The battle for summer dramas in 2024 has begun. After the overwhelming trend of "King of Dramas" "Qing Yu Nian 2" ended, the situation in the drama market was unpredictable. It was thought that Youku's ancient puppet drama "Mo Yu Yunjian" was expected to win the first stop of the

The war for the 2024 summer series has begun.

After the completion of the "King of Dramas" " Celebrating More Than Years 2", which is showing a crushing trend, the situation in the drama market has been unpredictable. It was thought that Youku's ancient puppet drama " Mo Yuyunjian " is expected to win the summer season. At one stop, Xinli Media's " Rose Story " turned out to be "killed".

"The Story of a Rose" starring Liu Yifei and Tong Dawei was released on CCTV 8 on June 8. The ratings on the first night soared to the first place in the same period. The day after the premiere, the popularity on Tencent exceeded 29,000, reaching the top of the v list and Maoyan network popularity list. , Kuyun drama popularity list, Yunhe network public opinion popularity list and many other lists. Huang Yimei, played by Liu Yifei, also topped multiple character popularity lists at the same time, and her popularity remains high.

As "The Story of a Rose" shows a trend of dominating the entire network, Xinli Media, the production company behind it, has also gained the attention of the market. Following " and Fengxing " and "Qing Yu Nian 2", Xinli Media achieved "three consecutive hits" in 2024 and continued to consolidate its position as the industry leader.

2024 is the last year of the new gambling agreement between Xinli Media and China Literature Group. After achieving three consecutive explosions in the first half of the year, completing the gambling does not seem to be a big problem. However, there is still a question mark as to whether Xinli, which carries the film and television business of China Literature Group, can continue to leverage a larger content market for China Literature in the future.

Xinli will support the drama market in 2024

In 2023, Xinli Media’s performance in the drama market was not satisfactory.

Xinli launched a total of five new dramas in 2023, four of which were launched on eight CCTV sets. There are also dramas with high market attention, such as " The Sun Is With Me " starring Xiao Zhan, and "Ratings "Guaranteed" " Even if the Wind Rises " starring Jin Dong, and " Fighting Breaking the Sky " adapted from the big IP. From various dimensions such as subject matter type, actors and casts, IP popularity, number of stars, etc., we can see Xinli's influence and production capabilities as the industry leader.

But objectively speaking, the overall performance of the five drama series did not meet expectations. Even on the basis of increased traffic and easier dissemination of stars, the broadcast effect of the drama series was mediocre. Xinli lacked a drama with both popularity and reputation in 2023. A hit drama. This has also affected Xinli's revenue to a large extent. China Literature Group's 2023 annual performance report clearly mentioned that the decline in ip operating income was caused by the decrease in Xinli Media's revenue.

After entering 2024, the situation in the drama market has completely reversed.

So far in 2024, Xinli has released three new drama series. The outstanding data results have given Xinli Media a strong sense of presence in the first half of the year.

As Xinli's first female-channeled fairy tale drama, "Traveling with the Phoenix" has delivered a perfect report card. The popularity on Tencent's site exceeded 31,000, and the average number of views on the cloud collection was as high as 73 million, surpassing Tencent's new year drama " Blossoms ", Xinli Xianxia won the first battle on the track.

The popularity of "Qing Yu Nian 2" is even more phenomenal. Yunhe's market share has reached an astonishing 55%. It is another TV series after "Crazy" in recent years that has sucked up the entire drama market. , it was actually expected to get such results.

"The Story of a Rose" currently being broadcast by Yangba is an urban drama that Xinli is good at. It is adapted from Yi Shu's novel of the same name, and has the blessing of Liu Yifei, who has never failed in the drama market. At present, it seems that the attention and discussion have been full , is expected to create a new peak of urban drama. The three hit movies of

have propped up the drama market in the first half of 2024, helping Tencent stay far ahead in the competition of long-form video platforms, and also brought Xinli back to popularity.

To summarize Xinli's hit production rules, it is actually the "big IP + strong actors and casts" model of that has been tried and tested . Through Xinli's ability to control content and its influence in the industry, it has obtained better IP, production team and cast, laying the foundation for the birth of hit movies. The number of reservations on Tencent before the broadcast of "Hong Kong Feng" exceeded 8.8 million, and the number of reservations for "Qing Yu Nian 2" exceeded 12 million. The market attention before the broadcast has already determined the lower limit of the series.

In addition to amplifying its advantages in content production, Xinli has innovated in the genre track . In addition to the male videos and urban tracks that it is good at, it has tried the fairy tale theme for the first time and absorbed female videos other than Yuewen. IP resources, combined with Xinli's experience in producing traditional costumes, and realistic character creation. This is the biggest difference between "Traveling with the Phoenix" and ordinary fairy tale dramas on the market, and it also strengthens Xinli's determination to further explore the fairy tale track in the future;

On the other hand, Xinli is more thoughtful in scheduling. "Celebrating More Than Years 2" and "The Story of Roses" are stuck at the beginning of the summer season, a critical period for market recovery, because the mid-to-late 2024 summer season will coincide with the Summer Olympics. , will definitely have a very big impact on the popularity of film and television dramas. Both the movie market and the drama market need to be avoided. Xinli took out the top inventory in advance but achieved unexpected results.

Not surprisingly, relying on the three consecutive hits of dramas in the first half of the year, as well as the investment record-breaking "Hong Kong Phoenix" and "Qing Yu Nian 2", Xinli will most likely reverse the decline in revenue in 2023 and hand over next year A beautiful financial report. Can

bring new growth to China Literature?

’s revenue performance in 2024 is related to whether Xinli can complete the gambling agreement with China Literature.

In August 2020, China Literature and Xinli signed a new gambling agreement, which was changed from a three-year gambling agreement at the time of acquisition in 2018 to a five-year gambling agreement. During 2020-2024, Xinli needs to achieve a minimum net profit of 2 100 million, 300 million, 300 million, 300 million and 300 million, with the highest performance of 400 million, 500 million, 500 million, 500 million and 500 million.

In the first four years of

, Xinli has fulfilled its promised performance. 2024 is the end of the five-year period. The movie " is hot and hot ", which was the main investor in the past, won the Spring Festival championship with a box office of 3.46 billion. The TV series has been launched online for three consecutive series hits, and the completion of the bet seems to be a done deal.

However, completing the bet is not the ultimate goal. Yuewen’s higher expectation is to use Xinli as a fulcrum to leverage a larger content market . The cooperation with Xinli has indeed promoted the visualization of Yuewen IP and realized the professional capabilities of establishing IP industry chain in different fields based on IP. However, an unavoidable problem is that the current growth space brought by Xinli through IP collaboration is limited.

Objectively speaking, after the business integration in 2020 and the opening of the "Troika" era, Xinli has indeed made a considerable contribution to China Literature Group's IP dimension enhancement strategy, and the output of many high-quality film and television works has promoted The improvement of Yuewen IP’s self-building capabilities and industrial chain collaboration capabilities.

However, judging from the revenue data, even if the gambling agreement is completed, cannot conceal the fact that Xinli's ability to attract money continues to decline. . In 2023, Xinli Media's total revenue will be 1.2602 billion yuan, compared with 1.62 billion due to the impact of the epidemic. Yuan revenue has dropped significantly compared with 2022, opening up a wider gap than before the epidemic, which directly led to a 6.1% year-on-year decline in IP operations and other revenue of China Literature Group in 2023.

Thanks to the development of Yuewen’s key IP "Celebrating More Than Years", Xinli’s revenue data in 2024 will most likely be very good, but the reserve of subsequent works makes people sweat, which will make the growth of Yuewen’s film and television business Full of uncertainty.

On the one hand, in order to complete the gambling agreement, Xinli launched a number of top dramas, resulting in insufficient inventory of top dramas. The only one with high market attention is " Da Bong Da Geng" which is being prepared for broadcast. People ", especially in the face of the long production cycle of male videos and big IPs, the follow-up may face the interruption of head dramas;

On the other hand, Xinli's subsequent projects are still mainly male videos and dramas, such as "The Son-in-law 2", "Sword Comes", "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", "The Wind and the Wind", etc. Although male videos have a certain audience and value, compared with female videos, the possibility of making hits is lower. There are many examples on the street.

In fact, after joining China Literature Group, and enjoying the empowerment from the upstream and downstream of China Literature IP industry chain, Xinli actually has a great advantage in the competition of leading film and television companies, allowing Xinli, which has been standing for many years, to further establish itself in the industry. The position of the head.

However, in the face of intensified competition and the emergence of new forces in the film and television industry, Xinli must also find new growth directions in order to bring greater growth to China Literature's film and television business. Xinli's continuous efforts in male channels have allowed Xinli to establish itself as a leader in male channels. In recent years, it has jumped out of Yuewen IP and its cooperation with female channel Xianxia IP is also a new change worthy of attention. According to the producer of "Traveling with Feng" Producer Zheng Zhongli revealed that Xinli will continue to delve into the Xianxia circuit in the future.

After completing the bet and getting rid of the pressure of performance, will Xinli make more new attempts in the creation of film and television content and radiate new vitality? By continuing to output high-quality and popular content, it will maintain its leading position and serve the audience and The market brings more new surprises, which the industry is looking forward to.