In this episode of the program, the sisters have completed the fourth round of stage performances. In the next episode, the program team will announce the sisters’ personal rankings. When the recording of the fourth round of stage performances is completed, there is news on the I

In this episode, the sisters have completed the fourth round of stage performances. In the next episode, the program team will announce the sisters’ personal rankings. When the recording of the fourth round of stage performances is completed, it is reported on the Internet that the fourth round of stage performances has been completed. After seeing the current situation in the ranking of stage performances, many netizens couldn't help but ask: If Sigong and He Jie really win the first place, will it slap Shang Wenjie in the face? Dear readers, what do you think?

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The sisters have just completed their team formation and are preparing for the fourth round of the stage. During the performance, the topic "He Jie, Shang Wenjie's Conflict" instantly became a hot search topic. It turned out that during the word segmentation process, He Jie and Shang Wenjie had a conflict. Fortunately, the two sisters responded to this situation live broadcast and hoped that netizens would be on time. Tune in to the next episode and everyone will find the final answer.

In this episode, Shang Wenjie shared that she and her father would often fall out after chatting for no more than 20 minutes. He Jie and her father were very outgoing and excited people. He Jie quickly accepted this explanation, and the frequency was indeed different. People don’t have to be friends, becoming colleagues is also a good thing.

After the fourth round of stage performances, we can see that Chen Haoyu's group successfully counterattacked, while Qi Wei's group was in danger of being disbanded. Many netizens were very surprised to see the rankings of the four groups, because Sa Dingding Tuan ranked last.

Judging from the news coming out on the Internet, in the fourth round of personal rankings for stage performances, He Jie will achieve a "counterattack" because she will win first place, while Chen Haoyu's ranking will rise rapidly again and win second place. , the rankings of Qi Wei, Chen Lijun, and Liu Xin all dropped.

At first, netizens did not believe it, but after seeing the Reuters team rankings, the credibility of the news spread online was still very high. At this time, some netizens couldn't help but ask: If He Jie really ranked first, would he beat Shang Wenjie? face? After all, the two of them had just had a conflict. In fact, such worries were completely unnecessary.

When this show first aired, many netizens thought that it was possible for both Shang Wenjie and He Jie to win the championship. However, judging from the current situation, Shang Wenjie did not compete at all and completed her stage seriously, so she later counterattacked. The possibility is unlikely. If there was no conflict, there is a high probability that Shang Wenjie would have played seriously and successfully entered the finals.

In the first round of stage performances, Liu Xin successfully counterattacked and won first place. In the second round of stage performances, Qi Wei won first place. In the third round of stage performances, Chen Lijun had a very good performance, so she Got first place.

If He Jie really won the first place in the fourth round of stage performances, many netizens felt that something was wrong. It was not because He Jie’s professional ability was not strong, but because He Jie’s performance in the fourth round of stage performances was not outstanding. Eyes, her group ranked last. For the collaboration show with her sister, their group sent Sa Ding Ding . In other words, He Jie didn’t have many scenes and performances. In comparison, the best in this issue The dazzling group is Chen Haoyu's team, and the stage performance is Chen Lijun, because the group song chosen by their group is very suitable for her.

According to people familiar with the matter, He Jie's ranking will drop in the fifth round of stage performances. Seeing such news, netizens were even more confused. Has He Jie been pushed out to block hot searches again?

"Chengfeng 2024" is about to usher in the finals. After the finals, the sisters will bid farewell to the stage of "Chengfeng 2024". For many sisters, they will hardly interact with each other. Judging from the current situation, this "Chengfeng 2024" successfully allowed Chen Haoyu to be seen by more people, and she also became famous with the popularity of her role.

Dear readers, which sisters do you think will form a group? Let us look forward to the arrival of the finals together!