When the sensational effect caused by the launch of Xiaomi SU7 is still continuing, and when "Honglei CP" continues to ferment at the Beijing Auto Show, Jia Yueting, who is far away across the ocean, also smells a different smell. He couldn't sit still. In addition to shouting to

The sensational effect caused by the launch of Xiaomi su7 is still continuing. When "Honglei CP" continues to ferment at the Beijing Auto Show, Jia Yueting, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, also smells a different smell.

He couldn't sit still.

In addition to shouting to Lei Jun across the ocean when Xiaomi su7 was launched, he also joined the competition for traffic at the Beijing Auto Show through videos and live broadcasts.

It is obvious that more and more business leaders are beginning to realize the importance of traffic, especially the new dividends released by the re-division of traffic, and come to enjoy such a new traffic feast in person.

Even Jia Yueting, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, and even Musk, the head of Tesla, are not immune to this.

When news about FF being delisted began to appear, especially when Jia Yueting's car-making began to enter a critical node of life and death, how to ensure the normal operation of FF and achieve Jia Yueting's goal of building a car became a must. Brand new issues to face.

He couldn't sit still.

Perhaps he saw the important role played by Lei Jun’s personal IP in the launch of Xiaomi su7, or perhaps he saw the significant effect of Zhou Hongyi’s personal IP in driving 360 and its investment in Nezha Automobile . Jia Yueting also ff's last stand relies on the commercialization of its own personal IP.

Recently, Jia Yueting released the video "I made several decisions to save ff" on his personal social media.

In the video, Jia Yueting first refuted the rumors to the outside world, that is, although ff is currently facing a very high risk of delisting, it has not been delisted as some media misunderstood.

Subsequently, Jia Yueting reviewed and summarized the three stages that ff has gone through since its listing, and conducted an in-depth analysis of the problems encountered by ff at each stage.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Yueting announced five latest decisions:

No. 1, Jia Yueting will strive to serve as co-CEO with matthias in the future.

Second, strive to keep ff in compliance with the listing status.

Third, make every effort to accelerate the financing process, especially the recent major financing and business expansion in the Middle East.

Fourth, open up product, technology, compliance and other technology chains and value chains to all industries in China and the United States.

Fifth, by starting the commercialization of personal IP, make some money as soon as possible, which can be used to pay off debts and subsidize FF to build cars.

If we regard the first four decisions announced by Jia Yueting as a series of rescue measures for FF at the company management and operational levels, then Jia Yueting's fifth decision is that he uses his personal ability to all in The true embodiment of car building.

Through these five decisions, it is not difficult to see that both FF and Jia Yueting have entered a life-and-death stage.

When business tycoons represented by Yu Minhong, Feng Lun, Lei Jun, and Zhou Hongyi began to join the battle for traffic, especially when their personal IPs began to really benefit the development of the company, and even save the company. When living a business.

He couldn't sit still.

Jia Yueting, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, may have also seen such a new opportunity, and began to personally end the game, starting his last stand.

Even when he was traveling to the other side of the ocean to build cars and pay off debts, Jia Yueting still had a large number of fans in China.

For these fans of Jia Yueting, he is not a debt evader, but a manifestation of entrepreneurial spirit.

It is precisely because of this that every time Jia Yueting speaks out, it will attract more or less attention from some industries.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that Jia Yueting entered a critical point of dilemma in ff, chose to join the ranks of live broadcasts and short videos, and sought solutions through the commercialization of personal IP.

Regardless of whether Jia Yueting's entry is successful or not, his willingness to use his personal IP to save the company is still worthy of our praise.

In fact, personal IP addresses, especially those of business tycoons, are beginning to play an increasingly important role as the traffic pattern is being reshuffled.

Whether it was Yu Minhong who led New Oriental out of the predicament through his personal IP, Zhang Chaoyang led Sohu to stay on the poker table through his personal IP, or even Lei Jun fought a good battle in Xiaomi's first battle to build a car through his personal IP. , we can all see that personal IP plays a positive role in driving the development of a company.

It can be said that personal IP, especially the personal IP of business tycoons who grew up in the Internet era, if used properly, can not only monetize their traffic, but can even save a company.

The same is true for Jia Yueting.

It must be said that Jia Yueting is also a pioneer who has tasted the dividends of the Internet. He has also accumulated many fans in the Internet era.

Even now, "ecological reaction" is still an important word that cannot be bypassed when people talk about the Internet era.

Although this term seems somewhat ironic today, it can at least prove that Jia Yueting himself actually has a large number of fans.

Therefore, when Jia Yueting announced that he would start commercializing his personal IP to pay off debts and subsidize FF to build cars, he actually had a certain fan base.

It can be said that Jia Yueting's approach is just copying the work of many domestic business figures. He is trying to copy the success of his peers in this way and continue to stay on the car-making table.

Although we still cannot judge whether Jia Yueting’s personal IP commercialization can be successful, through the plight of FF stated by Jia Yueting and his willingness to use personal IP commercialization to pay off debts and subsidize FF’s car building, it is not difficult to see that at the moment, The car-making industry is beginning to enter a period of deep reshuffle.

For Jia Yueting, how to keep ff on the car-making table during such a reshuffle period will be directly related to whether he can return to China smoothly.

We all know that car building in the past actually tested more of the ability to obtain capital. To be more precise, car building in the past was actually based on to vc.

However, when the capital market’s interest in investing in car manufacturing began to weaken, especially as the new track represented by AI became increasingly mature, the capital market’s interest in investing in car manufacturing began to decline.

This is not only reflected in the rumors that FF has been delisted, but also reflected in the performance of car manufacturers represented by Wei Xiaoli in the capital market. The evaporation of market value caused by the listing of

Ideal Mega and the lackluster performance of NIO in the capital market actually indicate that the capital market's interest in car manufacturing has begun to gradually weaken.

Apple gave up its secret car-building project for nearly ten years and instead devoted itself to the AI ​​​​track. This is also a direct manifestation of this phenomenon.

One of the important reasons why Xiaomi's car manufacturing is progressing so smoothly is that Lei Jun is using the company's money to build cars, rather than using investors' money to build cars.

Just imagine, if Lei Jun had used investors' money to build a car, the progress might not have been as smooth as it is today.

Similarly, we can also see clues from the collapse of Evergrande Automobile and the suspension of Gaohe .

After all, the development of the automobile manufacturing industry has bid farewell to the previous development stage where capital was the main driving force, and has entered a development stage dominated by self-production.

For Jia Yueting and FF under his leadership, they actually rely more on money from investors in the capital market to build cars.

When the blood transfusion in the capital market becomes unsustainable, the development of ff will naturally fall into trouble.

One of the important reasons why Jia Yueting did not hesitate to use the commercial realization of his personal IP to subsidize FF's car-making is that the development of the car-making industry has begun to enter a stage of deep reshuffle. In the past, capital was the main driving force. The development model began to gradually fail.

For Jia Yueting, this has to be said to be a last-ditch battle.

If Jia Yueting can find a successful path in the commercialization of personal IP, then ff can interpret the myth of Xiaomi.

Otherwise, ff may become Jia Yueting's second "Waterloo" like LeTV.

If the ebb of capital has caused car building to lose its previous support and driving force, then car building no longer just relies on ppt, and car building no longer just relies on concepts and marketing, but Jia Yueting and his The crux of the dilemma that FF under his leadership really faces.

At a time when car-making is all the rage, as long as you have personalized design and unique marketing capabilities, you can occupy a place in the car-making market.

In this regard, we can not only see some clues from the development and evolution of Tesla, but also some clues from the car-making players represented by Wei Xiaoli.

When the car-making market begins to bid farewell to the rash stage, when users’ minds begin to gradually mature, especially when car-making begins to compete more with disruptive innovations, just using the previous routines and methods begins to lose more and more of the original effectiveness. How

can bring more new concepts and connotations to car manufacturing, and how it can truly bring new changes to the automobile industry and even people's lifestyles, is the key to winning in the future car manufacturing battlefield. location.

We can see some clues from Musk's long journey to China to launch Tesla FSD in the Chinese market, and we can see some signs from Huawei's continuous efforts in autonomous driving.

However, ff has obviously not yet entered such a new stage of development like them, and is still wandering and wandering on the edge of the cliff of whether it can achieve smooth mass production.

For ff, if it cannot guarantee that on the basis of smooth mass production, it can catch the last train of the new cycle of the car manufacturing industry, then it may completely lose the opportunity to stay on the car manufacturing table.

From this perspective, Jia Yueting is also facing a last-ditch battle.


When more and more business leaders began to commercialize personal IP, Jia Yueting, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, couldn't sit still. He also began to be unable to restrain his excitement and devoted himself to the personal IP business. In the battle of transformation, he seemed to have found a life-saving straw for ff who was wandering on the edge of the cliff.

As a result, Jia Yueting began to copy the work of Yu Minhong, Lei Jun, and Zhou Hongyi, and used the commercialization of personal IP to pay off debts and subsidize FF's car manufacturing.

I have to say that Jia Yueting chose to commercialize his personal IP at such a moment, which is quite a bit like a desperate fight.

It can be said that the success or failure of this action is not only related to whether Jia Yueting can repay his debts smoothly, but also whether ff will become his second "Waterloo".

When Yu Minhong’s personal IP played a decisive role in the transformation of New Oriental, when Lei Jun’s personal IP played a vital role in the success of Xiaomi’s car-making, when Zhou Hongyi’s personal IP began to continuously contribute to the transformation of 360 Energy, Jia Yueting can't sit still.

As for whether Jia Yueting can succeed and successfully lead ff out of the predicament, let us wait and see!