Copywriter | Sesame Editor | Bu Mang "The Story of Rose" is halfway through its update, and the plot has reached a new climax. In the latest episode, Huang Yimei completely gave up on Zhuang Guodong, broke up with him, and returned to school for graduate school. On campus, s

Copywriting | Sesame

Editor | Bumang

" The Story of Rose " has been updated for more than half, and the plot has reached a new climax. In the latest episode of

, Huang Yimei completely gave up on Zhuang Guodong, broke up with him, and returned to school for graduate school. On campus, she met her senior student Fang Xiewen, starting the second love affair in her life.

On the surface, this is a domestic urban love drama, but in fact it is a drama about female transformation and growth. Only after watching it will you realize how touching its core is.

Moreover, "The Story of a Rose" not only has an attractive setting, but also gathered a large number of good actors in Chinese dramas. Liu Yifei , Tong Dawei and other actors have all contributed extremely wonderful performances.

I didn’t know it until I saw it, but I was shocked when I realized that the academic qualifications of the actors in the play are more serious than the others. No wonder they can become gods!

ranked first, Liu Yifei.

The actor who attracts the most attention in "The Story of a Rose" is undoubtedly the actor who plays Huang Yimei, Liu Yifei.

If Liu Yifei could not portray the role of Huang Yimei well, the whole drama would be ruined. Fortunately, Liu Yifei made people feel the amazingness of the character from the very beginning.

Only she can capture the beauty of a rose. In addition to her appearance, Liu Yifei's acting skills are also impressive.

Faced with the provocation from her boyfriend's mother, Huang Yimei had tears welling up in her eyes. She suppressed her emotions and looked at them again with unwillingness in her eyes, testing whether her boyfriend could feel her emotions.

Seeing her boyfriend chatting with others, Huang Yimei seemed to have made up her mind at this moment to let go of this relationship.

She smiled, which was a relief from this relationship, and it was also a mockery of the fact that she had devoted all her efforts without getting anything in return.

Then, she raised her glass and rolled her eyes, her eyes full of disgust.

The real disappointment is not making a fuss. Liu Yifei's performance is always restrained and invisible, which is the maximum point of collapse.

The fairy sister doesn’t have a face for nothing. She came from a major in acting at Nortel, and her acting skills must be online.

second place, Tong Dawei.

The "Peony" Huang Zhenhua played by Tong Dawei is both funny and heartbreaking.

A high-quality elite young man, he cheated all the way in his career, and all ended in a dead end in love. Others cost money in love, but he spent money in love. Only with the "help" of his sister did he and Su Gengsheng have a spark.

Tong Dawei has no trouble mastering this type of role.

was admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy with second place in the art exam. After graduation, he signed a contract with the National Theater, so his acting skills are absolutely guaranteed.

His performance is good because he is extremely natural. In front of his crush, his shining eyes, the smile on his lips and his joyful gesture make you feel that this is what older young men in life are like.

Tong Dawei played this role very well.

The third place is Wan Qian.

Like Tong Dawei, Wanqian also graduated from the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy. While in school, she represented the school as the leading female lead three times in international drama festivals held in Romania, Hong Kong and the United States.

Some people are born to be actors, and it goes without saying that their acting skills are natural.

In "The Story of Rose", Wan Qian plays Su Gengsheng.

In the previous plot, she didn't have many scenes. The scene that impressed me the most was the scene where she drank with Huang Zhenhua.

She pretended to be cold at first, with a trace of amusement in her eyes, then she opened her heart, dropped the disguise, and then looked at the drunk Huang Zhenhua and smiled shyly.

Wan Qian’s little tricks to poke fun at the character were fully demonstrated, but the explosion of the character and Wan Qian’s acting skills were yet to come.

The fourth place is Zhu Zhu.

Zhu Zhu plays Jiang Xueqiong, the most sober person in the whole drama.

"I love him very much, but I don't want to just be Mrs. Gu in this life, I want to be myself!"

When speaking the lines of this drama, Zhu Zhu always showed the opinion and sobriety of an urban woman. Finally, she smiled slightly, her eyes were magnanimous. , which is also the reason that comes from the character’s bones.

Although Zhu Zhu only played a supporting role in the play, she performed the style of a leading heroine.

I thought that Zhu Zhu’s acting skills were so good because she must have majored in acting. Unexpectedly, this sister’s major had nothing to do with acting.

majored in electronic information engineering at Beijing Technology and Business University. After entering the entertainment industry, he started as a host and later transformed into an actor.

On the day "Rose Story" premiered, Zhu Zhu revealed on social platforms that she had graduated from graduate school.

As early as last June when school started, Zhu Zhu said she was going to school.

It seems that Zhu Zhu off-screen is as sober as Jiang Xueqiong on-screen, and they are both heroines who control their own lives.

is fifth, Wu Bi.

When you mention this name, everyone may be stunned, but when it comes to the popular scumbag Zhou Shihui, the audience becomes extremely angry.

Hidden behind the pillar and looking at Rose, his eyes were focused and obscene, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more disgusting.

After Rose discussed work with him, his expression became even more unrestrained, and he caressed the cheek touched by Rose's hair, which was so oily that it made people fall into goosebumps.

How do you evaluate the acting skills of Wu Bi? When he appears in the picture, I want to punch him. The fact that he can play the character to the point of annoying people is enough to prove his outstanding acting skills.

Looking at academic qualifications, as expected, he came from a major in college. After graduating from Beijing Dance Theater majoring in musical theater, he started his career as an actor at the National Theater.

Actors who have experienced on the drama stage have more solid acting skills.

ranked sixth, Lin Gengxin.

Everyone must have seen the entry " Lin Gengxin succeeded in taking the exam".

It’s so admirable that I was able to squeeze out time to take the Ph.D. exam seriously in such a busy work schedule and achieved such good results.

I have a doctorate in drama. This degree is very valuable among actors.

However, in the trailer of "The Story of a Rose", Lin Gengxin's condition is not very good. His face is full of fatigue and vicissitudes of life. Is it possible that Fang Xiewen is also working part-time?

Let’s see how he performs in the feature film tonight.

ranks seventh, Lin Yi .

Compared with the actors mentioned above, Lin Yi's acting skills are slightly inferior.

However, he is so handsome. After graduating from high school,

was admitted to the ballroom dance major of Beijing Sport University. He was scouted by an agency to become an actor in his freshman year. With his tall height of 187cm and a very recognizable face, it was like God would reward him.

Although He Xi, played by Lin Yi, will only appear in the subsequent plot, I have already begun to criticize him and Liu Yifei's CP in advance. I wonder what sparks will collide between the two and whether Lin Yi's acting skills will improve.

Look forward to it.


The value of good actors to the series is obvious to the audience.

"The Story of a Rose" was very careful in its casting. It brought together a group of powerful actors to bring out the characteristics of the characters to the fullest, making this drama even more exciting.

The ability of actors with professional backgrounds certainly reassures the audience, but the director does not stick to the threshold of "professional" and allows more non-professional actors with acting skills to exert their strength and jointly create colorful group portraits.

hopes that domestic dramas will be rolled up according to this standard in the future, paying more attention to the acting skills of the actors rather than traffic and celebrity status.

Right now, "The Story of a Rose" is currently on the air. Which actor's performance do you prefer?