Because the recent drama "Mo Yu Yun Jian" produced by Yu Zheng is very popular, everyone has noticed that in this drama, she plays the heroine's stepmother, and she is a bit crazy to criticize the villain Ji Shuran. The actor who plays the role, Chen Qiaoen, was the absolute lead

Because of the recent popularity of Yu Zheng's drama "Mo Yu Yun Jian", everyone has noticed that in this drama, she plays the heroine stepmother, and she is a bit crazy about the villain Ji Shuran. The actor Chen Qiaoen was the absolute eldest daughter in Taiwan's idol dramas back then. host. Among the top 20 most watched classic Taiwanese idol dramas, she alone occupies three seats. In the past, the silly and sweet heroine of idol dramas has now transformed into Cinderella's evil stepmother. This transformation and gap is very big.

She is not the only female lead in Taiwanese idol dramas that has surprised people recently. There is also Ariel Ariel. This year, Jian Qingfen, who is introduced to everyone, is a housewife who is struggling with the trivial matters in real life and has lost the romance of idols.

The heroines of idol dramas who once brought the dream of youth in the hearts of countless girls have now entered the age of middle-aged girls, and their daily lives are filled with trivial matters. In fact, this trend has been foreshadowed for a long time, but everyone is only realizing it later. Only when they saw Chen Qiaoen becoming the stepmother of an idol drama, they suddenly realized that the era of middle-aged girls has really come.

Cinderella becomes a mother-in-law. When

the age of middle-aged women comes, it is something that will definitely happen as time goes by. The heroine of an idol drama who was still 20 years old in the 2000s has become a 40-year-old middle-aged woman in the 2020s. They are still beautiful, but they cannot be completely equated to 20-year-old girls. Given her age, it makes no sense to force herself to be Cinderella.

Take Chen Qiaoen as an example. Before he played the role of stepmother this time, the heroine drama "Queen Dugu" he starred in had to go from a young girl to a powerful one. We can't all blame Chen Qiaoen for not overestimating his abilities when this drama was born. It was indeed a trend of leading female protagonists in those few years, but it would be unjustifiable for any female star who still has some weight in the entertainment industry not to film such a drama. However, if I ask my conscience, can everyone really accept such a Joe Chen playing a girl again?

later returned to the comfort zone and fell in love with Jin Han. I thought back more than ten years ago, when they could have a sparkling CP feeling with just one move. Now the audience can't even tell them with their eyes wide open. Something sparks. Chen Qiaoen herself also quickly got married to a second-generation rich man who was several years younger than her.

As for Ariel Ariel, she is not as embarrassed as Qiaoen Chen. After getting married, she became basically semi-invisible, serving her parents-in-law, mother-in-law and husband. When fans and viewers heard the news about Ariel Ariel, they were told what time to get up at home.

After the heroines of idol dramas living in fairy tales entered another age stage of their lives, their beautiful bubbles burst as soon as they were popped, and they entered the siege of marriage. The former pearls degenerated into fish eyes, and people no longer have them. I think they are Cinderellas living in fairy tales.

Being a villain doesn’t mean you get scolded. The audience has changed.

It’s different from 20 years ago. If you were the second female lead in an idol drama, you would be scolded. Today’s audience has changed and they want to see more complex characters. As long as you act well. I don’t know when the trend of

started. There seems to be such a concept at home and abroad. When we watched Disney princess movies back then, we hoped that the princess would defeat the stepmother and be with the prince. Now when we watch Disney princess movies, we wish that the stepmother would kill the princess. This statement is a bit of a joke. However, this actually shows from another perspective that we no longer just blindly hate those so-called villains, we begin to study more why they are bad.

This time Joe Chen played the role of the villain, and everyone didn’t find it annoying at all, but rather it was very novel. The vicious stepmother with 800 tricks can make people ignore the loose skin on her face and only be immersed in the drama of her eyes.

Ariel Ariel's breakthrough is even greater. Green tea girl Jian Qingfen secretly fights for things that belong to others, imitates everything of others, and seeks the meaning of her own existence. This complex, multi-layered and deep character appears in Ariel Ariel's face. superior.

Audiences will not like Ariel Ariel because of this character, nor will they simply hate her because of what this character has done.Everyone will also study the connotation of this character.

has scripts to choose from. Characters like

are springing up like mushrooms after a rain. This is also because there are more scripts for everyone to choose from. In the past, there was only demand, but now demand and supply are finally matching.

Taiwan Province of China has successively released "The Development of a Common Girl" and "The First Light of the Lantern" to meet everyone. In the future, there will be more dramas about women's awakening that will come to the audience.

Just past June 8, it was officially announced that the film "Blindness", a gay-themed movie produced by Ariel Ariel and starring Lin Yichen, adapted from "Seven Days After My Father" has entered the post-production stage. If women and people of the same sex do not have a script that suits them, they will switch from the demand side to the supply side. This is the power of middle-aged women and the era of middle-aged women.