Yu Chengqing happily posted funny photos of him and his son on various platforms. Enli graduated from college this year, and his father came to New York from Taiwan, China, to attend his son's graduation ceremony. It is not difficult to see the old father's excitement in Yu Cheng

Yu Chengqing happily posted funny photos of him and his son on various platforms. Enli graduated from college this year, and his father came to New York from Taiwan, China, to attend his son's graduation ceremony.

In Yu Chengqing's words, it is not difficult to see the excitement of the old father. He said that his Harry Potter had finally graduated from Gryffindor and was about to start his real magical life. Even if he has remarried and has a son and a daughter, the child's status in his mind is still very important.

For such an important life occasion, Yi Nengjing will definitely not be absent. I had already posted a photo with my son on other platforms before, and I also replied to netizens that I would sort out the complete video for everyone to see in a while.

Although Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing did not achieve the great marriage of the century, the two of them have become divorce models in the entertainment industry.

Women's clothing is not rebellious.

Enli was the first to become famous because he wore women's clothing.

Why does a child from a divorced family attract everyone's attention when he wears women's clothing? This logic can be understood without further explanation.

People take it for granted that their parents were not around when they were young, and when they grew up, they wore women's clothing to attract attention and acted rebelliously. After Enli posted several pictures of her inappropriately dressed clothes on external social media, Yi Nengjing first stood up and spoke out for her son. However, if netizens who don’t understand them come to see it, prejudice has always been prejudice and cannot be washed away. , the matter of wearing women's clothing is strange for a boy no matter how you explain it.

This stereotype didn’t exist until an interview and a Q&A by Enli himself this year, which made everyone exclaim, “Oh my god, where did this treasure boy come from?” Live more consciously than anyone else.

First of all, there was an interview. The question was very direct and straight to the point, asking why Enli always wears women's clothes. Enli was not vague at all, answered this question with clear logic and complete structure, and convinced many people. In particular, this question carries a sarcastic provocation from some people: Is Enli a woman? He was still polite and his tone was gentle, but he answered the questions firmly. Wearing women's clothes and skirts was not a rigid definition for him. After the interview with

, people discovered that it was not that he had transvestism or that he was gay, but that he was very masculine. He was an artist who wanted to express a soft look. , and we ourselves are the ones who are short-sighted and short-sighted. Enli is an artist who truly has his own ideas and creativity.

especially talked about the matter of his second-generation star. Enli did not say that he wanted to surpass his parents and prove it to his parents like others. Instead, he said frankly that he enjoyed many things that others could not enjoy. and treatment. If you can see the good things you have, you should also be a person with good things in your heart.

It is because of this interview that people are calling for Enli more and more, so Enli is also very polite and specially compiled a lot of questions and made an answer video for everyone. After this video was released, he had more than 300,000 fans under a Xiaomoushu account with only three contents.

video The conversation he showed and the depth of his thinking amazed many education bloggers overnight, analyzing Yi Nengjing’s family education. I remembered that Yi Nengjing praised her everywhere before and said how good her son was. It turned out that she was not just selling melons, but the real deal.

also talked about the conflict between men and women, a topic that is easy to be ignored and sensitive, and he also answered it very well. Moreover, he also said that he also reaped the male bonus. From his expression and conversation, everyone can read his profound thoughts. Even if he doesn't debut, he already has countless fans.

Both parties remarried happily. Their families had different conflicts.

The marriage between Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing ended in failure, but the family they re-established has its own advantages.

Yu Chengqing’s remarried wife is Zhang Jiaxin, a host in Taiwan, China, who is 14 years younger than Yu Chengqing. When they got married, Yu Chengqing was 55 years old and Zhang Jiaxin was 41 years old. After the marriage, they had a son and a daughter. Yu Chengqing, who is no longer at the peak of his career and life, has also shed all his burdens and is willing to go out hand in hand with his wife every day.

Yi Nengjing is very familiar to everyone. Her relationship with Qin Hao has entered the material case library of all marriage and love bloggers.

Every time Qin Hao's new drama is aired, everyone is waiting to see when Yi Nengjing will release a short composition. There is even a legend on the Internet that no man who has passed Yi Neng's hand has failed. Yi Nengjing also joked in the live broadcast room that her family now has its own differences.

Yi Nengjing's mother-in-law, who is also Qin Hao's mother, has several advertisements for probiotics and waist patches for the elderly, rushing to get this interesting old lady to advertise.

Enli, needless to say, became the little prince in everyone's mind. Yi Nengjing herself is successful in losing weight and bringing goods.

Although Qin Hao has made some mistakes recently in "Harbin 1944" and everyone talks about how virtuous he is in his performance, he should be at his true level at the recent Cannes Film Festival.

The happiness of the entire extended family is actually the best proof from the side that Enli also lives a happy life. They all live a contented life now.