"This message may contain inappropriate content." Recently, some parents reported on social media that when chatting with their children through the Xiaotianzi Phone Watch App, expressions such as "I am your mother" and "Break your legs" were blocked by the system. The prompt "ma

"This message may contain inappropriate content."

Recently, on social media, some parents reported that when chatting with their children through the Little Genius Phone Watch app, they used expressions such as "I am your mother" and "Break your legs". The system prompts "may contain inappropriate content", which makes people laugh and cry. What happened to


drives every parent crazy?

Recently, Luo Xing (pseudonym) from Zhengzhou came across the restrictions on some "sensitive words" on the Little Genius Phone Watch on social media, and found it incredible. Out of curiosity, she tried it too.

"'I am your mother', 'I am your mother', 'Baby son, I am your mother', 'Come back quickly or I will break your doggy style', 'I will beat your doggystyle', these words cannot be uttered, The system prompts that 'this message may contain inappropriate content', and it is okay to send 'Son, I am mom'." Luo Xing said that this had never happened to him before when he communicated with his children through the Xiaotiantian Phone Watch app. Condition.

▲Photo provided by the interviewee

"I have never sent 'break legs' or similar content to my children before. I don't know if there are no banned words, or if the little genius's phone watch did not have these restrictions before." Luo Xing said.

A message recently sent by Song Yi (pseudonym) to her children was also judged as a prohibited word by the Little Genius Phone Watch. “My child asked me how many times a day I should take cough medicine, and I said three times a day, and then the system prompted, ‘This message may contain inappropriate content.’”

▲Photo provided by the interviewee

Xiaotian’s phone watch also has restrictions on the sending of pictures. In November last year, Du Hua (pseudonym) from Beijing was going to buy a set of extracurricular reading called "Moxixi Magic Diary" for her child, so she sent the book cover to her child through the little genius phone watch to ask for her opinion. stay home.

"I don't quite understand where the blocking point is, and I don't understand the system's review logic. I think the system should group some restrictions on some sensitive words and banned words. Do private chats between family members need such harsh restrictions? "Du Hua said that she has never encountered a similar situation in the process of text communication with her children. "If this kind of chat content (referring to Song Yi's example) is restricted, then what is the meaning of the existence of this watch?"

netizen also joked, "The little genius phone watch has its own understanding of prohibited words. "Driving every parent crazy" "There are not many words left for the little genius."

As for whether the Little Genius Phone Watch’s review logic for banned words will cause trouble for communication between parents and children, Luo Xing mentioned, “I know there are such restrictions, just pay a little attention, and this restriction will also purify children’s communication with them. Chat between children. "

Song Yi also said, "If I can't post it, I'll just say it in another way."

responded: The system will filter out phrases that involve pornography and violence.

20, for the previous Regarding the restrictions on prohibited words mentioned in the article, Sino-Singapore Jingwei called the official customer service of Xiaotiantian Phone Watch as a parent. The other party said that because most of the people using phone watches are children, Xiaotiantian Phone Watch has designed some functions to protect children. "We also want to create a green communication environment. Some sensitive words or uncivilized words cannot be sent out. Whether it is parents chatting with their children or children chatting with each other, these contents cannot be sent out."

mentioned the prohibition. Regarding the review logic of words, the official customer service of Xiaotiantian Phone Watch stated that the system has both a filtering mechanism and manual review.

Some netizens reported that when they arranged for their children to do homework in the evening, they sent a message to their children to do it at night, and the system prompted them that "it may contain inappropriate content."

▲ Source: Social media screenshot

mentioned this case, the above customer service said, "(Send) 'do it at night' you have to add a suffix, what to do. This 'do' system has judgment. Because other watch users will Post those (prohibited words), so the system will remind you all.”

The customer service said that Xiaotiantian Phone Watch will filter content related to pornography, violence, and some phrases with hidden meanings, and also manually. Review."(Posting) (content) with hidden meanings will be marked as a reminder by the system and will not be directly blocked. However, if you curse someone, the system will directly block the account and ban you."

The above-mentioned customer service said that Xiaotiantian's phone watch has recently been enhanced "In fact, it has been tightened, and there has always been manual review, but now it is getting stronger and (the system) reminds more frequently."

According to media reports, recently, the head of a family posted a message saying that he found his daughter's The little genius's phone watch received obscene graphic messages from his friends. He said that his daughter’s watch had received messages from the other party before, but some messages and pictures were intercepted.

“I don’t know why it wasn’t intercepted this time.” The parent was worried that the person was pretending to be an adult and specifically targeted the child. He felt that it would be better if there was a function that could synchronize the information on the child’s watch to the parent’s mobile phone. At present, the parent has reported the case.

Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the China Academy of Educational Sciences, told Sino-Singapore Jingwei that the Xiaotiantian Phone Watch has a good starting point for controlling banned words, but as for the effectiveness of the control, it must be considered based on user experience.

Hu Gang, deputy secretary-general of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Internet Society of China and a member of the China Consumers Association's legal team, told Sino-Singapore Jingwei that taking technical measures to screen relevant network information, or setting necessary prompt words and taboo words for network information, must strictly abide by the law. , legitimate principles.

According to public reports, China is the world’s largest consumer market for children’s smart watches. There are approximately 170 million children in China aged 5 to 12 years old. The market penetration rate of children's smart watches is about 30%. About 1 in every 3 children has a smart watch.

Among them, Xiaocai Tiancai is the leading brand in the children’s smart watch market. The full name of the company to which the Xiaotiantian brand belongs is Guangdong Xiaotiantian Technology Co., Ltd., which is 100% controlled by Dongguan BBK Education Technology Co., Ltd., which is one of the three major companies spun off from BBK by business tycoon Duan Yongping. Tianyancha shows that currently, the legal representative of Guangdong Xiaocai Tiancai Technology Co., Ltd. is Liu Tao, who is also the chairman of the company.

According to data from Whale Consultant, in the field of children's smart watches, there are already many senior players in the industry such as Xiaotiantian Phone Watch, 360 Children's Watch, Xiaomi Mi Rabbit Watch, Aibaifen, and Huawei. At present, Xiaocai Cai, Huawei, Xiaomi and other brands have relatively leading market shares. Among them, the market share of Xiaotianzi children's smart watches exceeds 50%, the Huawei brand accounts for about 25%, and the Xiaomi brand also accounts for more than 9%.

Source: Sino-Singapore Jingwei