wrenching romantic memory; Jiang Xueqiong (played by Zhu Zhu) is bright and gorgeous, she is the key to Huang Yimei's artistic career He is a guide and a good companion in life... The characters look forward to each other in the dim light and shadow, showing personal growth and various aspects of life.

The play composes an emotional movement unique to women of the era. The rose of love is often watered by tears. Even so, Huang Yimei still gives her best to every relationship, with her innate confidence and courage, and strives to live a more exciting life! Along the way, she experienced not only the beauty and happiness of love, but also the pain and sorrow of life. She firmly believes that "the secret of happiness is bravery". She always faces the storms of life with an optimistic and positive attitude, bursting out with great strength and perseverance.

Yi Shu's classic works are brought to the screen.

The TV series "The Story of Rose" is adapted from the novel of the same name by the famous female writer Yi Shu. It takes Huang Yimei's growth story and emotional journey spanning more than 20 years as the main line, and revolves around her career, love and family. It shows from point to point the various choices modern women face in the pursuit of personal independence and happy love. It is an emotional masterpiece that tells the story of women's tempering, growth and exploration of self-worth at different ages and in different emotional relationships.

In the play, Huang Yimei, who was born in a scholarly family, grew up in care and showed her artistic talent since she was a child. When she first entered the workplace, she was quickly put into a good position, and she met and fell in love with her partner Zhuang Guodong, but in the end they missed each other. This period of training in the workplace also gave her a clearer plan for her life, and she decided to return to school for further study. After graduation, she got married to her senior student Fang Xiewen. But after getting married, their development directions were very different, and they finally chose to divorce. Huang Yimei started her own business and worked hard in the field of art curation. During this period, she also met her soul mate Fu Jiaming, but Fu Jiaming only had a few months to live, and their love ended in life and death. But Huang Yimei did not feel depressed. She continued to work hard to live a more wonderful self... "The Story of Rose" focuses on Huang Yimei's emotions and life journey, encouraging women to be like Huang Yimei, no matter what age or where she is. No matter what the situation, you should bloom to the fullest. Now is the flowering period.

It is worth noting that the creative team behind the show all have rich experience in the production of urban-themed works: screenwriter Li Xiao conveys the emotional charm close to reality with a sense of life. He once won the Shanghai TV Award for the TV series " The Real Man " "Magnolia Award" Best Screenplay Award; director Wang Junyou is well-known to the audience for his delicate and vivid narrative style. He once won the "Magnolia Award" Best Director Award for the TV series "小happy"; director of photography Zhang Wenjie has worked in the TV series He served as photographer in works such as "Bright Sword" and " Human World ", and served as photography director in "The Age of Awakening". He was shortlisted for the "Magnolia Award" for Best Photography; art director Wang Jing served as director of "Little Joy" and " Qingpingle" He is the art director of many well-known dramas such as "", "Mountain and Sea Love", " Xiao She De ", etc., and was nominated for the "Magnolia Award" for the best art award for the TV series "Do you know whether you should be green, fat, red and thin"; in addition, There is also Lin Yanguo, the lighting director of the TV series "Human World", "Inspection Team" and "The Hunting Ground", and Ai Wen, the styling director of the TV series " Ode to Joy ", " are all good ", " You Are My Glory "... The creators behind these gold medals gathered together in "The Story of a Rose" to work together to ensure the quality of the series.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Yang Wenjie

editor/Qiao Ying